How Well Do You Really Know Greek Mythology?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
How Well Do You Really Know Greek Mythology?
Image: Wiki Commons by User:Bibi Saint-Pol

About This Quiz

Long before they even made way onto the page, Greek myths traveled through communities in the form of song. Historians think Minoan and Mycenaean singers likely began singing these poetic ballads as early as 18th century B.C., probably slightly changing with every iteration. Eventually, some such works made their way into Homer's epic poems of the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey," which we now know today as the earliest written works of Western civilization.

Then came Hesiod, who wrote "Theogony" and the "Works and Days," which established the likes of the origin of human suffering and sacrificial practices, the Underworld and figures like Sleep and Dreams. Afterward, writers like Plutarch adapted components of the mythology during the Roman Empire, and it seems the Western literary canon hasn't been able to shake these harrowing tales since-and who can blame them? I mean, this world contains people born to cloud mothers, epic battles between gods and mortals and monstrous creatures housed in elaborate labyrinths. Gods turn humans into flaming wheels and stalks of reeds. What's not to love?

As crazy as some of these stories might seem today, the often flawed figures they present reveal an ancient people genuinely attempting to grapple with the challenges of being a human. As much as there are super-strength and divine power, there's also moral failure, jealousy and vengeance-you know, the same type of stuff we deal with today.

So, how well do you know the likes of Gaia and Uranus, Zeus and Hera? You'll have to take the following quiz to find out! Don't fear; it will take a lot less time than Odysseus' journey, and you won't even encounter any three-headed monsters or cataclysmic weather events along the way.

1 Greek god king
chabotphoto / Pixabay
While all the Greek gods possessed otherworldly strengths, one was more powerful than the rest. Who served as the king of the ancient Greek gods?
2 Apollo
Wiki Commons by Didier Descouens
Apollo is the Greek god of healing, music, light and enlightenment. Do you know which tree he deemed sacred?
Laurel (or bay)
3 Pan pipes
Pauline Lewis / Moment / Getty Images
According to historical accounts, the ancient Greeks were the first to play the pan flute, also known as the panpipes. Do you know which deity is most commonly credited with its invention?


4 Creation of the underworld
Sergio Del Rosso Photography / Moment Open / Getty Images
According to Hesiod's accounts, which four primary beings initially came into existence?
Earth (Gaea), Night (Nyx), Day (Hemera), Aither (Air)
Fate (Moirai), Dooms (Keres), Strife (Eris), The Void (Chaos)
The Void (Chaos), Earth (Gaea), the Underworld (Tartaros) and Sexual Love (Eros)
The Underworld (Erebos), Night (Nyx), Day (Hemera), Aither (Air)
5 Athena
traveler1116 / E+ / Getty Images
In Greek mythology, most gods and goddesses possessed a birth mother. One goddess in particular, however, did not-she instead sprang full-grown from Zeus' forehead. Who is she?
6 Hera
Wiki Commons by Rabax63
Hera was the Olympic queen of the gods and the goddess of women, the sky, marriage and the heavenly stars. Which three animals often accompany her in ancient depictions?
Angelfish, swan and ram
Goat, tiger and bonobo
Hawk, lion and cuckoo
Eagle, tiger and swan


7 Argonauts
Wiki Commons by Creator:Jacobus van Schoor
Also sometimes called the Minyans, do you know who the Argonauts were?
A tribe that tried and failed to defeat the Trojans
A band of heroes
Half-goat, half-men
Monsters with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull
8 Philemon and Baucis
Wiki Commons by Janus Genelli
The gods often interacted with mere mortals, which led to some interesting scenarios. For instance, do you know how the old Phyrgian woman Baucis and her husband, Philemon, were saved from a flood?
By obtaining a magical potion bestowed by Hera
By being transformed into gods by Apollo
Through the powers of Zeus and Hermes
By praying to the gods
9 Mount Olympus
dbencek / E+ / Getty Images
Mount Olympus housed the most powerful council in the land. Do you know how many gods lived on Mount Olympus?


