About This Quiz
Magic takes many forms within our world, be it superpowers, karma or good and bad luck. But Mother Nature also holds the key to certain types of magic, namely, some of the well-known magical elements of our world. If you don't know what they are, then let's take a look at some of them now!
If you have an "electric" personality, then perhaps some lightning magic lies within your inner soul. While lightning can be a sign of destruction, it also means that a person is ferocious, powerful and strong in life. But if you're a little more resilient about your goals, then maybe you wield the metal element. You may seek to live a life of balance, and nothing would break your strong willpower due to your perseverance and discipline. Now if you're a little more dark, unique and mysterious, then maybe you secretly hold some shadow magic in your soul. While this doesn't necessarily mean "evil," the shadow element may mean that a person is misunderstood by others. This could lead to a life of solitude, despite the person's strong sense of intelligence. So if you're curious about which magical element you wield, then it's time to take our mysterious quiz now!