What Kind of Teenager Are You?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Kind of Teenager Are You?
Image: Getty Images / Moment / Halfpoint Images

About This Quiz


Search for your true identity with this fun teen quiz about what kind of teenager you are! The teenage years are all about growth and self-discovery, so why not see where you fit in?

As we navigate the challenges of adolescence, we often find ourselves trying on different personas and figuring out what truly resonates with us. This quiz is a great way to explore your own unique traits and characteristics as a teenager.

Answer these questions to uncover more about yourself and gain insight into the kind of teenager you are. Embrace this rite of passage and enjoy the journey of self-discovery!

Directly above shot of mother and daughter washing dishes near sink in kitchen during vacation
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images
An adult tells you to do the dishes, what is your response?
Ugh... fine.
I can't wait to live alone.
Empty school classroom, exercise books and pens on table
Ableimages / Getty Images
What is your favorite class?
Gym class
Mod Tech
What do you do after school?
Team practice
Play video games
Read or write


How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?
45 minutes
15 minutes
About 20 minutes
I wake up and go.
What do you think about dating?
It's easy. I love it!
It causes anxiety.
I could care less.
No one wants to date me.
Which of these best describes your report card?
I pass.
Mostly A's
I do OK.
I do well in the classes I like.


How do you feel about homework?
It gets in the way of my sports.
It's interesting.
I do enough to pass.
I pass without doing any homework.
Did you read the last book assigned to you?
I read summaries online.
Cover to cover
I read enough to pass the quiz.
It wasn't my taste.
Which of these best describes your social life?
Very busy
I have a small group of friends.
I have one or two friends.
I get by without friends.


How do you feel about cliques?
Mine is at the top of the food chain.
They are interesting to observe.
They don't bother me.
I hate conformity.
You have a chemistry test tomorrow, what are you doing tonight?
I have a game.
Thinking about how to pass with minimal work
Where do you sit at lunch?
With a large group of friends
In the library
With one or two friends
Wherever there is an open seat


How often are you in detention?
Once in a while
Once a month
Every week
Do you like talking to your teachers?
Just the ones who are coaches
Only about school-related things
Only about graduating
Not so much
Someone asks you out. What is your response?
Sorry, I'm taken.
Really?! OK!
I really don't have time.
This has the makings of an '80s teen movie.


Do you have a job?
No, I have enough on my plate.
No, I want to concentrate on my grades.
Yes, and I'll skip school to work.
Yes, but only a part-time job
Are you excited for graduation?
No, I never want high school to end!
No, I'm more anxious about making valedictorian.
Yes, get me out of here!
Yes, but I don't know what I'm going to do.
What is your relationship with your parents like?
Pretty great. They take care of me.
Good, but they put a lot of pressure on me.
Not great. I can't wait to get out of here.
It's OK, but we are really different.


What do you do with your money?
Spend it on clothes
Spend it on video games
Save it for college
Save it for something I want
Are you planning on attending college?
Yes, I have an athletic scholarship.
Yes, I already know what my major will be.
Maybe, depending on how much money I'm making after I graduate.
I'll give it a try for a year.
What do you do on Friday nights?
When I don't have a game, I party.
Hang out with friends
Work. There's always a shift open on Fridays.
Work or read


What do you do on Saturday mornings?
Sleep in
Study or play video games
Work or relax
How do you feel about group projects?
Awesome! I gotta find the smart kid.
As long as I get in a group with my friends, I'm cool with it.
I get irritated relying on others.
I feel more comfortable when the groups are assigned.
How often do you shower?
Sometimes multiple times a day
Every other day
Once a day
Whenever I smell


How often do you miss school?
When I'm too sick to play
When I can work instead
Once a week
What rank are you in your class?
Top 50
Top 3
Top 100
I have no idea.
Which of these best describes your style?
High fashion
Graphic T's
My work uniform
Whatever doesn't itch


Someone invites you to a party. What is your first thought?
Sweet! A party! I'll go if my friends go.
Are there going to be video games there?
I have to work that day.
Is this a joke?
Which best describes your reaction when the teacher calls on you?
I don't know the answer, so I'll crack a joke.
I know the answer, but I'm anxious when I hear my name.
Ugh, not again.
The teacher never calls on me.
How much coffee do you drink?
None, it ruins my performance.
None, it upsets my stomach.
I can't function without it.
A little bit here and there