10 Daughter of Niobe in terror
Wiki Commons by Petar Milošević
According to the classical tale, which fate did Niobe, the wife of King Amphion of Thebes, daughter of Tantalus, face?
Banishment to the underworld by Hera
A violent death by storm invoked by Zeus
The loss of all her children at the hands of Apollo and Artemis
Being turned to stone by Midas
11 Greece rainbow
photography Matthijs Borghgraef / Moment / Getty Images
Although the bulk of ancient Grecian tales explore the lives of the 12 Olympian gods, there are many more minor ones to remember. For instance, can you name the Greek goddess of the rainbow?
12 Daedalus_and_Icarus
Wiki Commons by Livioandronico2013
Do you know what led Icarus, son of Daedalus, to his untimely doom?
Claiming that the mortal Marsyas played music better than Apollo
Daring to play music better than Apollo
Flying too close to the sun with handmade wings
A monstrous flood spawned by Zeus


13 Chronos
Wiki Commons by Mirko
There's a famous painting by Francisco Goya, "Saturn Devouring his Son," which depicts Greek mythological figure Titan Cronus eating one of his kin. As the story goes, he consumes five of his children in total. Why?
He didn't want any children.
He went mad and didn't know what he was doing.
Gaia and Uranus told him his children were destined to overthrow him.
Zeus cursed him with the insatiable desire for flesh.
14 Narcissus Caravaggio
Wiki Commons by Caravaggio
You might already know that the Laconian hunter Narcissus revered his own beauty. What ever happened to him, though?
Zeus banished him to the underworld
He fell in love with his own reflection and melted from his own passion.
Nemesis turned him into a goat.
He couldn't tear his eyes from his own image and turned to stone.
15 labyrinth Minotaur
Wiki Commons by Rafael Jiménez from Córdoba, España
Do you know who designed King Minos of Crete's labyrinth?


16 Ethereal Nymph
nicolamargaret / E+ / Getty Images
Also sometimes called the Atlantides, who were the Hesperides?
The goddesses of spring and the harvest
The goddesses of the underworld
The nymphs of evening and golden light of the sunsets
The water nymphs that lured sailors with their song
17 Greek mythology war
duncan1890 / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Which of these refers to the battles that broke out between the Titans and their children, the Olympians?
Titanomachy or Titan War
Olympian War
Battles of Marathon
War of Thermopylae
18 Hera
Wiki Commons by Bysmon
According to some ancient Grecian tales, the goddess Hera restored her virginity each year. How did she do this?
By sacrificing one mortal
By banishing her former lovers to the underworld
With the power of her mind
By bathing in the spring of Kanathos


19 Hades-et-Cerberus-III
Wiki Commons by Stella maris
Which of these names describes both the god of the Underworld and the home of the dead in Greek myth?
20 Oedipus_at_Colonus
Wiki Commons by Fulchran-Jean Harriet
Which of these mythical Greek kings killed his father and married his mother, thereby wreaking havoc on his city and family?
21 Persephone
Wiki Commons by Manfred Brueckels Permission:PD-self
One of these gods cruelly kidnapped Persephone, the goddess of vegetation. Who was it?


22 Achilles
Wiki Commons by Dosseman
According to Homer's "Iliad," which of these men was the greatest of all Greek warriors and a key hero in the Trojan War?
23 Water nymphs
Igor Ustynskyy / Moment / Getty Images
What do you call the water nymphs that reputedly drown those with whom they fell in love?
24 3-headed dog monster
Grafissimo / E+ / Getty Images
The Hecatoncheires were a type of loathsome monster in Greek mythology. Do you know what kind?
Fire-breathing monsters with the parts of multiple animals
Monsters with 100 dragon heads
Monsters with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull
Three monsters with 50 heads and 100 arms


25 Bronze_Zeus
Wiki Commons by Jebulon
Zeus posed as several different animals in his time so as to deceive goddesses and women. What form did he take when he captured Leda?
A ram
A monkey
A tiger
A swan
26 Poseidon
Zoonar RF / Zoonar / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Zeus wasn't the only god who could assume the form of a creature. What shape did Poseidon take in order to give life to Pegasus?
A bull
An ox
A deer
A stallion
27 Hippolyta
Wiki Commons by User:Jomafemag
Do you know the name of the Amazonian queen who wore a magical girdle?


