Image: Martin Puddy/Getty
About This Quiz
Breathe in, breath out, breathe in, breathe out. How much do you know about the benefits of mindful meditation?
What is a defining trait of Focused Attention meditation?
You give up on the idea of focusing your mind.
You learn to focus your mind on everything, and nothing, at once.
You focus your mind on one thing.
What is neuroplasticity?
The ability to change the brain's functionality and structure
Drug-assisted meditation
The science of creating plastic brains
OMM stands for what kind of meditation?
Open Mind Meditation
Oral Mentor Meditation
Open Monitoring Meditation
Samatha meditation is designed to help you do what?
improve your body's health
tame your mind
find new insights
How can meditation change the brain's aging process?
It can slow it down.
It can speed it up.
It can completely stop brain aging.
What is a mantra?
a vocalization with spiritual meaning
a super-positive phrase repeated endlessly
prayer beads used for meditation
How can meditation prevent you from becoming ill?
increases your blood flow
boosts your immune system
helps you visualize germs as your enemies
About how long must you practice meditation before your brain begins to change?
about eight weeks
about eight months
about a year
A study by Wake Forest University showed that meditation's pain relieving properties were sometimes more effective than what?
The brain's posterior cingulate is related to which functions?
Some experts say you should AVOID meditation at what part of the day?
at bedtime
when you first wake up
after lunch
What is MBSR?
meditation-biased soul reactivity
mindfulness-based stress reduction
meditation-based self realization
A National Health Interview Survey found that Americans use mediation more than what other destressing technique?
massage therapy
chiropractic adjustment
An altered state of consciousness is any brain state different than a normal waking state that features what kind of brain waves?
Beta waves
Gamma waves
Alpha waves
Meditation may increase what sort of oscillations in the brain?
Gamma wave oscillations
Delta wave oscillations
Alpha wave oscillations
One research team found that meditation increased gray matter in which part of the brain?
brain stem
frontal cortex
In loving-kindness meditation, meditators start by developing compassion for what?
loved ones
In samadi, what happens to the mind?
It becomes one with the universe.
It becomes still.
It disappears.
Buddhism indicates that meditation can help the practitioner hone which two mental qualities?
happiness and love
contentment and focus
serenity and insight
Sahaja yoga meditation is also known as what?
chaos reduction meditation
emotional control meditation
mental silence meditation
Meditation increases telomerase, which is what?
an enzyme in your body
a type of cell protein
a subset of chromosomes