Can You Identify These "Star Wars" Characters If We Make Them Look Like Kids?

By: Brittany Rowland
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can You Identify These "Star Wars" Characters If We Make Them Look Like Kids?
Image: Lucasfilm Ltd. / Jekaterina Nikitina / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The "Star Wars" series has won over countless fans who relish the thrilling stories of good versus evil, dashing heroes and ruthless villains, breathtaking space battles and a wild assortment of aliens! Sure, the latest chapter of the series, "The Rise of Skywalker," has already opened in theaters, but fans don't have to grieve the end of their favorite fantasy world. The story is far from over!

For example, the new "Star Wars" Disney+ show "The Mandalorian" features a surprise character: the Child, an indescribably adorable baby of the same species as Yoda. He may not be talking just yet, but he can already use his formidable powers to deflect blaster bolts and heal mortal injuries. Fans went nuts for "Baby Yoda" and speculated about the mysterious past of this Force-sensitive baby. The little one is the internet's latest obsession! 

This prompted us to wonder what the other "Star Wars" characters would look like as little kids. Well, wonder no longer! All of your favorite characters, major and minor, heroes and villains, appear in this quiz as chubby-cheeked, wide-eyed wee ones! And it's your job to identify them! Prove you're one with the Force and name these characters before they were the icons you know and love.

Emperor Palpatine
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images
This little one belongs in the naughty corner! Who is he?
Anakin Skywalker
Emperor Palpatine
Grand Moff Tarkin
Admiral Motti
Han Solo
Lucasfilm Ltd. / ArtMarie / E+ / Getty Images
Who is this baby-faced smuggler and rogue?
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
Kylo Ren
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Can you name this character when he looks like a little kid?
Kylo Ren
Admiral Piett
General Hux
Chairman Papanoida


Luke Skywalker
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images
Don't give this kid a lightsaber just yet. Who is he?
Lor San Tekka
Lando Calrissian
Major Bren Derlin
Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia
Lucasfilm Ltd. / BlackJack3D / E+ / Getty Images
Can you identify this character if we make her look like a kid?
Princess Leia
Shmi Skywalker
Padmé Amidala
Mon Mothma
Lando Calrissian
Lucasfilm Ltd. / mapodile / E+ / Getty Images
Do you recognize this "Star Wars" character when he's a kid?
Dak Ralter
Lando Calrissian
Jek Tono Porkins


Lucasfilm Ltd. / Daniela Solomon / Moment / Getty Images
Who's this de-aged character?
Padme Amidala
Admiral Holdo
Jyn Erso
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Bad Robot Productions / UntitledImages / E+ / Getty Images
Can you tell us who this kid is?
Wedge Antilles
Dr. Cornelius Evazan
Bail Organa
Poe Dameron
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Bad Robot Productions / Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
This kid may already be a hotshot pilot! What's his name?
Han Solo
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron


Qui-Gon Jinn
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Jade Gibson Price / Moment / Getty Images
Do you recognize this baby-faced "Star Wars" character?
Mace Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Cassian Andor
Qui-Gon Jinn
Lucasfilm / Fairview Entertainment / Golem Creations
Who is this Force-strong "Star Wars" baby who started the trend?
Baby Yoda
Baby Ewok
Baby Porg
Baby Jar Jar
Grand Moff Tarkin
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images
Before he was blowing up planets, this character was a tiny kiddo! Who is he?
Admiral Ackbar
Grand Moff Tarkin
Darth Vader
Count Dooku


Obi-Wan Kenobi NEW
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images
This kid might use Jedi mind tricks on you! Who is he?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Count Dooku
Mace Windu
Mon Mothma
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Image Source / Getty Images
Do you recognize this "Star Wars" character?
Jyn Erso
Princess Leia
Rose Tico
Mon Mothma
Padme Amidala
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Layland Masuda / Moment / Getty Images
Can you name this "Star Wars" kid?
Padme Amidala
Princess Leia
Shmi Skywalker
Mon Mothma


Supreme Leader Snoke
Lucasfilm Ltd. / sankai / E+ / Getty Images
This little guy may have given his mom nightmares! What's his name?
Supreme Leader Snoke
Darth Vader
Emperor Palpatine
Grand Moff Tarkin
Rose Tico
Lucasfilm Ltd. / kool99 / E+ / Getty Images
Do you recognize this character when she's a kid?
Admiral Holdo
Rose Tico
Jyn Erso
Princess Leia
Lucasfilm Ltd. / DEV IMAGES / Moment / Getty Images
Who is this ill-fated "Star Wars" character?
Nien Nunb
Sy Snootles
General Madine


General Hux
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Bad Robot Productions / Michael Svoboda / E+ / Getty Images
Can you name this red-headed tot?
Han Solo
Enfys Nest
Dryden Vos
General Hux
Admiral Holdo
Lucasfilm Ltd. / sankai / E+ / Getty Images
Who is this character? Does the purple hair give it away?
Admiral Holdo
Padme Amidala
Rose Tico
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Fancy / Veer / Corbis / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Can you identify this character when she looks like this?
Jyn Erso
Mon Mothma
Admiral Holdo


Bib Fortuna
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Who is this character? Do the tentacles give it away?
Jabba the Hutt
Salacious Crumb
Bib Fortuna
Max Rebo
Saw Gerrera
Lucasfilm Ltd. / LaraBelova / E+ / Getty Images
Who is this "Star Wars" character?
Cassian Andor
Lando Calrissian
Saw Gerrera
General Hux
Jyn Erso
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Daniela Solomon / Moment / Getty Images
Do you recognize this person when she's a little kid?
Rose Tico
Jyn Erso


Cassian Andor
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you still recognize this person when he looks like a kid?
Cassian Andor
Dryden Vos
Lando Calrissian
Han Solo
Bail Organa
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images
Who does this kid become in the "Star Wars" films?
Orson Krennic
Bail Organa
Darth Vader
Galen Erso
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Image Source / Getty Images
This kid is high-tech! Who is he?
Wedge Antilles


Bodhi Rook
Lucasfilm Ltd. / SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Do you recognize this "Star Wars" character?
Bodhi Rook
Baze Malbus
Dryden Vos
Chirrut Imwe
Wedge Antilles
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images
Who is this little guy who becomes a famous pilot?
Poe Dameron
Wedge Antilles
Han Solo
Nien Nunb
Admiral Motti
Lucasfilm Ltd. / Isabel Pavia / Moment / Getty Images
Do you recognize this character from "A New Hope"?
Grand Moff Tarkin
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Darth Vader
Admiral Motti
