Did You Know Your Best Friend in a Past Life?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Did You Know Your Best Friend in a Past Life?
Image: AzmanL/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The question of "Did we all live a past life" still lingers to this very day. Though many people believe that we only live one life, other theories suggest we have lived multiple past lives. This could be evidenced by feelings of deja vu or dreams that hint to past memories. Now, no one knows for sure, but for the sake of this memorable quiz, let's pretend that you have lived a past life!

A past life could be an exact mirror to your current lifestyle, or it could have been completely different. But one thing that could have remained the same is your friendship with your best friend. After all, they know you better than anyone else, and it's likely you two were also friends in a previous life. But that depends on a few things; for example, how often do you two see each other? Does anything ever remind you of them, such as a scent or a certain object? Or, do you feel like you can sense when they're feeling sad? These are the types of questions we're about to ask in this mysterious quiz, so let's find out if you knew your BFF in a past life!

1 - best friends
Justin Lewis/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How long have you and your best friend known each other?
At least 10 years
Five years
About seven years
Three years or less
2 - read each others thoughts
golero/E+/Getty Images
Do you two feel like you can sense each other's thoughts?
Yup, we're practically psychic.
Not really
We occasionally finish each other's sentences.
I wouldn't know, but they probably would.
3 - deja vu
Georgijevic/E+/Getty Images
Do you often feel a sense of déjà vu when you're around them?
Yes, pretty frequently, actually.
A what?


4 - cat and dog
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
What animal duo are you two like?
Cat and dog
Lion and antelope
Bird and worm
Dolphin and fish
5 - friends
CHBD/E+/Getty Images
How would you describe your best friend in one word?
6 - lazy friend
gollykim/E+/Getty Images
What kind of deadly sin do they embody?


7 - dreaming
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
How often do you have dreams or nightmares about your BFF?
At least once a week
Very rarely
Once a month
8 - 3 friends
Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If your BFF had another BFF that you didn't know about, would you be jealous?
I'd be a little upset, but it's cool.
That's weird, but whatever.
Uh ... yeah!
No, why would I care?
9 - friends party
pixelfit/E+/Getty Images
When you initially met your best friend, what was the interaction like?
We clicked right away.
We actually didn't like each other at first.
It was normal, but our friendship grew over time.
I can't remember.


10 - friends talking
AleksandarGeorgiev/E+/Getty Images
What do you two normally talk about?
Pretty much everything
We tend to argue a lot.
Serious stuff, like philosophy or politics
11 - friends
Hinterhaus Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What's the most important aspect in maintaining a successful friendship with someone?
12 - friend betrayed
martin-dm/E+/Getty Images
Have they ever betrayed you behind your back?
Nope, never.
Yes, it was pretty ugly.
No, but I betrayed them.
I can't recall.


13 - sadness
Martin Dimitrov/E+/Getty Images
The majority of your past memories are filled with ____________.
14 - Miami
andresr/E+/Getty Images
Which of the following locations would you associate with their personality?
Los Angeles
New York City
15 - borrowing money
GCShutter/E+/Getty Images
If you let your friend borrow $100 from you, would they pay you back in a timely manner?
Of course they would.
Heck no.
I think so?
I don't loan anybody any money.


16 - baby
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
If you could start your life over again, would you?
Yeah, but it would probably turn out the same.
Probably not
Yes, there's so many mistakes I would fix.
I don't know; maybe I would.
17 - best friends
filadendron/E+/Getty Images
What does "BFF" actually mean to you?
Best friend forever
Best friend fallout
Best friend for life
Best friend for a little while longer
18 - similar personality
StefaNikolic/E+/Getty Images
Are you and your best friend similar in personality or total opposites?
Identical twins
We have some similarities.
Mostly opposite


19 - friends fighting
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
Have you two ever been in a serious fight that almost ended the friendship?
I don't think so?
I remember that day so clearly.
It wasn't that serious.
20 - The Ugly Truth
Relativity Media/Lakeshore Entertainment
Which of these movie titles describes your friendship with them?
"A Star Is Born"
"Gone With The Wind"
"Beautiful Creatures"
"The Ugly Truth"
21 - friends cafe
Tom Werner/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What's your favorite hangout spot with your BFF?
One of our homes
Movie theater


22 - friends with S.O.
alvarez/E+/Getty Images
What do they think of your significant other?
They're practically BFFs too.
They don't like them much.
They haven't met my S.O.
I don't have a significant other.
23 - best friends
alvarez/E+/Getty Images
Do you secretly wish that you weren't friends with your BFF anymore?
What? Of course not!
Yes, I can't wait for them to just leave already.
I think about this sometimes.
It's an interesting thought, but no, I don't want this.
24 - best friends
FG Trade/E+/Getty Images
If you lived another life in the future, do you think you would be able to identify your best friend in a crowd?
Pretty instantly
I highly doubt that.
Well, what if they look different?
Maybe I could ...


25 - work
andresr/E+/Getty Images
True or false: You're too busy at work or school to make time for them?
It depends on the day,
Kinda true
26 - friends
gradyreese/E+/Getty Images
Would you switch places with your BFF if you could?
Sure, that'd be fun!
Nope, I like my current life.
Maybe for like a day or two.
I don't know, maybe I would?
27 - friends
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What are some of your #friendshipgoals?
To make our friendship last forever
I don't really have any.
More Instagram selfies with my BFF
To acquire more friends


28 - center of attention
Thomas Barwick/Stone/Getty Images
Which one of you typically steals the spotlight during a social event?
We both share the spotlight.
They do.
We're not party people.
I do.
29 - social circle
Geber86/E+/Getty Images
What's your overall social circle like?
I lost count of how many friends I have.
About average
Pretty minimal
Higher than average
30 - better friend
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
What would you want to change about yourself to become an even better friend?
Nothing, I'm a great friend!
I want to become a better listener.
I wish I wasn't so jealous.
I'm too stubborn sometimes.
