Which City Matches Your Personality?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which City Matches Your Personality?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Each city has its own unique set of characteristics and cultures, so naturally certain places align better with certain personalities. We're going to save you a lot of time and money by matching you up with your ideal city without you having to go through all the trial and error of testing the world's many destinations.

Perhaps you're the kind of person who is drawn to peace and quiet. Perhaps your political persuasions are an important factor in determining which city or country you'd like to visit, or even call home.

Maybe you'd be more comfortable adopting a bohemian lifestyle, creating artwork and exploring the depths of the human experience. If money and social stature mean nothing to you, and you'd much rather march to the beat of your own drum, then we've got a European city that would be a perfect fit.

Whether you like to party all night long or live in a cottage far removed for the busy city life, we've got you covered. Get your passport ready; we're about to travel the globe in search of your true home.

Which motto best fits your life?
"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die."
"Education is the movement from darkness to light."
"Creativity takes courage."
"All we are saying is give peace a chance."
Which award would you be most honored to receive?
The Pulitzer Prize
Academy Award
The Booker Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize
How late do you usually stay up?
I usually fall asleep a little after the 11 p.m. news.
I'm usually in bed before 10 p.m. I like to get up early in the morning.
It's not unusual for me to be up until 2 a.m.
I stay up very late at night. Sometimes I see the sun rise.


How many books did you read in the last year?
I don't read books.
I probably finished a handful of books.
Countless, I'm always reading something new.
I probably read a dozen or so.
Which type of show is most appealing to you?
A mystery.
A documentary.
I don't watch TV.
A comedy.
How much butter do you consume?
I add butter to pretty much everything.
I don't know, the average amount, I guess.
I cut butter out of my diet entirely.
I eat a little bit now and then.


Which beverage would you prefer?
Hard liquor
What's your highest level of education?
Bachelors degree.
Graduate degree.
High school diploma.
Some college.
Do you believe in rehabilitation or punishment as being a more effective tool for criminals?
I go by "an eye for an eye" as my philosophy on that.
I believe that punishment is the only thing that really works.
I'd like to think rehabilitation programs can work, but I have my doubts.
I'm totally convinced that rehabilitation is in everybody's best interest.


When was the last time you went to some form of live entertainment?
Last night.
I might have been to something in the last month.
It's been a while.
I went to a live show within the last week.
How do you feel about universal health care?
I'm a big proponent of government-funded healthcare.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet.
It is a human right.
I think it is a big mistake.
Of the following, which sport do you like the most?


Would you consider yourself to be a gambler?
Yeah, I love to go to the casino.
I never waste my money like that.
I know the odds, so it's pretty rare for me to gamble.
I might do a little gambling once in a while.
Do you enjoy eating at a buffet-style restaurant?
I might do a buffet once in a while, but it's not my favorite.
Not really, it seems pretty wasteful to me.
They can be nice when your budget is tight.
That's my favorite kind of restaurant.
How would you describe the level of romance in your life?
I'm having the time of my life.
It's pretty nonexistent.
I have a very fulfilling and wonderful love life.
It's stable and wholesome.


Which climate sounds most appealing to you?
Hot and sunny
Cloudy and rainy
Cold and plenty of snow
Where would you put yourself on the political spectrum?
I'm liberal on most issues.
I tend to be pretty conservative.
I'm way over on the left.
I don't pay attention to politics anymore.
Do you have a lot of embarrassing stories that you keep hidden from those close to you?
I did some stuff when I was younger that was embarrassing, but that was a long time ago.
No, nothing too bad.
Oh yeah, there's plenty of skeletons in this closet.
I've done some embarrassing stuff, but I don't hide it.


Which description best matches what you're like at a party?
I'm having a passionate conversation with a few people in the middle of the room.
I'm talking with someone in the corner.
I'm the life of the party. I'm putting on a show.
I'm chilling with a bunch of artists away from others.
What do you think about taking a trip to the art museum?
That sounds great. I need some inspiration.
I'm up for it. I'll probably learn something interesting.
I'd have to be in the right mood to do something like that, and I'm not feeling it now.
That sounds boring. I'd rather do pretty much anything else.
Is your lifestyle more peaceful and serene, or is it filled with conflict and chaos?
I have to admit that there is a lot of drama in my life.
I would say that my life is a mix of both.
I have a little bit of conflict and chaos, but mostly my life is calm and quiet.
My life is all about peace and serenity.


How do you generally prefer to get around?
Walking or biking
Public transportation
Do you enjoy learning how things work?
Yes, I constantly find myself taking things apart and studying them.
Not usually, but I do get curious about stuff like that once in a while.
I might have some curiosity about how some things work.
Not really, I just care that they do work.
What kind of music is most appealing to you?
Top 40


Do you play any musical instruments?
Yes, I play a bunch of them.
I play guitar.
I play an instrument, but not that great.
I don't play any instruments.
What tickles your funny bone?
Witty humor
Dry humor
Slapstick humor
Dark humor
Which meal sounds most appealing to you?
Beef bourguignon
Fish and chips
Smoked salmon
Hamburger and fries


Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
I'm a total introvert. I'm quite content not having any people around.
I'm an extrovert all the way. Let the party begin.
I'd definitely say that I lean more toward being introverted.
I'm a little bit extroverted, but I do need my quiet time once in a while.
What pace do you tend to move at in life?
I try to stop and smell the roses once in a while, but my life does move at a quick pace.
I try to avoid being in a rush, but it does happen once in a while.
I prefer to take my sweet time with things.
I'm constantly on the move and in a hurry.
Are you working on a piece of artwork now?
I keep meaning to start on one, but I haven't quite done it yet.
I don't do artwork.
I have a few projects in the works right now.
I have one that I'm working on, but it's been a long time since I did anything on it.


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