What Does Your Behavior Say About Your Personality?
By: Elisabeth Henderson
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
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Image: Hollie Fernando/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
About This Quiz
Philosophers and psychologists have long studied the differences between people’s personalities, to try to understand what makes people so distinct from one another. By placing people in different social dilemmas and observing how they react to the pressure of decision-making under challenging circumstances, psychologists seek to understand the fundamental differences of personality that lead to strikingly opposed behavioral responses.
How do you respond to a stressful situation at work? Do you lash out at a co-worker and tell them exactly what you think? Or do you stuff your emotions, only to be passive-aggressively angry at home? Perhaps you’re the type who can take deep breaths and authentically process your anger without serving it up to someone else. Or you could be a person who can rationally think through what has happened and come to a responsible conclusion that will work for all parties.
These different behaviors flow from your personality — that part of you that makes you yourself and determines how you react to the stimuli that the world throws at you. Your personality determines not only how you respond to stress, but also how you live in the day-to-day and how you receive the joy that life offers. Tell us how you’d react in these life circumstances, and we’ll tell you who you are at your core!
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Image Source/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
If you wake up at night with anxiety about something you have to do the next day, how do you handle it?
Try to think about the positive
Work through the problem until I have a solution
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Henglein and Steets/ Cultura/ Getty Images
When there is a full moon out, how do you enjoy it?
I sit out and watch the moon for hours.
I usually go a little wild when there’s a full moon.
I take a long, lingering look at it.
I don’t usually think about the moon.
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kyonntra/ E+/ Getty Images
If you had a child who was turning 1, how would you celebrate their birthday?
Have a small dinner party with close friends
Invite all our friends and all their kids and have a themed party
Make a bunch of cupcakes and celebrate with family
Probably wouldn’t do much because the kid won’t remember it
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Christoph Hetzmannseder/ Moment/ Getty Images
What motivation compels you to listen to music?
To distract me from my anxiety
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Guido Mieth/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Which of these crafting hobbies could you see yourself getting into?
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10'000 Hours/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
If your boss confronts you with something you could really be doing better at work, how will you respond to them?
I try to hear them and go home to think about it.
I ignore them and go home to look for another job.
I try to hear what they’re saying and make the changes I need to.
I listen but then explain why I’m actually doing what I need to.
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Morsa Images/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
If your friend had a sudden surgery, how would you try to help them out?
I’d go to the hospital to be with them.
I’d send them thoughts and prayers.
I’d bring them a meal when they got home.
I’d see if I could help them with the finances.
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Liam Norris/ Cultura/ Getty Images
If you were on a road trip and encountered a family clearly in distress on the side of the road, what would you do?
I’d stop to see if I could help.
I’d hope they were going to be OK, but it doesn’t look promising.
I’d expect that someone was probably on their way to help.
I’d stop to see if I could call for assistance for them.
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Vladimir Vladimirov/ E+/ Getty Images
When you have a colleague who makes your skin crawl when you see them approaching, how do you interact with them?
I take deep breaths and smile.
I try to avoid eye contact.
I greet them kindly and hope for a good conversation.
I try to tell myself that they have good reason for the way they are.
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sturti/ E+/ Getty Images
You are at a party with people you don’t know super well, and someone suggests playing a game you really aren’t into. What will you do?
Step outside to look at the moon
Play anyway, there are worse problems to have
Maybe I’ll like it this time
Try to convince them to play something else
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PeopleImages/ E+/ Getty Images
When a romantic partner brings up a fight you had a long time ago, how do you react?
Take a deep breath and tell them what I’m feeling
Hope that it’s something we can laugh at
Begin to reasonably explain my previous position
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Photographer, Basak Gurbuz Derman/ Moment/ Getty Images
When autumn draws to a close, what do you do with your pumpkins?
Process them into purée to use throughout the year
Toss them out in the trash
Bring them to the park for the animals
Make them into Jack O’ Lanterns and then throw them away
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Flashpop/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
When you have a disagreement about what movie to watch, what tactic do you take?
