Sure, game show hosts make it look easy. But could you really nail the right price on common grocery store items? How well do you know your grocery list? Here's your chance to put your money where your mouth is.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes were served exclusively to sanitarium residents until the cereal's general public debut in 1907. How much does a 12-ounce box cost today?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
As late as 1981, you could buy an entire box for less than a dollar. Today it will cost almost $5.
Dairy farmers earn about 35 cents on the dollar for the cows' milk you buy in the grocery store. How much is a gallon of milk?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
A gallon of whole milk costs $2.72, and only slightly more if delivered by Oklahoma's last milk man, John Davidson, who runs one of the nation's few remaining milk-to-doorstep delivery services.
Most of us start our mornings with a cup of coffee, making these beans a grocery store staple. What do you spend on a 13-ounce can of ground coffee beans?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In 1776 a pound of coffee cost .13 silver dollars, a pittance compared to today's prices. Today it costs $4.29.