About This Quiz
Tolstoy once said that there are as many kinds of loves as there are hearts and you could extrapolate that to include lovers as well. The type of partner you are in bed is probably very different from the person you're seeing now, or the last person you were with, or the next person you'll be with. Some of these styles are very similar, of course, and some work exceptionally well together. Others maybe not so much. It's like anything else in life that involves two people working together. You either find a natural rhythm and work well together or your styles clash and you realize something needs to be done if you want things to work out. And maybe you do work it out! Or maybe you don't.
Whatever the case, you have a style all your own, that much is certain. If you've never really been sure what that is then you're in luck. Just tell us a bit about your relationships and experiences and we can break it down for you lickety-split. After all, you need to know yourself before you can really know anyone else, don't you think. So pull back the sheets, fluff that pillow and take our quiz