What's Your Superhero Name?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What's Your Superhero Name?
Image: avid_creative/E+/GettyImages

About This Quiz


Are you ready to unleash your inner superhero? Dive into the exciting world of superpowers and heroic deeds with the ""What's Your Superhero Name?"" quiz! Discover your true superhero identity and get ready to face off against villains like Thanos, Joker, and Magneto. It may be a tough job, but as a hero, you'll be up for the challenge!

Before you can save the world, you'll need a powerful name to match your extraordinary abilities. Take the quiz to find out your superhero name and embark on your epic journey to greatness. Who knows, you might just be the next Avenger or Justice League member!

Join the ranks of legendary superheroes and embrace your destiny. With the ""What's Your Superhero Name?"" quiz, you'll unlock your hidden potential and become a force for good in the universe. Get ready to soar to new heights and show the world what you're made of!

Lauren Bates/Moment/GettyImages
You can't be a superhero without an origin story. How did you get your powers?
I was born like this.
An experiment gone wrong!
A weird, cosmic mutation
The government made me this way.
When it comes to thwarting your arch-nemesis, what power are you bringing to the table?
Cool gadgets and fighting ability
Super smarts!
Cosmic powers of destruction!
Super strength
Cyber man
Francesco Carta fotografo/Moment/GettyImages
Are you just a good old-fashioned human or is there a little more to your superpowers?
I kind of like the idea of some cyber parts.
Maybe a little alien DNA
Started human, then became something more
Just a regular human with maybe some science mixed in


Men with masks
Are you the kind of hero who needs a sidekick?
I work alone.
I could handle a partner, maybe.
As long as I'm not their sidekick, I guess so.
Marvel Studios
Maybe a sidekick wouldn't be good enough for you. A whole team might be better. Which group are you joining?
The Watchmen
The Avengers
The X-Men
The Justice League
Secret mission
Anyone you'd like to partner up with on a secret mission?
Iron Man
The Human Torch
Wonder Woman


Watching city
Are you protecting a city, the planet, the universe or something else?
Just my neck of the woods
The world!
I could handle some universe protection.
I'll protect whatever needs protecting.
Man in cave
You need a base to call home. Where are you heading at the end of a long day of fighting evil?
A secret cave base
My mansion
A space station
Team HQ
Red cloak
Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd/DigitalVision/GettyImages
How important is a killer costume?
My costume is key to my identity.
I don't really need a costume.
I just need something practical.
I'm going to look good no matter what.


Sewing costume
You probably can't pick up a costume at Forever 21, so where do you think you'll get yours?
I'm making it myself.
I'll just wear whatever.
Space. Everything cool comes from space.
Government issue
Most heroes have one main villain, an arch-nemesis who never seems to go away. How will you handle yours?
I'll crush them like a bug!
I'll routinely outsmart them, no worries.
Maybe I can banish them to a parallel dimension?
Right to prison they go!
Wikimedia Commons/Denis Bourez
Could you go toe-to-toe with the Hulk?
Can anyone?
I'd try to think of a non-physical way to take him out.
I'd find help.
I'd try.


Marvel vs DC
Marvel Studios/Warner Bros. Pictures/Paramount Pictures/Legendary Pictures/Lawrence Gordon Productions
Who has the best heroes, Marvel or DC?
They're both great.
Watching tv
Superheroes aren't just in movies; they're on TV! What's the best super show out there?
"The Tick"
"The Flash"
"Doom Patrol"
20th Century Fox
We get it; some heroes are just kind of overrated. Who do you think just isn't that great?


Filming movie
Thanks to Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, female superheroes are really gaining in popularity. Who else deserves a movie?
Squirrel Girl
Black Widow (Yeah, she's getting one, but it was a long time coming!)
Christian Bale
Wikimedia Commons/MartinKraft
There have been a lot of Batmen over the years. Or Batmans, if you will. Who was the best of the bunch?
Christian Bale
Adam West
Michael Keaton
Robert Pattinson is going to be the best.
Fire in eye
Lesley Magno/Moment/GettyImages
Superman's weakness is kryptonite, while Iron Man's weakness could be his ego. What's yours?
Normal human frailty
Something mysterious, I suppose?
Someone tougher than me


Black Panther
Marvel Studios
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been pretty historic. Which movie was the best one?
"Avengers: Endgame"
"Black Panther"
"Thor: Ragnarok"
"Iron Man"
Green Lantern
DC Entertainment/De Line Pictures
If you're out in space, what cosmic character would you want watching your back?
Silver Surfer
Adam Warlock
Rocket Raccoon
Green Lantern
20th Century Fox
The X-Men are all social outcasts for the most part. Who do you relate to the most on the team?


Gustavo Mazzarollo/MomentOpen/GettyImages
How would you have defeated Thanos?
Time travel
I would have taken control of his mind.
I would have shrunk myself down Ant-Man-style and climbed in his ear.
Knocked him senseless
Fingerprint scan
Jorg Greuel/Photodisc/GettyImages
Do you plan on having a secret identity so you can live a normal life in your downtime?
Of course
Not necessary
I don't think those ever work.
I like to think everyone will know who I am.
20th Century Fox
Some villains are so cool, you kind of don't want them to lose. Who do you like most?
The Joker


Dark Phoenix
20th Century Fox
While female superheroes are just starting to get some respect, we can't forget the villains. Who's the best female villain out there?
Harley Quinn
Dark Phoenix
Poison Ivy
Making a deal
Is it worth it to try to come to a peaceful resolution with a villain?
Of course
But can you ever trust a villain?
Maybe after you beat them
Close up cape
Marilyn Nieves/E+/GettyImages
You probably don't have a ton of time to consider fashion choices as a hero, but are you feeling a cape or no?
No cape. Nope.
What about a cloak?
Maybe a cape. If it's cool.
I could handle a cape.


Hero with bow
Are you the law-and-order type of hero or more of a vigilante of justice?
Vigilante, for sure!
Well, in and out, I suppose.
It's a grey area.
I plan to work for the government, so I guess I'm law and order.
Igor Alecsander/E+/GettyImages
Every hero needs a backup plan in case a villain of unimaginable power shows up. Are you prepared?
I'll always have a trick up my sleeve.
My backup plans have back up plans.
Uh. No.
I can only do my best.
Dark Horse Entertainment, Summit Entertainment
Sadly, the best names are already taken sometimes. Who has the coolest name already?
The Winter Soldier
