We'll Give You the Cocktail, You Tell Us What's in It

By: Jacqueline Samaroo
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
We'll Give You the Cocktail, You Tell Us What's in It
Image: WikiCommons via Jazz Guy

About This Quiz

Cheers! Nothing beats good times with good company and a good cocktail quiz!

By definition, a cocktail is simply any drink containing an alcohol and a sugar with a bitter or citrus flavor added in. In reality, however, cocktails are seemingly never-ending combinations of great flavors which create unforgettable beverages.

Some cocktails have the same basic ingredients to which a variety of other flavors can be added to craft something unique - every time. Just simply adding a new ingredient or switching out one ingredient with something else can produce completely different and exciting tastes. For example, reaching for orange juice instead of the pineapple juice a particular recipe calls for can turn your regular cocktail into something magical. Can you think of other examples like this? There are many, and we've got plenty of them in the quiz!

There are times when all it takes to make a new-tasting cocktail is to play around with the proportions of the ingredients used. Pour in a little extra fruit juice, for instance, or add a bit more gin, and the difference is profound. There are some cocktails, too, which require a specific ingredient, such as a particular brand of bitters, or the taste just won't be the same. We have a few cocktails like that waiting for you - all you have to do is play!

Hanging out at every fancy bar and club in town is a nice way to experience many of these cocktails. You don't have to be a permanent fixture on the party scene, however, to get most of these correct - so start the quiz!

Gin and Tonic
pjohnson1/E+/Getty Images
Which ingredients are most likely to be in a gin and tonic?
Gin, tonic water, lime juice
Vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice, sugar
Rum, lime juice, sugar
Scotch whiskey, sweet vermouth, Angostura bitters
Mint julep
WikiCommons via Jazz Guy
Which of these ingredients go into a mint julep?
Vodka, tomato juice, spices
Gin, Champagne, lemon juice, sugar
Bourbon, sugar, crushed ice, fresh mint
Gin, Lillet blanc, Suze bitters
Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images
A martini's ingredients list includes which of the following?
Whiskey, sugar, lemon, mint
Rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice
Cognac, absinthe, bitters, sugar
Gin, vermouth, pimento-stuffed olives


Champagne cocktail
NightAndDayImages/E+/Getty Images
When making a Champagne cocktail, what ingredients are typically used?
Gin, Lillet blanc, Suze bitters
White rum, sugar, lime juice, club soda, mint
Champagne, brandy, sugar, bitters
Vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice
Bob Muschitz/Moment/Getty Images
Can you identify the margarita's ingredients list?
Vodka, orange juice
Tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice
Irish whiskey, hot coffee, brown sugar
Gin, lime juice, soda
Old Fashioned
Adermark Media/Moment Open/Getty Images
Do you know which ingredients go into an Old Fashioned?
vodka, coffee liqueur, cream
gin, vermouth rosso, Campari, orange peel
dark rum, ginger beer, lime
whiskey, sugar, bitters, citrus


Whiskey Sour
ploveking/E+/Getty Images
When putting together a whiskey sour, which ingredients should be used?
gin, lime juice, soda
whiskey, lemon juice, sugar, egg white
bourbon, sugar, crushed ice, fresh mint
gin, vermouth, orange juice, pimento-stuffed olives
Can you say what the daiquiri's ingredients are?
rum, lime juice, sugar
gin, vermouth, pineapple juice, pimento-stuffed olives
cognac, absinthe, bitters, sugar
whiskey, sweet red vermouth, Campari
Instants/E+/Getty Images
Which of these ingredient lists can be used to make a Manhattan?
vodka, spicy ginger beer, lime juice, lime
whiskey, vermouth, bitters, cherry
gin, green Chartreuse, lime juice
rum, Curaçao liqueur, orgeat syrup, lime juice


Dark 'n' Stormy
WikiCommons via Will Shenton
What are the typical ingredients for making a Dark 'n' Stormy?
Campari, sweet vermouth, club soda
gin, tonic water, lime juice
whiskey, sweet red vermouth, Campari
dark rum, ginger beer, lime
Bloody Mary
Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images
Which of these ingredients is a Bloody Mary most likely to have?
applejack, grenadine, lemon juice
vodka, tomato juice, spices
gin, Lillet blanc, Suze bitters
gin, green Chartreuse, lime juice
David Madison/Moment Mobile/Getty Images
What are the ingredients used in making a screwdriver?
vodka, orange juice
Canadian whiskey, vermouth, Maraschino liqueur, Angostura bitters
gin, green Chartreuse, lime juice
whiskey, sugar, lemon, mint


Pina Colada
vesi_127/Moment/Getty Images
Can you spot the piña colada's ingredients?
whiskey, sugar, bitters, citrus
vodka, coffee liqueur
rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice
gin, green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur, lime juice
Bon Appétit
A gimlet is made using which of the following ingredient lists?
vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice
gin, lime juice, soda
Canadian whiskey, vermouth, Maraschino liqueur, Angostura bitters
white rum, advocaat, heavy cream
White Russian
Which of these ingredient lists makes a White Russian?
Champagne, brandy, sugar, bitters
gin, vermouth, pineapple juice, pimento-stuffed olives
vodka, coffee liqueur, cream
whiskey, sweet red vermouth, Campari


Lemon Drop
Steve the Bartender
To make a lemon drop, which ingredients should you use?
white rum, sugar, lime juice, club soda, mint
gin, vermouth, pimento-stuffed olives
cognac, orange liqueur, lime juice
vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice, sugar
Can you tell which ingredients are used in an Americano?
whiskey, lemon juice, sugar, egg white
gin, Champagne, lemon juice, sugar
Campari, sweet vermouth, club soda
vodka, orange juice
Black Russian
To craft a Black Russian, which are the right ingredients to use?
vodka, coffee liqueur
gin, lemon juice, sugar, club soda
applejack, grenadine, lemon juice
tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice


