Can You Name the Kitchen Gadget?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Can You Name the Kitchen Gadget?
Image: ideabug / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's so hard to walk into a kitchen supply or home goods store and not walk out with everything in the kitchen section. There's some things that you definitely need, like knives and pans, and some things that aren't necessary like an egg boiler and bamboo steamer. Sure, they're fun to have and learn how to use, but if you're a beginner, stick to the basics.

If you've already got the basics down, then you can branch out into some of the other fun gadgets that really only have one specific purpose. But who cares? If you've got the space to store them and you don't mind cleaning them, then go for it! Maybe you've seen pictures of kitchen tools that you'd like to try but wouldn't know where to start buying them because you don't know what they're called. That's pretty normal, and this quiz is not only designed to see how many kitchen gadgets you can already name, but to help you figure out the names of ones that you've seen before. You might even surprise yourself with how much you know! Are you ready? Great! Take this quiz now to see how many kitchen gadgets you can name!

1 Peeler
C Squared Studios / Photodisc / Getty Images
Whether you're getting some good pieces or Parmesan or taking the rind off of your produce, this kitchen tool is right for the task. Which is it?
Pizza wheel
2 cutting board
Emilija Manevska / Moment / Getty Images
These tools will be your trusty sidekicks with any recipe you make, and having an assortment for meat and produce is best. Which is it?
Cutting boards
Counter tops
Butcher block
3 Spiralizer
Gillian Vann / Moment / Getty Images
For a lower-carb Italian dinner, use which kitchen gadget to make noodles out of vegetables?
Pasta machine
Sushi roller
Ravioli wheel


4 Meat thermometer
OKRAD / E+ / Getty Images
Judging the doneness of your proteins is hard if you don't know what to look for. Which kitchen gadget below is there to help?
Oven timer
Candy thermometer
Meat thermometer
5 Dutch oven
GMVozd / E+ / Getty Images
This vessel is great for baking bread, making soups and you can even make a one-pot chicken pot pie in or out of the oven. Which is it?
Casserole dish
Dutch oven
Popover pan
Stock pot
6 Cast iron skillet
Comstock / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Make sure not to wash which pan below with soap, and season it well before the next use?
Green pan
Anodized skillet
Cast iron skillet


7 Measuring cup
Stratol / E+ / Getty Images
If volume is what you're trying to accomplish, this pitcher-style tool is ideal for the liquids in a recipe. Which is it?
Measuring spoon
Measuring cup
Kitchen spoons
8 Silicon spatula
Lew Robertson / Corbis / Getty Images
Once you've got your mixture in your bowl, now you have to get it out. Which kitchen tool below is soft enough to get into all the crevices and wipe the sides clean?
Silicon spatula
Flexible scraper
Bench scraper
Your hands
9 Hand mixer
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
If your project doesn't call for a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, which kitchen tool is the next best thing for combining ingredients?
Slotted spoon
Wooden spoon
Hand mixer


10 Tongs
carlosalvarez / E+ / Getty Images
Flipping things or getting them out of a pan isn't always easy, especially if they're slippery or fragile. Which elbow spring tool makes it easier?
Serving spoon
11 Grater
Photo by Cathy Scola / Moment / Getty Images
For cheese, vegetables or anything else that's big that you want small, which kitchen tool works for all of it?
12 Food processor
Reviewed / YouTube
Whether you're making dough, grinding meat or making nut butter, which kitchen gadget serves all those needs?
Stand mixer
Vegetable chopper
Food processor
Slotted masher


13 Splatter guard
The Grommet / YouTube
Fried food is basically the best, but frying food is basically the worst. Which kitchen tool below protects your soft skin from scorching oil?
Oven mits
Splatter guard
14 Garlic press
Howard Shooter / Getty Images
Once you chop garlic, your hands smell like it for days. Which tool below makes for hands-free garlic chopping?
Garlic masher
Garlic press
Knife heel
15 Mandoline
Progressive International / YouTube
For the thinnest of slices without slicing off your fingers (if you use it right), which kitchen gadget will give you results you can see through?
Boning knife
Food processor


16 Mortar and pestle
hmproudlove / E+ / Getty Images
To make sauces like pesto in a traditional way, which bowl and wand kitchen tool is the best to use?
Spice grinder
Mortar and pestle
Herb masher
17 Immersion blender
Your Best Digs / YouTube
If you want to get your soups and sauces as creamy as they can be without taking the hot liquid out of the pan, use which tool to smooth it out where it sits?
Stand blender
Bullet blender
Immersion blender
18 Batter dispenser
Pampered Chef / YouTube
For the perfect pancakes and waffles, get this gadget to really step up your weekend breakfast game. What is it?
Pastry bag
Batter dispenser


