Where Will You Find Love?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Where Will You Find Love?
Image: David Lees / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Whether you believe in the One or the few, or even the many, in today's complicated world it's difficult to be sure of running into that person. Back in the days when people spent most of their lives within a 10-mile radius of where they grew up and a large social circle was anything over a hundred people, of course, it was easy to assume that you probably weren't going to meet someone who was just right for you, and thus settling for the closest available match made logical sense. These days, we have much higher expectations and many more tools to make them happen, which raises the bar - but it also raises the chance of meeting that bar.

There is one complication that goes beyond simply meeting the right person, or one of the right people: timing. If you meet them when one of you has college or military service to complete, or one of you is sick or has recently ended a major relationship, then you can end up having a good thing go wrong. This means it's even more important to have plenty of options for finding the right person so that you don't miss them when you are both available and ready for love. Where might yours be? Let's find out!

How often do you ask someone else out?
When I really like them
Almost never
I've had a few moments.
What sort of online spaces BESIDES dating apps do you visit?
Plenty of message boards for things I'm into
None, really
Nerdy places, mostly
Travel sites and social media
Would you date someone you couldn't avoid if it ever went wrong?
Sure-we're grownups!
Probably not
I can avoid anyone. Watch me.


Have you ever had a relationship last longer than a year?
Yes, one
Yes, more than one
No, but only because of logistical reasons like traveling
What's the first thing you ask a potential romantic prospect?
How they came to be in the space
What they do
Why did your last relationship end?
They cheated.
We wanted different things.
We weren't right for each other and only dated because we were in the same place at the same time.
I've never had one.


If you asked a friend, why would they say you're single now?
I'm too picky.
I'm too focused on work.
I've been hurt and now I am scared.
I'm impossible to pin down.
Has a friend ever set you up?
Yes. It was fine.
No, but I am open
No, and I would never let them
Do you know your company's policy on employee dating?
Everyone at my work is hideous, so I don't care.
Yes, and it is allowed outside your chain of command.
Yes, and it's a hard no.
I'm freelance!


How set are you in your current routine?
Not very
Not at all
How many dating apps are in your phone?
Would you let your mom set you up?
Ew, no
If I were desperate


If you're honest, how many dealbreakers are on your list?
A couple
A dozen
None really
Do you have a pet that needs to be walked?
No, and I hate going outside.
Yes, though it is only a little dog.
I wish!
Yes, my dog is demanding!
How long have you been BFFs with your closest circle of besties?
Ten years or so
A few years
Since childhood
A year or so


Are you a member of a gym?
I use the one downstairs from the office.
Yes, just the one
Yes, there's my dojo and my gym and my waterskiing class...
Are you involved in any political or charitable causes?
Yes, I volunteer a little.
I'm very active, yes.
I am an organizer for more than one such entity.
Do you have a "local" pub or cafe where you know other regulars?"
Sort of, but it is digital!
Yes, near work
Yes, near home
No, I move around too much


Would you be open to dating someone who wasn't a good match "on paper"?
Probably not
If someone said they were a good person, then OK
Do you mind talking to strangers?
No, as long as they respect my space!
I don't like it.
I hate it.
I love it!
What sort of hours do you work?
About 40 per week
60 or more
About 50 per week
It varies from 25 some weeks to 70 other weeks.


How did your parents meet?
A local dance
Family friends
Are you still in any sort of education (including evening classes)?
Not right now
I'm taking a management course.
No, but I'd like to be.
Yes, several
Do you believe in The One?
I think it's probably ridiculous but who knows?
Probably not


What do you consider to be a real date?
Meeting in person
Anything the participants say is a date!
Have you ever gone abroad on your own?
No, I have barely gone anywhere, with or without others!
Only for work
No, but I have traveled a fair bit.
Yes, more than once
What is the worst way for a prospective date to get your attention?
Send me a nude
Corner me in the supply closet
Come to where I am and doorstep me
Hit on me in an enclosed space like an elevator or bus where I can't easily flee


If it's just not working for you, do you find it easy to let people down gently?
Honestly, I just ghost.
Yes. If they are mature, it's fine.
No, but I do it.
I don't know if I'm gentle, but I'm willing to do what has to be done.
In what sort of working space do you spend time?
I work from home.
Mostly an office but sometimes a cafe
Out in the field or in a cafe
How important it is that your friends and family like your boo?
It's fairly important.
It's very important.
It's just a bonus.
