Which Famous Painting Really Reflects Your Soul?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Famous Painting Really Reflects Your Soul?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Of all the stunning paintings on the planet, which famous one reflects your soul the best? We want to dig deep into your personality, your lifestyle and your artistic spirit so that we can match you with the iconic painting that you are most like. 

With artists like Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso gracing us with their talent, it can be challenging to decide which famous painting sums you up the best. As we go through this quiz, we will ask you to fill us in on the way you operate and on the things you find most beautiful. There's no artistic talent required to find out which painting reflects your soul the best! In fact, the only thing you need to focus on during this quiz is yourself and the inner workings of your mind! Will you be more like a Jackson Pollock or more like a Norman Rockwell? 

Take a deep breath before you begin, and answer with the response you find truest to yourself. Once we know how you find your way through the world, we'll share the famous painting that reflects your soul the best! Ready? Let's get colorful! Take this quiz today!

Would you consider yourself to be an outdoorsy person?
I'm not much of an outdoorsy person.
I am most definitely.
I'm somewhat of an outdoorsy person.
I'm not an outdoorsy person at all.
How spiritual are you?
I am extremely spiritual.
I'm not spiritual at all.
I am somewhat spiritual.
I'm not very spiritual.
How well do you get along with others?
I struggle with other people most of the time.
Hell is other people.
I get along pretty well with others.
I get along great with other people.


Would you consider yourself to be understated?
I am extremely understated.
I'm not understated at all.
I am somewhat understated.
I'm not very understated.
Would you say that you are into stargazing?
I'm not very into stargazing.
I love looking up at the night sky.
I'm somewhat into stargazing.
I'm not into stargazing at all.
Are you more introverted or extroverted?
I am very extroverted.
I am somewhat introverted.
I am somewhat extroverted.
I am very introverted.


Do you prefer abstract or realistic paintings?
I prefer realistic paintings.
I somewhat prefer abstract paintings.
I prefer abstract paintings.
I somewhat prefer realistic paintings.
Which subject matter is most appealing to you?
Spiritual themes
Surreal images
How much do you like mysteries?
I'm not a fan of mysteries.
Mysteries are okay.
I love a good mystery.
I enjoy mysteries.


What are your feelings on the state of the world today?
Things will be fine, I think.
I am horrified.
We need more peace and understanding.
We must take care of the environment better.
Do you like a fireworks display?
I enjoy fireworks.
I love a good fireworks display.
Fireworks are okay.
I'm not a fan of fireworks.
How would you describe your fashion style?
A subtle flair
Flashy and bright


How big is your circle of close friends?
I have a handful of close friends.
I have one or two close friends.
I'm more of a loner.
I have a large group of close friends.
Do you regularly attend services for an organized religion?
I do, every week.
I'm not all that involved in organized religion.
I'm not involved in organized religion at all.
I attend services once in a while.
How drawn to the ocean are you?
I'm somewhat drawn to the ocean.
I'm very drawn to the ocean.
I'm not very drawn to the ocean.
I'm not drawn to the ocean at all.


Would you consider yourself to be an environmental activist?
I'm not an environmental activist at all.
I am absolutely an environmental activist.
I'm not very much of an environmental activist.
I am somewhat of an environmental activist.
What part of the day are you at your best?
Late afternoon
Which season do you like the most?


Are you more of a doer or a dreamer?
I'm a total doer.
I'm a total dreamer.
I'm somewhat more of a doer.
I'm somewhat more of a dreamer.
Which genre of novel do you like the most?
How aggressive are you?
I'm not very aggressive.
I'm very aggressive.
I'm somewhat aggressive.
I'm not aggressive at all.


Where would you most like to appreciate artwork?
In a museum
In my home
In a church
In an art gallery
How excited about solar or lunar eclipses are you?
I'm interested, but I wouldn't say I'm excited.
I get very excited about them.
I'm not interested at all.
It's mildly interesting to me.
Which holiday do you like the most?
Valentine's Day


Would you say you're a fan of horror films?
I'm not a big fan of horror films.
Horror movies are pretty good.
I love horror movies.
I hate horror movies.
How deep of a thinker are you?
I'm not much of a deep thinker.
I'm not a deep thinker at all.
I am a very deep thinker.
I'm somewhat of a deep thinker.
How would you describe your love life?


How big of an appetite do you have?
I have a pretty weak appetite.
I have a decent appetite.
I have a very healthy appetite.
I eat less than most.
Which activity sounds most appealing to you?
A walk on a dock by the water
A picnic blanket under the stars
A big meal with friends
A fascinating conversation
How artistically inclined are you?
I'm somewhat artistically inclined.
I'm extremely artistically inclined.
I'm not all that artistically inclined.
I'm not artistically inclined at all.
