What % of Your Cat Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What % of Your Cat Are You?
Image: Image(s) by Sara Lynn Paige / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

If you've been scratched or ignored by your cat in the past, now's the time to see if you bear any similarities to your friendly companion. While every cat has their share of distinct personality traits, the majority of cats are said to be independent creatures who are happy with doing whatever they please. Some of their favorite activities include sleeping in cardboard boxes (for potentially the entire day) and playing with mice and laser toys. 

While some cats prefer to stay indoors, there are many outdoor cats who also love to hunt various birds and rodents for fun. But if your inner cat just wants to cuddle with some friends, then this quiz will reveal a little more about your cute and adorable personality.

For the most part, cats are fairly easy pets to take care of, especially since you don't have to take them out for walks. Some owners even leave their cats alone for a few days with plenty of food, water, litter and toys. After all, cats are very good at taking care of themselves and are typically fine with playing with toys or nibbling on furniture. If you're curious to see how much of your cat you embody, take our playful quiz now!

When you have guests come over to your house, what do you like to do?
Run and hide.
Make food in the kitchen.
Sit in a corner by myself.
Mingle with them.
Do you secretly like to cuddle with your friends when you're feeling lonely?
All the time.
It depends on the friend.
Only if I was feeling really lonely.
No, that would be weird.
Is your personality more shy and mysterious or a bit more outgoing and playful?
Mysterious and shy
Mine is both shy and playful.
It depends on who I'm around.
Outgoing and playful


If you had the whole day off with no plans at all, how many hours of sleep would you get?
A full 24 hours
12-16 hours
8-12 hours
6-8 hours
Do you have more fun when you hang out with other friends or when you spend time by yourself?
I have much more fun when I'm by myself.
I prefer to be with 1-2 other friends.
I like to spend time with many of my friends.
I'm only happy when I'm surrounded by friends, family and acquaintances.
Dogs are often thought of as the polar opposite of cats. How do you personally feel about dogs?
I hate them all.
I'm indifferent about them.
Dogs are just OK.
I love dogs.


Imagine yourself as a cat who has superpowers. Which of these superpowers would you suddenly acquire?
The power of cuteness.
The power of being super fluffy.
The power to eat as much as I want.
The power to meow in an adorable manner.
If you could transform into one of these cats for a day, which type would you choose?
Persian cat
Maine Coon cat
Ragdoll cat
British Shorthair cat
Let's say you were a cute and adorable cat who loves to play. Would you rather play indoors or outdoors?
Maybe a bit of both.
It depends on what kinds of toys I have.


As a cat, you have just acquired some secret catnip! What are you going to do with it?
Keep it away from humans.
Eat it.
Smell it.
Leave it alone.
Which of these cat names would you want as your first name?
Pretend that you're a cat who loves to hunt animals for fun. Which of these animals would be your next victim?


If you were a cat, how would you feel if your owner dressed you up in little cat outfits?
I would feel very annoyed.
I wouldn't really care.
I would feel mildly amused.
I would love it.
Which of these Pokemon cats would you like to keep as your new house pet?
You are allowed to try only one of these tasty cat foods. Which one will you be dining on this evening?
Chunky beef gravy
Chicken paté
Tender tuna flakes
Liver chunks with cheese


As a cat, you're sure to have different types of colors on your coat. What type of coat pattern would you want to have?
Think about your sleeping arrangements as a cat. Would you want to sleep in a box or on a comfy bed?
A box sounds heavenly.
The floor is just fine.
I'll take the couch.
I'll take the comfy bed.
Is sunbathing for losers or is it a great way to relax under the sun?
It's the most relaxing thing I can think of.
I've tried it, and it's all right.
I don't know, I've never tried it.
It's definitely for losers.


If you were a cat, what would you write down on your Christmas list for Santa Claus to bring you?
Water fountain
Laser toy
Mouse toys
Pretend that you're a cat who has run away from home. How would you find your way back?
I wouldn't, who needs humans anyway?
I would ask other cats how I can get home.
I would try to retrace my steps.
I would meow like crazy.
Let's say you're a cat who has noticed that their owner hasn't come home for the past 2 days. How would you feel?
Slightly concerned


You have just been given the power to talk to your cat. What's the first thing you would say to them?
"I hate you too."
"Stop destroying my house please."
"Why don't you ever want to cuddle with me?"
"I love you so much."
Would you rather stay a kitten forever or grow up into a mature and responsible adult cat?
I would love to be a kitten forever.
It depends on who is taking care of me.
I'll take the mature adult cat option.
Neither, I want to be a dog.
Are you the type of person who can take care of yourself easily or do you need someone else to care for you?
I can take care of myself.
I just need someone to bring me food, that's it.
It'd be nice to have someone to hang out with.
I need someone else to fully take care of me.


If you were home alone as a cat, what would you want to start destroying first?
The furniture
The carpet
The toilet paper
Nothing, I love my owner too much.
As a cat who loves to knock stuff over, would you feel guilty about all the mess you would make?
Not at all.
Only if I was caught.
Maybe a little bit.
Yes, I would feel very guilty.
You notice that your owner is ignoring you for their other friends. How do you get their attention?
I don't, I leave them alone.
I would look at them with a cute face.
I'll nibble on their leg.
I'll start annoying them with temper tantrums.


There are many things to love about cats, but what do you personally love about them?
How cute and adorable they are.
How independent they are.
I like their sassy personality.
Nothing really.
In a perfect world, how many cats would you love to own in your home?
More than 4
If someone offered you a million dollars for your cat, would you accept this trade?
No way, my cat is priceless to me.
Most likely not.
I'd have to think about this.
In a heartbeat.