19 Tea infuser
clagge / E+ / Getty Images
Cuddling up with a nice warm cup of tea is a lot of people's favorite activity, and the experience of steeping is heightened with which fun kitchen gadget?
Tea bag
Tea kettle
Tea infuser
Tea cup
20 Avocado slicer
Stephanie Manley / YouTube
These tricky green fat bombs, which are actually fruits, are challenging due to their soft texture. Which gadget below gets through them in a breeze?
Avocado slicer
Paring knife
21 Automatic jar opener
Wiki Commons by Mark Sanders
A brand new container of salsa sounds so good! This gadget below will make sure you don't have to cramp your hand getting it open.
Rubber band
Automatic jar opener
Can opener


22 Herb scissors
Wiki Commons by Raimond Spekking
Slicing and chopping tiny ingredients isn't so easy with an eight-inch chef's knife. Which kitchen gadget below will cut your parsley with ease?
Chicken shears
Food chopper
Herb scissors
Food processor
23 Churner
The Grommet / YouTube
If butter is your favorite food but your habit is getting a bit expensive, make it at home the old school way with which man-powered gadget?
Ice cream sphere
Bullet blender
Stand mixer
24 Onion goggles
Barry Lewis / YouTube
They make you cry even when you're not sad, but there's a way around it! Which gadget will protect your eyes from the evil bulb?
Sliced bread
Onion goggles
Fake lens glasses
Wet kitchen towel


25 Kale razor
The Grommet / YouTube
This gadget has a very specific name, but it can be used on any fibrous and thick-stemmed leafy green. Which is it?
Lettuce spinner
Herb trimmer
Kale razor
Vegetable chopper
26 Snap on strainer
LeeValleyTools / YouTube
You only have two hands, and if both of them are holding hot handles, you don't have any left for draining. Which gadget will help?
Steam basket
Snap-on strainer
27 Pitter
Colorful Canary / YouTube
If you love eating cherries and olives but hate almost breaking your tooth on the hard bits, get which gadget below to get it out before you put it in your mouth?


28 Automatic pan stirrer
Cooking With Jack Show / YouTube
Listen, you're busy. You don't have time to babysit your dinner. Which kitchen tool below does the job for you?
Pan stirrer
Wooden spoon
29 Shredder claws
The Grommet / YouTube
Chicken salad and barbecue pork sandwiches are delicious, but your forearms better be ready for a workout unless you have which tool below?
Shredder claws
Pulling forks
30 Burr grinder
Whole Latte Love / YouTube
You can't start your day with a bad cup, so get which kitchen gadget for the freshest cuppa out there?
Spice grinder
High speed blender
Mortar and pestle
Burr grinder


31 Food mill
Granite Ware / YouTube
For perfectly smooth and creamy potatoes, first put them through which kitchen tool below?
Stand mixer
Hand mixer
Food mill
32 Honing rod
Cutlery and More / YouTube
The sharpness of a knife doesn't last forever, and while this tool won't sharpen the blade, it will straighten the teeth, making it seem sharper. Which is it?
Ceramic blade
Steel rod
Honing rod
Whet stone
33 Apple corer
Jupiterimages / Stockbyte / Getty Images
To get the most you can out of this particular stone fruit, take the center out with which kitchen gadget?
Avocado sheller
Olive pitter
Pineapple slicer
Apple corer


34 Bagel guillotine
9malls / YouTube
Unless you want to eat the thing whole, having two halves of it gives you more surface area for cream cheese. Which tool splits it right down the middle?
Bagel guillotine
Bread knife
Serrated knife
35 Salad spinner
StatUpBox / YouTube
Having a healthy dinner doesn't have to be hard or boring. Using which kitchen tool will get your lettuces ready for your table?
Salad spinner
Kitchen towel
36 Bottle stopper
Prokraft / YouTube
Lots of things you cook with come in jars and glass bottles and sometimes you lose the lids. Which tool below stops the contents from going bad or spilling?
Screw top
Bottle cap
Bottle stopper


37 Stainless steel skillet
Southern Kitchen / YouTube
To achieve the Maillard reaction, or get a good sear, you need a certain material. Which cookware needs a good polish for a good sear?
Stainless steel skillet
Non stick pan
Sauce pan
Diamond pan
38 Cambros
SDSBBQ / YouTube
These will replace almost all of your storage needs because of their size, stackability and simple design. Which one will store your leftover ambrosia just fine?
Pyrex glass storage
39 Kitchen shears
Sal / YouTube
This kitchen gadget can get through even the toughest of ingredients with ease due to their hearty handles and sharp blades. Which is it?
Serrated knife
Boning knife
Kitchen shears
Paring knife


40 Sous vide
Everyday Food / YouTube
If you want perfectly cooked meat, eggs or tempered chocolate almost any time, which temperature controlling gadget below will make that happen?
Storage bags
Sous vide