Food Fun: Coffee Quiz

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1 min
Food Fun: Coffee Quiz
Image: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

About This Quiz

It's a cold winter morning, and you could use a couple more hours of sleep, but your commute awaits. The only thing that rouses you from the warm confines of your down comforter is the prospect of a hot cup of coffee washing down your cold throat.
In what country is coffee believed to have originated?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You could make an argument for Arabia, but it's generally accepted that coffee came from Ethiopia.

The average seven-ounce cup of coffee contains about how much caffeine?
50 to 100 milligrams
115 to 175 milligrams
200 to 300 milligrams
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The coffee kick you feel in that morning cup is the 115 to 175 milligrams of caffeine.

What about the average two-ounce shot of espresso?
100 milligrams
200 milligrams
500 milligrams
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You might have thought that espresso packed more of a punch, but at 100 milligrams, you'd be better to go with the coffee if you need a boost.


What happens to the caffeine that's extracted from the bean in the decaffeination process?
It's recycled into the soil.
It's discarded and treated as a harmful byproduct.
It's used as an additive in Coca-Cola.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This is one for the watercooler -- it's used to supply the kick to Coke.

Is coffee good for you or bad for you?
bad for you
good for you
contradictory studies leaves it inconclusive
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If there's one thing that's been studied a lot, it's coffee. Depending on which studies you trust, you can get a wide result, leaving it inconclusive.

Coffee can be grown alongside which crop?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Even though the cultivation of rice and corn is different, you can start coffee plants alongside each.


How do Starbucks sales compare to Coca-Cola's?
on par with Coca-Cola
about one-third as large as Coke's
not even close -- less than one-tenth the size of Coke's
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Coke is a worldwide phenomena, but Starbucks is hanging in there at about one-third the size.

Starbucks is a popular job for what reason?
It offers health insurance to all employees.
Making coffee for strangers is everybody's dream.
Baristas feel like they're performing a public service.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Those other reasons may be valid, but offering insurance to even part-time employees is a big perk.

What country exports more coffee than any other?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They all make some great Joe, but Brazil exports the most.


How many tons of coffee is produced each year worldwide?
roughly 7 million tons (6.3 million metric tons)
roughly 3 million tons (2.7 million metric tons)
roughly 20 million tons (18 million metric tons)
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Did you go high and guess 20? Well guess again, dude -- it's only seven.

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