What Type of Partner Are You in Bed?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Type of Partner Are You in Bed?
Image: Stephen Zeigler / DigitalVision / Getty images

About This Quiz

Tolstoy once said that there are as many kinds of loves as there are hearts and you could extrapolate that to include lovers as well. The type of partner you are in bed is probably very different from the person you're seeing now, or the last person you were with, or the next person you'll be with. Some of these styles are very similar, of course, and some work exceptionally well together. Others maybe not so much. It's like anything else in life that involves two people working together. You either find a natural rhythm and work well together or your styles clash and you realize something needs to be done if you want things to work out. And maybe you do work it out! Or maybe you don't.

Whatever the case, you have a style all your own, that much is certain. If you've never really been sure what that is then you're in luck. Just tell us a bit about your relationships and experiences and we can break it down for you lickety-split. After all, you need to know yourself before you can really know anyone else, don't you think. So pull back the sheets, fluff that pillow and take our quiz

How long do you feel like you need to know someone before sex is an option?
How long will it take to get undressed?
Well, hopefully, I got their name at least.
I'll have to be pretty sure about them.
I need to know someone really well and be in love.
Have you ever had a single 24-hour period of time in which you had sex with more than one person at different times of the day?
Oh, yeah
I didn't check the clock but yeah, I think so.
Two different people? Not in that short of a period of time.
What's your stand when it comes to one-night stands?
Yes, yes, and yes!
I've enjoyed a few in my day.
Not something I do very often but I think it's fine if you're into it.
No thanks.


Who usually initiates sex, you or your partner?
I guess it can go either way.
I do quite often.
Usually, they do.
Would you ever suggest trying something you saw in a dirty movie?
I don't suggest, I just do.
I'd definitely bring ups something if I thought it looked fun.
Anything's possible.
I couldn't do that.
Number scales are arbitrary but who cares? How would you rate your bedroom skills from 1 to 10?
I'd say 10 for sure.
I have to be up there. At least an 8.
I might be an 11.
I think I'd rate myself in the middle somewhere, like a 5.


Do you ever get bored during sex?
How is that even possible?
Well, if you don't spice it up, it can get boring sometimes.
It's only boring if you let it get boring.
Meh. It is what it is.
Adult movies give you a super unrealistic portrayal of how sex works. That said, have you ever tried it standing up against the wall?
Yes, I have!
Tried and failed
I know that's not in my wheelhouse.
How is that even possible?
Speaking of movies, would you ever make one with your partner?
Yeah, why not?
I could see myself doing that.
I don't see the point.


Do you ever send your partner dirty text messages when you're away from them during the day?
Never really thought about it.
I have before, sure.
No, I don't.
If you're out at dinner, would you ever point out someone to your partner you know they'd find sexually attractive?
I've done it before.
Perhaps, if I was in the right mood.
I doubt it.
What? No!
When you're all wrapped up in the heat of the moment, do you ever engage in some dirty talk?
It's practically a second language for me.
I've tried it before.
Yeah, you need to be able to communicate.
I'm not comfortable doing that.


How confident are you about the way you look when you're naked?
I'm no supermodel, but I look pretty good.
I'd like to change a few things, but I guess I'm pretty happy overall.
I think I look amazing.
Not very
Can a sexual encounter still be satisfying even if you don't finish?
It's not done if I didn't finish.
Hard to say.
If I please my partner, then sure.
I guess so. Maybe.
What do you think about sex in a pool or a hot tub?
Love it!
Never tried it, but I want to.
Not all it's cracked up to be.
That's way too exposed, isn't it?


How far have you gone in the out of doors?
I've had fun outdoors many times.
I've tried sex outside before.
Fully outdoors? Never wanted to risk that.
Kissing is about as far as I'd go outside.
If you and your partner were spending the night at a friend's house, would you still be willing to have sex?
Of course, why wouldn't we?
I could see that happening.
If we had some privacy, sure.
I wouldn't risk it.
Any thoughts on the Mile High Club?
Tried it and had a lot of fun.
I would love to try but I never have.
Have you seen the size of those bathrooms? No, thanks.
Not in a million years


How well would you say you know the backseat of your car?
Incredibly well
I tried it before and got to know it pretty well.
I haven't done that in years - not the most comfortable way to do things.
Do people seriously do that?
Have you ever gone online, on cam, and gotten undressed for someone?
Oh, yeah
Once or twice
I'm more of an "in person" kind of person.
Do you and your partner ever watch dirty movies together?
They're fun to have on in the background.
We might use one to get the ball rolling.


Do you think there's a chance you'd ever suggest a threesome to your partner?
I've had several.
I have suggested it already.
Well, never say never.
Would you ever consider using handcuffs or restraints of some kind?
I could try that.
I'd use it on them, sure.
I don't think so.
Would you ever consider using something like whipped cream or chocolate sauce in the bedroom?
That's always fun.
I think so.
Too messy


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Ever tried phone sex?
You bet I have.
When my partner and I weren't in the same town.
In the past, yes
I have not.
This happens to the best of us. How often do you laugh during sex?
All the time
Only when something funny happens.
Not very often
What makes sex bad?
When it ends too soon
When it becomes routine and boring
When the other person doesn't try.
When they're into things I'm not.


Have you ever read a blog or a magazine to get sex tips and then tried them in real life?
I don't need to.
I have in the past.
Do your friends ever ask you for advice about their love lives?
I guess sometimes, yeah.
My close friends do.
Are you happy with your sex life?
I'm always looking to improve it.
No complaints
Not really
