Image: Terry Goss, Wikimedia Commons
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They are notoriously savage and bloody when they attack, but behind a sharks' vicious reputation is a variety of different shapes, sizes and demeanors. Learn all about the different types of sharks.
One of the primary differences between sharks and other fish is:
Sharks are able to breathe through their mouths underwater, while other fish breathe through gills.
Sharks have skeletons made of cartilage, while other fish have skeletons made of bone.
Sharks have smooth skin similar to humans, while other fish have large, scaly skin.
A shark's dorsal fins help it:
propel forward in the water, allowing it to reach high speeds when hunting for prey
change the path of the water around it so it can move up and down in the water
keep its balance and move from side to side in the water
One of the unique features of a shark's sense of smell is:
It varies depending on the depth where they're swimming; near the surface, sharks have an outstanding sense of smell, but in lower depths, they may have no ability to smell at all.
It’s directional, meaning a shark can smell something to its left with its left nostril first.
It can only detect certain types of fish because of special sensory cells in its nostrils.
A shark's eyesight:
is outstanding in nearly every species; many have 20:2 vision underwater
is very poor, they rely primarily on their other senses to locate their prey
varies from species to species, depending on how active the shark is and the depth at which it is swimming
The ampullae of Lorenzini are special receptor cells that give a shark:
electroreception, the ability to sense electrical fields a few feet in front of its nose
its acute sense of taste
the ability to swallow its prey whole
A shark's jaws differ from the jaws of most animals because:
They generate nearly 1,000 times more force than most animals.
They are significantly more mobile than the jaws of most animals.
A shark's upper jaw dislocates when its mouth is fully opened, allowing it to capture and eat its prey more effectively.