Green ghost
Cocktail Lounge
A green ghost has which of these ingredients in it?
vodka, orange juice
Scotch whiskey, sweet vermouth, Angostura bitters
whiskey, vermouth, bitters, cherry
gin, green Chartreuse, lime juice
Rob Roy
WikiCommons via Tim Sackton
Do you know the ingredient to put into a Rob Roy?
Scotch whiskey, sweet vermouth, Angostura bitters
gin, vermouth, orange juice, pimento-stuffed olives
vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice, sugar
rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice
Eising/Photodisc/Getty Images
To produce a sidecar, which ingredients should you have?
gin, lime juice, soda
vodka, spicy ginger beer, lime juice, lime
Canadian whiskey, vermouth, Maraschino liqueur, Angostura bitters
cognac, orange liqueur, lime juice


Common Man Cocktails
In order to make a Queens, which ingredients should you use?
applejack, grenadine, lemon juice
gin, vermouth, pineapple juice, pimento-stuffed olives
Irish whiskey, hot coffee, brown sugar
white rum, advocaat, heavy cream
Emilija Manevska/Moment/Getty Images
Can you identify the mojito's ingredients?
gin, tonic water, lime juice
vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, lime juice
cognac, absinthe, bitters, sugar
white rum, sugar, lime juice, club soda, mint
Whiskey Smash
To make the ideal whiskey smash, which ingredients should you reach for?
rum, lime juice, sugar
whiskey, sugar, lemon, mint
vodka, tomato juice, spices
gin, vermouth rosso, Campari, orange peel


Angelo DeSantis/Moment Open/Getty Images
Which of these ingredient lists will give you a Negroni?
gin, vermouth rosso, Campari, orange peel
whiskey, sugar, bitters, citrus
Champagne, brandy, sugar, bitters
white rum, advocaat, heavy cream
Mai Tai
John Humble/Stockbyte/Getty Images
When crafting a Mai Tai, what ingredients are typically used?
gin, green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur, lime juice
whiskey, sugar, bitters, citrus
rum, Curaçao liqueur, orgeat syrup, lime juice
vodka, coffee liqueur, cream
Jack rose
Distinguished Spirits
A Jack Rose should have which of these ingredients in it?
gin, lemon juice, sugar, club soda
gin, green Chartreuse, lime juice
applejack, grenadine, lemon juice
whiskey, lemon juice, sugar, egg white


woo woo
Homemade Recipes
In order to make a woo woo, which ingredient list works best?
vodka, spicy ginger beer, lime juice, lime
vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice
gin, lemon juice, sugar, club soda
whiskey, sugar, lemon, mint
Irish Coffee
bbq/Moment/Getty Images
Can you pick out the Irish coffee's ingredients list?
Irish whiskey, hot coffee, brown sugar, thick cream
vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice, sugar
gin, Champagne, lemon juice, sugar
gin, vermouth rosso, Campari, orange peel
fluffy duck 2
DrinkLab Cocktail Recipes
Do you know which of these is the fluffy duck's ingredients list?
gin, green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur, lime juice
whiskey, lemon juice, sugar, egg white
white rum, advocaat, heavy cream
cognac, orange liqueur, lemon juice


Which ingredients go into mixing up a Bronx?
vodka, coffee liqueur
gin, vermouth, orange juice, pimento-stuffed olives
dark rum, ginger beer, lime
whiskey, vermouth, bitters, cherry
White Negroni
Small Screen Drinks
Do you know which set of ingredients makes a white Negroni?
bourbon, sugar, crushed ice, fresh mint
rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice
Irish whiskey, hot coffee, brown sugar
gin, Lillet blanc, Suze bitters
WikiCommons via Edsel Little
When mixing a boulevardier, what ingredients are typically used?
gin, tonic water, lime juice
vodka, coffee liqueur
whiskey, sweet red vermouth, Campari
tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice


French 75
Cocktail Chemistry
In order to make a French 75, which ingredients should you reach for?
vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, lime juice
rum, Curaçao liqueur, orgeat syrup, lime juice
gin, Champagne, lemon juice, sugar
whiskey, vermouth, bitters, cherry
Kevin O'Mara/Moment/Getty Images
To make a Sazerac, what should you put into it?
vodka, tomato juice, spices
cognac, absinthe, bitters, sugar
gin, vermouth, pineapple juice, pimento-stuffed olives
Campari, sweet vermouth, club soda
Moscow mule
Lori Greig/Moment Open/Getty Images
A Moscow mule contains which of these ingredients?
vodka, spicy ginger beer, lime juice, lime
gin, vermouth, pimento-stuffed olives
Champagne, brandy, sugar, bitters, cherry
white rum, sugar, lime juice, club soda, mint


Whiskey With Wes
Do you know which ingredients will give you a Brooklyn?
Canadian whiskey, vermouth, Maraschino liqueur, Angostura bitters
gin, vermouth, pimento-stuffed olives
vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice
dark rum, ginger beer, lime
Instants/E+/Getty Images
What works when putting together a cosmopolitan?
gin, vermouth, orange juice, pimento-stuffed olives
Scotch whiskey, sweet vermouth, Angostura bitters
vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, lime
cognac, orange liqueur, lime juice
Tom Collins
Can you tell which of these are the Tom Collins' ingredients?
gin, lemon juice, sugar, club soda
tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice
vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, lime juice
Campari, sweet vermouth, club soda


Last Word
Which of these ingredients combine to give you a Last Word?
bourbon, sugar, crushed ice, fresh mint
rum, lime juice, sugar
gin, green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur, lime juice
vodka, coffee liqueur, cream