What % Adult Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What % Adult Are You?
Image: Esthermm / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Whether or not you miss your childhood days, becoming an adult is an inevitable part of growth. This stage of life may be full of responsibilities and difficult obstacles, but you also have more freedom to embark on certain career paths. Whether it's the life of an actor or a police officer, you get to choose what you really want to do for the rest of your life. But what does it really mean to become an adult?

It's not all about paying bills and prioritizing tasks, although these aspects do play a large role in being an adult. It's actually more about making mistakes and trying to find yourself because adult life is not always clear or easy for many people. You'll face pressure from your friends, family and boss. You'll fail at some things. And you might even reconsider your entire career goals. But these are all normal things that everyone goes through, because life likes to throw many types of tests at adults. These tests will shape you into a better person for yourself and for the next generation that will come after. So tell us more about how you live your adult life with this fun lifestyle quiz!

Question 1
Weekend Images Inc. / E+ / Getty Images
What's your skill level when it comes to financial planning?
Question 2
Spauln / E+ / Getty Images
What time do you usually go to bed at night?
Before 9 p.m.
Between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m.
Between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.
After 1 a.m.
Question 3
Robyn Breen Shinn / Image Source / Getty Images
Would you rather cook your meals at home or eat at a restaurant?
I like to cook healthy meals at home.
I like to eat out at restaurants.
I like to order takeout.
I like to cook convenience meals at home.


Question 4
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
How often do you do the laundry?
A few times a week
Once or twice a week
A few times per month
Every other month
Question 5
Astrakan Images / Cultura / Getty Images
What is something that you wish you had more of?
Social media followers
Question 6
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these items would you rather splurge on?


Question 7
d3sign / Moment / Getty Images
How often do you call your relatives to ask how they're doing?
A few times a week
A few times a month
Only during the holidays
Question 8
Photographer is my life / Moment / Getty Images
You see a nice shirt at the mall that you can't afford. What do you do?
I won't buy the shirt.
I'll buy the shirt another time.
I'll ask a friend or family member for some money.
I'll put it on my credit card.
Question 9
eclipse_images / E+ / Getty Images
What's your current living situation like?
I live on my own.
I live with one or a few roommates.
I live with my parents/guardians.


Question 10
mapodile / E+ / Getty Images
Are you afraid of failure?
No, because failure makes you stronger.
A little bit
It depends on the type of failure.
Who wouldn't be?
Question 11
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you manage stress in your life?
By reading books
By meditating
By hanging out with friends
I don't know how to.
Question 12
Emma Farrer / Moment / Getty Images
On a scale of 1-10, how organized are you?


Question 13
Lanny Ziering / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you feel about getting married?
I'm already married.
Maybe someday
It's not for me.
I'm not really sure.
Question 14
Jaris Ho / Moment / Getty Images
Are you currently pursuing your dream job?
I'm trying to, but it's difficult.
I'm uncertain about my dream job.
No, I wish I was.
Question 15
Richard Drury / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you incorporate exercise into your daily routine?
Yes, I exercise almost every day.
I only exercise a few times a month.
I only exercise a few times a year.
No, I never exercise.


Question 16
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Is it more important to focus on your work or your hobbies?
My work
My hobbies
I focus on something else.
Question 17
Thomas Northcut / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You see a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. When are you going to wash them?
Right now
In a few days
Question 18
Portra / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you normally pay your bills on time?
Yes, always
For the most part, yes
Only for some bills
Nope, never


Question 19
Ashley Corbin-Teich / Image Source / Getty Images
What's your beverage of choice in the morning?
Lots and lots of coffee
Hot tea
Water or other
I sleep through the morning.
Question 20
d3sign / Moment / Getty Images
How many times per day do you post something on social media?
I'm not on social media.
Just once or twice
Several times
Question 21
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you describe your room as more clean or messy?
Super clean
Somewhat clean
A little messy
Super messy


Question 22
mediaphotos / E+ / Getty Images
How would you describe your spending habits?
I only buy the things I need.
I'm pretty frugal, but I occasionally splurge.
I definitely splurge on certain things.
I buy whatever I want.
Question 23
nicolas_ / E+ / Getty Images
It looks like there's a leaky faucet in your bathroom. Can you fix it?
Of course I can
I can certainly try.
I'll just ask my parents or a friend.
Question 24
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You keep track of your schedule by ...
Using an app
Using a calendar
Writing everything on a piece of paper
Memorizing what I have to do


Question 25
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
Are you normally early, on time or late to parties and events?
I'm always early.
I'm always on time.
I'm always late.
It depends on the event.
Question 26
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Be honest here: Do you really eat your vegetables?
Of course, I love to eat vegetables.
It depends on the vegetable.
Only if it's seasoned really well
Question 27
Tempura / E+ / Getty Images
Do you currently have a savings account?
Of course
I think so.
No, but I'm going to get one someday.
Nope, and I don't plan on getting one.


Question 28
m.czosnek / E+ / Getty Images
If you had an extra $1,000, what would you do with it?
Invest it
Save it
Give it to a friend or family member
Spend it
Question 29
RapidEye / E+ / Getty Images
When is the best time to go to a dentist?
Twice per year
Once per year
Every other year
When I have a toothache
Question 30
Jetta Productions Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Happy and successful
I'm not really sure.
The same place where I am now
Lost and confused