28 Cronos Saturnus
Wiki Commons by Perhelion
In the "Works and Days," Hesiod describes the Four Ages of Man: Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron. Do you know who ruled the Golden Age?
29 Hercules
Wiki Commons by AnRo0002
Heracles had to jump through a lot of hoops to please Eurystheus in his "Twelve Labors" mission. Which one of these tasks did Eurystheus NOT order him to complete?
To bring back the golden apples harbored at the end of the earth
To slay the Nemean lion
To capture the stag of Arcadia
To obtain the winged shoes of Hermes
30 Apollo
Wiki Commons by Livioandronico2013
Although Apollo loved this young, beautiful man, he accidentally killed him. Who is he?


31 Herakles_Prometheus
Wiki Commons by User:Bibi Saint-Pol
Maybe you've seen Ridley Scott's movie "Prometheus," in which scientists encounter godlike alien beings. Do you know who Prometheus is in Greek mythology, though?
A fearsome Amazonian warrior
A monster of the Underworld
The god of war
A Titan hero who created man from clay and gave fire to humanity
32 Minotaur
GregMontani / Pixabay
Which of these describes the fearsome monster of Crete, which possessed the body of a man and a head of a bull?
33 Medusa_by_Carvaggio
Wiki Commons by Caravaggio
In Greek mythology, evil persisted in even the most fantastical of realms. How did Hesiod explain the presence of evil in the world?
Through the story of Hercules
Through the myth of Pandora
Through the parable of the scale
Through the existence of humanity


34 Sculpture of Heracles
KenWiedemann / E+ / Getty Images / E+ / Getty Images
Heracles may have been revered as a hero in Greek myth, but he was far from perfect ... to say the least. Which of these not-so-great things did he do?
Kill more than 100 innocent people in a fit of rage
Banish his children to the underworld
Murder his wife and children
Turn several people into loathsome creatures
35 Midas
Wiki Commons by Andrea Vaccaro
How did Midas, the mythical king of Phyrgia who could change anything he touched to gold, get his donkey ears?
For seducing Zeus' wife, Hera
For cursing Zeus' name
As punishment for judging Pan a more accomplished musician than Apollo
For revealing godly secrets to mortals
36 Greek giant sculpture
Wiki Commons by George E. Koronaios
The Giants were a race of immense strength and aggression that battled the Olympian gods. According to Hesiod, how did they come into being?
They were the children of the Minotaur and Aphrodite.
They were born from the blood that fell when Uranus (Sky) was castrated by his Titan son Kronos.
They were the children of Zeus and Hera.
Like the rest of humankind, Prometheus molded them from clay.


37 Cassandra1
Wiki Commons by Evelyn De Morgan
The mortal woman Cassandra, also sometimes called Alexandra, was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. What was she known for?
Uttering accurate prophecies that no one believed
Tricking the gods into giving her superpowers
Creating a distraction that would dramatically alter the outcome of the Trojan War
Being turned into stone for daring to sing more sweetly than Aphrodite
38 Odysseus
Wiki Commons by Jastrow
In Homer's "The Odyssey," Odysseus attempts to travel home to Ithaca after battling in the Trojan War. Do you know how long it takes him?
One week
10 years
300 years
Two years
39 Erysichthon selling his daughter
Wiki Commons by Jan Steen
The extremely wealthy, greedy man Erysichthon chopped down a sacred grove of trees, which enraged Demeter. What happened next?
Demeter turned him into a stone.
Demeter cursed him with an immense appetite that eventually caused him to eat himself.
Demeter cursed him with a life of madness and confusion.
Demeter turned him into a grove tree.


40 Centaur
Keren Su / Photodisc / Getty Images
Greek myths offer an abundance of strange creatures: among them, centaurs, which are half-human, half-horse. Do you know their origin story?
They are the children of Pegasus and the Chimera.
Ixion impregnated Hera, in the form of a cloud, creating the Centaurus.
They burst forth from a storm Zeus created.
They spawned from Zeus' thigh.