I just sit and watch the controversy resolve itself.
I don’t really care what we watch because I doubt it will be good.
I’ll watch what the others want to because I hope I’ll end up liking it.
I’ll strongly make my case for what I want to watch.
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Francesco Vaninetti Photo/ Moment/ Getty Images
After an incredibly stressful week, how do you need to decompress?
Going out with my friends
Talk it out with a close friend
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RapidEye/ E+/ Getty Images
If a school teacher called to tell you your child was making trouble in class, how would you respond?
I’d listen with surprise and think about it.
I’d be disappointed but not surprised.
I’d talk to my child and hope that we could resolve it.
I’d explain to the teacher why my child would never do that.
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krisanapong detraphiphat/ Moment/ Getty Images
When life suddenly seems to be going all wrong, what do you turn to?
I go out to blow off steam.
I turn to prayer and community.
I think through to what the sources are.
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Guido Mieth/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
You have a terrible cold and your good friend asked if they can come over for a visit. What do you say?
Sure, come over but I don’t feel well.
You probably shouldn’t come because I’ll get you sick.
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10'000 Hours/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
When you are throwing a party for a big holiday, how do you spend most of the party?
Just enjoying the people and the occasion
Trying to prevent things from going wrong
Hoping that people are enjoying themselves
Keeping an eye on all the details
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Image Source/ Image Source/ Getty Images
Your neighbor is out digging up their lawn to fix a leak. How do you interact with them?
I’ll go over and ask if they need help.
I’ll imagine what the worst possible outcome is.
I’ll get a shovel and go help.
I’ll offer to give them a number for a good plumber.
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LYSVIK PHOTOS/ Moment/ Getty Images
When you go out to your car in the morning and the windshield is covered with ice, how do you react?
I take in the crisp, frosty air.
I curse and am sure I’ll be late.
I hope that I won’t be late.
I just get out the scraper and do what needs to be done.
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Lorado/ E+/ Getty Images
When you’ve had a big fight with your partner, what do you need in order to feel better?
For them to acknowledge the hurt
To feel like they know that I’m right
For them to approach me kindly
Just to stop talking about it
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UK Natural History/ Moment/ Getty Images
When walking in the park, you come face to face with a deer. How do you respond?
Stop and enjoy looking into its eyes
I’d keep moving so it doesn’t hurt me.
I’d take a picture to remember the moment.
I take a good look and keep walking.
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Frank and Helena/ Cultura/ Getty Images
What kind of game would you most prefer to play?
I prefer conversation to games.
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laflor/ E+/ Getty Images
When you are talking to someone and you really lose interest in what they’re saying, how do you continue?
Try to come back to be present to the person
Try to politely excuse myself
Try to get interested in what they’re saying
Change the subject to something I’m interested in
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Tom Werner/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
For what reason might you find yourself at a coffee shop?
To meet friends and gossip
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Prasit photo/ Moment/ Getty Images
When something happens at home that makes you boil over, how does your anger come out?
I vent it out in an intense yoga session.
I express my anger to whomever is close by, telling them why I feel this way.
I act passive-aggressively.
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Whiteway/ E+/ Getty Images
Your neighbor always blows their leaves into your driveway. What do you do about it?
I decide that I don’t care and just breathe.
I blow them back into their yard.
I mention it to them in the hope that they’ll understand.
I explain to them why that’s not what they should do.
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Rob Lewine/ Image Source/ Getty Images
When the holidays roll around, how do you observe them in your neighborhood?
I greet people and wish them a happy holiday.
I don’t really interact with my neighbors.
I decorate and deliver goodies.
I enjoy looking at others’ decorations.
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Steve Prezant/ Image Source/ Getty Images
How do feel when you’re celebrating your birthday?
I’m grateful for all I experience in life.
I’m depressed at how old I’m getting.
I just love the people I’m with showing their love.
I’m reflective over what I want to do in the next year.
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Hinterhaus Productions/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
What form of exercise would you be most likely to engage in to blow off steam?
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