The Ultimate Giraffe Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
2 min
The Ultimate Giraffe Quiz
Image: Minden Pictures/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The giraffe is the tallest living animal and inhabits areas south of the Sahara. Take this quiz to learn more about these graceful, gentle creatures.
How many species of giraffe are there?
Where do giraffes live?
South America
What kind of terrain do giraffes prefer?
rocky slopes
open grassy plains
dense forests


Why do they prefer this kind of terrain?
The leaves of scattered trees are more succulent than those of forest trees.
The giraffe needs the prolonged exposure to sunlight.
The many trees in a forest would slow them down.
To what height do male giraffes grow?
15 feet (4.6 m)
18 feet (5.5 m)
21 feet (6.4 m)
How tall are female giraffes?
12 feet (3.7 m)
15 feet (4.6 m)
18 feet (5.5 m)


What does an adult male giraffe weigh?
1,800 pounds (818 kg)
2,200 pounds (1,000 kg)
2,600 pounds (1,182 kg)
How long is the giraffe's neck?
seven feet (2.1 m)
eight feet (2.4 m)
nine feet (2.7 m)
How many vertebrae in the giraffe's neck?


Which of the giraffes has horns?
only Masai male giraffes
both sexes
certain types of adult Transvaal giraffe
With such a long neck and long legs, how does the giraffe drink water?
spreads its front legs
neck is long enough
Just how long is the giraffe's tongue?
15 inches (38 cm)
18 inches (45 cm)
21 inches (53 cm)


What differentiates giraffes from other mammals?
young can stand within 20 minutes of birth
body temperature is not constant
their stomachs have five chambers
How long after mating does the female give birth?
450 days
380 days
300 days
How many different groups of patterns do giraffes' coats have?
Eight, representing the eight types of giraffes.
It is estimated there are about 70 patterns.
All patterns are different.


At what speed can giraffes run?
24 miles per hour (38 km/h)
29 miles per hour (47 km/h)
35 miles per hour (56 km/h)
What are the social habits of giraffes?
They live in herds.
Except for mating season they are usually alone.
They only group together when danger is present.
What is the life expectancy of a giraffe?
12 to 15 years
15 to 20 years
20 to 25 years


Until what age does a calf drink its mother's milk?
six or seven months
eight months
nine or 10 months
What does a calf weigh at birth?
150 pounds (68 kilograms)
120 pounds (55 kilograms)
90 pounds (41 kilograms)