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Game shows come in many forms, from basic trivia to guessing the prices of consumer goods to answering bawdy questions about your spouse. Can you name these game show classics?
In this 1950s game show, infamous for its role in the "quiz show scandals," contestants in sealed booths competed to answer trivia questions worth points, trying to bring their point total to a particular score.
"Battle of the Ages"
"Winner Take All"
On this show, which stayed on the air for decades, contestants were asked to answer a difficult trivia question in a ridiculously short time. If they failed (which they usually did), they were then forced to perform some kind of wacky stunt challenge.
"Double Dare"
"Truth or Consequences"
"Press Your Luck"
This show debuted in the 1970s and featured a randomized display of topics that could be modified if certain "cards" appeared. The final round was called "Face the Devil." Its most well-known host was Wink Martindale.
"American Bible Challenge"
"Split Second"
"The Joker's Wild"
In this game, contestants had to answer trivia questions. Correct answers let them place an "x" or an "o" on a simple 3-by-3 grid.
"Tic Tac Dough"
On this game show, contestants had to answer a series of increasingly difficult trivia questions on a single subject, with the prize amount doubling for each correct answer. The final question was worth $64,000.
"The $64,000 Question"
"Caesars Challenge"
"Think Fast"
Although it only ran for one season, this game show was well-known for its role in the quiz show scandal and its novel premise - competitors had to identify an incomplete portrait by playing connect-the-dots, earning dot connections by answering trivia questions.
"Quick as a Flash"
"What's the Story?"
On this '90s game show, contestants sat in reclining leather chairs and answered questions about pop culture. Whoever was in last place at the end of a round was pulled through a hole in the wall of the faux basement studio.
"Kwik Witz"
"Remote Control"
"Rhyme and Reason"
This long-running show required contestants to complete some kind of manual dexterity stunt, often involving balancing an object precariously or hitting a target with a thrown object. The stunts had to be completed before the timer ran out.
"Beat the Clock"
"It's Your Move"
"Make That Spare"
This show was hosted by Groucho Marx, with teams of contestants wagering their cash on trivia questions. If someone spoke the secret word, they'd get a cash bonus.
"Missus Goes a Shopping"
"You Bet Your Life"
"Pass the Buck"
The goal of this show, which debuted in the 1950s and had a long run in the 1970s, was to identify a song while only hearing a short portion of it.
"Name That Tune"
"Say When!!"
This trivia show is still on the air today and is most notable for its Daily Doubles and reverse answer/question format.
"Snap Judgment"
This game show is famous both for the animated "Whammy" and the contestant who figured out the game board's pattern and developed an unbeatable strategy that allowed him to win over $100,000 in a single episode.
"Press Your Luck"
This trivia show started out on radio, then moved to TV. It was controversial due to the fact that it exploited poor people, bringing them on as contestants and having them explain why they needed money (e.g., for a medical treatment or to feed their kids) before challenging them to answer questions in hopes of getting the needed cash.
"Strike It Rich"
"Pot O' Gold"
"Set for Life"
This '70s and '80s game show had a ring of contestants asking the King or Queen of the Hill a series of riddles, although it was revamped to use trivia questions later.
"Chain Reaction"
"Rumor Has It"
Jenny McCarthy and Chris Hardwick hosted this dating game show that had a single contestant cull a field of 50 potential dates down to just one.
"Singled Out"
"Hot Seat"
"120 Minutes"
This show was based on a popular board game and required teams of contestants to identify various items based only on their teammates' amateurish drawings.
"Information Please"
"You're in the Picture"
This show featured an almost identical premise to "Pictionary" but was broadcast several years before it.
"What's Going On?"
"Win, Lose or Draw"
"You're Putting Me On"
This infamous game tasked married couples with answering questions about each other. The ribald questions often used the term "make whoopee."
"Perfect Match"
"The Newlywed Game"
"Rock of Love"
This Spanish-language show ran for decades on the Univision network. Although it was a variety show, it was well-known for segments that allowed contestants to win cars.
"El Chavo del Ocho"
"Sabado Gigante"
"Primer Impacto"
This legendary show, hosted by Monty Hall, gave players prizes which they could then trade for a different, unknown prize, which might be of lesser or greater value than the initial prize.
"Let's Make a Deal"
"Can You Top This?"
"I'll Bet"
A giant spinning wheel, a phrase or term in which the letters are gradually revealed and a woman named Vanna define this ongoing game show.
"Wheel of Fortune"
"How Much Is Enough?"
"The Price is Right"
This show, so famous it's been parodied countless times, had bachelors and bachelorettes asking questions of potential partners they couldn't see, then picking a partner based on the answers.
"The Dating Game"
"Temptation Island"
"The Blame Game"
This was another tic-tac-toe-based game show, but it upped the entertainment value by putting funny celebrities inside each square of the game grid.
"Hollywood Squares"
"Hot Potato"
"Musical Chairs"
In this show, teams featured one celebrity and one noncelebrity contestant. One had to guess a secret word while being fed clues by their teammate a single word at a time. The show's announcer would whisper the secret word to the TV audience.
"Masquerade Party"
On this relationship game, the audience voted on which of three contestants a player should date. Then a couple discussed a date they'd already been on to see if the audience had chosen well and to determine whether they should go on a second date.
"Love Connection"
"Change of Heart"
This simple show had a panel of contestants trying to guess the occupation of a guest (or the identity of a hidden celebrity guest) based on a series of questions.
"Information Please"
"The Name's the Same"
"What's My Line?"
Instead of selecting someone to go on a date with in the studio, this dating game show featured people being cut from contention in the course of an ongoing group date until only one dating partner remained.
"Paradise Hotel"
"Blind Date"
On this show, which is still on TV, contestants play a variety of games all based on correctly guessing the prices of various consumer products.
"The Price Is Right"
"Pass the Buck"
"The Shopping Game"
Competing teams of relatives try to correctly guess the top answers to a series of surveys on this game show.
"Family Feud"
"The Big Payoff"
"Break the Bank"
Originally British, this show launched a prime-time game show revival in the U.S. and made famous the question "is that your final answer?"
"The Weakest Link"
"1 vs. 100"
"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"