Can We Figure Out Your Spirit Animal in Just 30 Questions?

By: Monica Lee
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Figure Out Your Spirit Animal in Just 30 Questions?
Image: Picture by Tambako the Jaguar/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Know thyself. It's a big step toward finding your ultimate happiness. Revealing your spirit animal can also help you understand why you act and react the way you do. For instance, let's say you have a personality of a lion. Receiving a limp handshake from a person with a mousy personality might make you want to swat them away (physically or verbally) without you understanding why. Whereas you may also feel the need to dominate the situation when another lion-type person approaches. Â 

With knowledge comes power. You can learn to play up the good traits of your animal spirit, and modify your bad traits to make your life more fun and balanced. Knowing your animal spirit can help you gain insights into your decisions and help you sort out which people should be in your life ... or out. Of course, you could have an owl personality, which is more balanced and thoughtful, or a straight and true eagle, or a clever fox, you name it. 

We'll ask you questions about your likes, dislikes, personality traits and how you interact socially, to get a personality profile that matches the animal spirit that describes you best. The result is worth knowing. Take the quiz now and see if you roar or soar. 

What kind of restaurant do you prefer?
A nice restaurant that is quiet so we can talk.
A restaurant that is health conscious and environmentally conscious.
A restaurant that is hip, fun, and high energy.
I like trying new restaurants, so I'm game for anything.
When it comes to your favorite food, what is it?
Fresh fish and vegetables.
Meat, fish, chicken with plenty of barbecue or hot sauce.
I have too many favorites to narrow it down.
The most important thing in your morning routine is what?
Mediation or having some kind of me-time.
Exercise and connecting with my family.
Sleeping as late as possible.
Breakfast with coffee.


What kinds of animals do you like the most?
All type of birds, their beauty and grace.
Strong animals like elephants, rhinos, bears and others.
Predatory animals like lions, tigers, cheetahs and more.
Clever animals like foxes, raccoons, otters and others.
What is your sleeping position?
On my back, sometime I lay awake with my eyes open.
On my side.
Sprawled across the bed, I need room.
Switching positions throughout the night.
Would you call yourself an introvert or extrovert?
An extrovert that can be an introvert at times.
An introvert who can be an extrovert at times.


When you're overtired, what do you want to do?
Think and plan quietly.
Put on loud music to wake me up.
Chill with TV, play video games ... something that doesn't take concentration.
What's your favorite color?
Sky blue
Purple, the color of royalty.
Fire red
Gem colors like ruby, sapphire, etc.
What's your go-to drink?
Green drink
Power drink


If you could be anything which of these would you be?
Be in strategic management.
Work on a wild game reserve.
Creative Director
Do you enjoy dancing on a date?
If I like the music, then okay.
It's not my favorite thing to do, but sure.
Do you appreciate other people?
Always. And I go out of my way to acknowledge it.
Sometimes I don't notice that they're doing something for me.
Not as much as I should.


What kind of dare would you do?
Go on "Jeopardy" as a contestant.
Go skydiving.
A "Survivor" type of challenge in the jungle.
"Amazing Race" type of challenge.
What is the best thing to do on a vacation?
Be on a beach, reading and relaxing.
Go mountain climbing.
Go on a safari.
Go visit interesting cities like Rome or Paris.
If you were to play a role in a film, what part would you play?
I'll be in the background, I like to watch the action.
The hero or protagonist.
The villain because the role is always juicy.
A supporting role, like the doctor or lawyer who comes up with the final piece of evidence.


What would be found on your office desk?
You would see everything organized neatly.
You would see the large number of big projects I'm working on.
You would see a messy desk, but there's an organization within it.
You would see pictures of my family and whatever I'm working on right now.
What's the most important feature of a car?
Sophisticated controls like rear and side sensors.
What cool gadget would you get if you could?
Surveillance equipment including night-vision goggles.
A super-sonic airplane.
Powerful ground equipment like bulldozers or backhoes.
An awesome sound and video system.


When you look at a delicious meal, what gets to you first?
The sizzling sound of the meat. I can't wait to dig in.
The smells are so enticing, but I'll wait until everyone is serverd.
The presentation is gorgeous. I almost don't want to ruin it by eating it, but I will.
No hesitation, I'm eating it immediately.
When you're running errands, what do you wear?
I like to wear black mostly.
I like to look sharp, so nice slacks and top.
I like to stand out, so something flashy.
I like to be comfortable, so jeans.
If you had all the money in the world, what would you do?
Take off and be on my own.
Give the majority to charity while still having enough for me and my family.
Throw parties, go to luxurious places and enjoy being generous.
Squirrel enough money away for family and friends, then explore the world.


What word(s) would your best friend use to describe you?
Role model
Center of attention
Clever and fun.
Which of these phrases might you say or think?
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Stop with the details, you need a bird's eye view.
Always put a brave face on.
Clever as a fox.
What item would bug you the most about a room?
No curtains
Not enough room, too cramped
An uncomfortable couch.
Bad entertainment system.


How do you prefer the lighting in your room?
I like it pretty dark.
Natural light streaming in from the windows is best.
I like it bright.
I like it dim to dark.
What's your budget like?
I try to put money away each month.
I have a healthy savings account.
I live paycheck to paycheck.
I get by, some months better than other months.
What do you like doing when you're not working?
Reading and relaxing
Going out in nature.
Finding new spots to hang out.


What kind of pictures are mostly in your home?
Pictures of abstract things, that you really need to look at for awhile.
Pictures of scenery.
Pictures of animals.
Pictures of family.
What kind of pet would you choose to live with you?
A bird
Aquarium fish
A cat
A dog
You go to the zoo, what exhibit do you go to first?
Small mammals
