How Much Spanish do you really know?
By: Isadora Teich
Estimated Completion Time
2 min
" "
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About This Quiz
Spanish is a diverse and beautiful language and also one of the most commonly spoken ones on earth. Test your Spanish knowledge with this HowStuffWorks quiz!
Buenos días
This is how you say good morning in Spanish. It is typically used before noon.
Hola is an informal way of saying hello. Use it with your family and friends.
¿Cómo está?
This is the formal way of asking someone how they are. Use it with strangers and other people you wish to show respect to.
Por favor
It is important to be polite in Spanish and remember how to say please, "por favor," and thank you, "gracías." Good manners are important in every language.
Mucho gusto
When two people meet each other for the first time, they say this back and forth. It is a polite first greeting phrase.
Yo quiero ...
This is how you say you want something. The more polite way is "Me gustaría."
¿Cuánto cuesta?
This is how you ask how much something costs. It's a key phrase for lovers of shopping and haggling.
¿Qué hora es?
When you know this phrase, you will never be late. It's how you ask for the time.
¿Dónde está ...?
This is how you ask the location of things. It's an important one for tourists to know.
¿Dónde está el baño?
This is one of the most important Spanish travel phrases to have memorized. Don't forget it on your travels.
A la derecha
When asking for directions, understanding key direction words is important. This is how you say "to the right."
A la izquierda
This means "to the left." It describes objects and destinations and is a key direction word.
¡Feliz Navidad!
This is how to wish Spanish speakers a merry Christmas. Navidad refers to nativity, or the birth of Jesus.
En la esquina
This describes a place on the corner of two streets. It is an important direction word to remember.
Verde is the color green. It is pronounced phonetically, like many Spanish words.
Azul is what the color blue is called in Spanish. For example, you might say "El cielo es azul." This means "The sky is blue."
Me gustaría una cerveza.
Yo can also say "Yo quiero una cerveza." The first one, however, is more polite.
Un café
Un café is Spanish for coffee. Other drinks you can enjoy include agua and vino blanco, or water and white wine.
Mi madre
This is Spanish for "my mother." Padre is father.
Te amo.
"Te amo" is Spanish for "I love you." You can also say "Te quiero." which means "I want you."
¡Feliz cumpleaños!
This is how you say "Happy Birthday" in Spanish. Many countries around the world, however, have adopted the English phrase and song.
Un hombre
"Un hombre" means "a man." "Una mujer" means "a woman."
Buenas tardes.
This means "good afternoon." Depending on the time of day, it can also mean "good evening."
Buenos noches.
This means good night. It is used as a goodbye more often than a greeting.
Hasta pronto.
This is an informal farewell. If you are not sure when you will see the person again, say "Hasta luego" instead.
Me llamo ...
This phrase literally translates to "I call myself." It is how you introduce yourself in Spanish.
De nada.
People often respond to "Gracías" with "De nada." They also often use "No hay de %0Dqué" which means don't mention it.
Por supuesto
If someone asks you for a favor in a Spanish speaking country and it's easily done, you might reply "Por supuesto." It means "Of course."
El fin de semana
This is Spanish for "the weekend." It translates literally to "The end of the week."
Mi hermana
"Hermana" is Spanish for sister. "Hermano" means brother.
El marido
"El marido" means husband. So does "El esposo."
La cena
This is Spanish for dinner. "El almuerzo" is lunch.
Buena suerte
This phrase is used to wish people luck in all sorts of contexts. This can include before performances, job interviews and dates.
"Rojo" means red. "Rosado" means pink.
Cuantos años tienes?
This is how you ask someone's age in Spanish. This can sometimes be rude during small talk.
You Got:
Better luck next time!
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