What Type of Guy Will You Attract in 2020?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Type of Guy Will You Attract in 2020?
Image: Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Out with the old, and in with the new guy! Last year may have not been a record year in the dating department, but there's a new year ahead. In 2020, you have 12 whole months to meet someone you deserve. You have a brand new chance to attract the kind of guy you've been dreaming about. Will you attract that type of guy, though?

Even if you already have a type - that kind of guy you always seem to end up dating - you can never predict who will be attracted to you. Will he be the kind you are familiar with, or will he be something brand new? If you share your dating history, your dating hopes and what you want in a man, you'll learn what type of guy you can expect to reel in during 2020.

There are tons of types of guys in the sea, and you know what you like. During this quiz, your preferences will predict the exact combination of traits the guy you'll attract possesses. Are you in for a brand new adventure, or are you going to find something as comfortable as dating your best male friend? Learn what type of guy 2020 has in store for you!

1 Cashmere Man
Morsa Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you see an attractive guy across the room, what do you first notice about him?
His shoes
His hair
His confidence
His body
2 Hiker
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you believe that the guy you'll meet in 2020 will be your soulmate?
I hope so! This is exhausting.
I'll have to meet him before I can answer that.
I don't think it's good to project things that might not happen.
I'm just trying to get through the day. That's too heavy to think about.
3 Beach Cozy
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
In one word, what was your dating life like last year?


4 Dating App
Marco_Piunti / E+ / Getty Images
Do you have any plans to use a dating app?
I'm finally going to make myself do it.
I do not like them at all.
I've tried them, but I've had limited success.
I plan to use all of them.
5 Dating with Pup
Nerida McMurray Photography / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If your pet didn't like your date, would it sway your decision about that person?
My pet doesn't like anyone.
This is why I don't have pets.
If it were a bad reaction, I might pay attention.
I'll give it a while to see if it changes.
6 Portrait
Portra / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of a guy's personality traits do you find most attractive?
Sense of adventure


7 Black Outfit
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How long have you been out there looking for "the one?"
I've only been looking for a few months.
It feels like I've been looking for a lifetime.
I've been on the market for about a year.
I'm just keeping my options open.
8 Shy Man
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
When you have a crush on someone, do you get shy around them?
I can barely speak!
No, but I do get giggly.
If I have a crush, I avoid them. I know - it's crazy!
It's not really shy. It's more like self-conscious.
9 Museum Couple
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of these first date ideas would you consider ideal?
Dinner and a movie
An arcade
An indoor skydiving place
An art museum


10 Beard
Uwe Krejci / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you a fan of the full-bearded look?
I love big beards!
The clean-shaven look is more attractive to me.
I am not really into looks. It doesn't matter to me.
I don't mind a small, well-trimmed beard.
11 Spaghetti Kiss
Martin Novak / Moment / Getty Images
Do you have any rules about kissing on the first date?
It's a bad idea.
If the date is going well, I'll go for it.
I have very few dating rules.
I like to try to wait a few dates.
12 Handyman
Henrik Sorensen / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you prefer to date a guy who is tech-savvy or handy around the house?
I need someone who can do both!
Having a tech-savvy boyfriend is a good thing.
I can handle all that stuff myself.
Being handy around the house would give a guy a few bonus points.


13 Stretch
Ian Spanier / Image Source / Getty Images
What did you like most about your last ex?
He was always polite.
No comment
He had a lot of problem-solving skills.
He was great at expressing his emotions.
14 Jean Jacket
Jung-Pang Wu / Moment / Getty Images
Which one of these skills do you hope Mr. 2020 has?
Cooking skills
Fixing my car skills
Not snoring skills
Going shopping with me skills
15 Date with a View
Oleh_Slobodeniuk / E+ / Getty Images
Do you share all the details of your dates with anyone?
If they're bad, I'll tell everyone about them.
I like to keep that stuff to myself until I see where it's going.
I might tell my best friend.
I'll talk about it, but I won't go into detail.


16 Man Smiling
Kristina Lindberg / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you looking for something serious or someone to have fun with?
I'm looking for someone to have fun with.
I hope I meet my forever guy in 2020.
I hope I can find both of those things.
Really, it depends on how well we get along.
17 Group Laughing
Tom Werner / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you be up for going out with your high school sweetheart again?
Not a chance!
If he's matured a lot, I would.
I don't revisit relationships.
If he were the last guy on earth, I would consider it.
18 Amsterdam Man
Alexander Spatari / Moment / Getty Images
What is the best thing you bring to a relationship?
A sense of humor


19 Chrissy and John
Which one of these famous couples do you find adorable?
John Legend and Chrissy Teigen
Kim and Kanye
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Beyonce and Jay-Z
20 Couple on Beach
Uwe Krejci / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's the current state of your love life like?
I'm looking ahead to the future.
I don't even know anymore.
It's like a comedy.
What's a love life?
21 Wining
miodrag ignjatovic / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever experienced anything that resembles love at first sight?
I keep waiting for that to happen.
It's happened to me!
I've been attracted at first sight.
I feel that way when I see puppies.


22 Moving In
MoMo Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How long should a couple date before they move in together?
They should wait until marriage.
There's no time like the present.
They should wait at least a year.
I think a few months is long enough.
23 Couple on Moped
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you're in a relationship, do you need a lot of alone time?
I've had enough alone time.
It's healthy to have alone time.
Not really, but I like having time to go out with friends.
I am a creature of space.
24 Laughing on Couch
Jose Luis Pelaez / Photodisc / Getty Images
Do you jump right into relationships, or do you take your time?
My heart makes that decision.
I like to take the slow road.
I tend to jump without thinking.
I usually know if it's going to work when I first meet someone.


25 Serenated
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you find it romantic to be serenaded?
I would find it creepy!
The boombox over the head trick would be more romantic to me.
I'm a sucker for that kind of thing.
It depends on their singing!
26 Cozy on Phone
fotostorm / E+ / Getty Images
What's your favorite way to get to know someone before you go out with them?
Face to face conversation
Video chat
Phone calls
27 Lovers by Sea
Chakarin Wattanamongkol / Moment / Getty Images
How do you know that you're interested in someone?
I can't stop thinking about them.
It's weird, but they usually annoy me at first.
I never notice until my friends tell me.
When we have a lot in common


28 Friends Cooking
vgajic / E+ / Getty Images
Where do you usually go to meet new people?
The grocery store
The dog park
A local establishment
I have an app for that.
29 Beach Wedding
Karen Brodie / Moment / Getty Images
Do you see yourself getting married in the next five years?
It depends on the guy who finds me attractive.
That's a little soon.
I hope so!
Commitment is as good as marriage.
30 Man on Boat
Alexander Spatari / Moment / Getty Images
What kind of guy did you attract last year?


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