Which Norse God or Goddess Reflects Your Soul?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which Norse God or Goddess Reflects Your Soul?
Image: Nastasic / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Have you ever felt like you were greater than the circumstances of your birth? You're not alone. The Norse were born in a beautiful if challenging to cultivate land far from the intense interest of the Roman Empire and its cultural inheritors. They decided it was time to go big or go home, and if anything, the Vikings were not about going home! 

The Norse invented gods with extreme qualities. They invented the Aesir (or as Marvel has decided to refer to them, "Asgardians") and the Ice Giants, dwarves, elves, the works. The Norse pantheon was more Dungeons and Dragons than its Roman and Greek counterparts, and in many ways, more interesting.

So what sort of person are you? Are you, like the Vikings, easy to compare to the Norse gods and goddesses, or are you a harder person to pinpoint? We have come up with a quiz, taking full advantage of every advance in archaeology, anthropology, and the study of the Norse religion to decide which Norse god or goddess is like you, and vice versa.

Do you dare to know if you are one of the heroic gods or one of the ones who give children nightmares? Are you a god who is useful every day, or one who only comes up at the end of the world? Take this quiz and find out!

Which of these omens would you find most comforting before a big day?
Seeing two ravens fly by
A lunar eclipse (blood moon)
A shooting star
Finding a four-leaf clover
Thor left his hammer Mjollnir on your coat, and obviously, you can't pick it up. Do you wake him from his nap?
Absolutely! He can't just leave his hammer wherever he wants as if it doesn't come with major responsibility.
Oh goodness, I'll just take his coat instead.
I do wake him up, but I do so nicely, with a cup of tea and some nice words.
I'll just freeze, and complain loudly so everyone knows why.
Which of these four magical creations do you wish you possessed?
Gungnir, the weapon which never misses its target
Draupmir ring, the ring which multiplied itself
Mjölnir, the short-handled hammer that took and gave life
Skidbladnir, the ship which could cross land, water, and air


If Loki showed up one night and asked for your help with a prank on Odin, what would you say?
I'm telling Odin in the morning.
Loki's the worst, but I might hear what the prank is before deciding.
I'd tell him good luck. I look forward to seeing the results, but I don't want to participate.
Heck yeah, I'm in!
If you could ask a question to just one of the Norns, who would you choose to ask?
Urðr, the goddess of "What Once Was"
Verðandi, the goddess of "What Is Coming into Being"
Skuld, the goddess of "What Shall Be"
I know better than to ask those three for anything.
Which area might you settle once you've raided enough to set yourself up?


What would you always remember to offer to the gods?
Meat from my plate
Grains from my bowl
Wine from my cup
Why should I offer them anything?
Which son of Odin do you think you'd be best buds with?
Thor, for sure
Odin sacrificed his right eye to drink from Mimir's well and gain wisdom. What would you sacrifice to drink from the well?
I'd give up whatever I was asked for this opportunity - except for my hands.
Actually, an eye or an ear sounds about right for me.
My hair. I'd give my hair.
Nothing. I don't need wisdom; I'm smart enough as is.


Which weapon would you want on a Viking raid?
A sword
A spear
A shield
An axe
You are going to need a shield when it comes to Ragnarok. What style would you prefer to carry into battle?
Kite shield, which is as big as and shaped like a kite
A regular circle shield, large enough to cover my back as I walk into battle.
A small hand shield, mostly useful for deflecting blows.
Who needs a shield when you are as fast as the gods?
What is the centerpiece of your ideal feast?
A mighty warthog that I hunted myself.
A roast bird for every person attending.
A beautiful berry cake, big enough for everyone.
Two words: wine fountain.


Which of these beloved steeds would you trust in battle?
Sleipnir, the eight-legged magical horse
Hildisvini, the giant love boar
Gullinbursti, the golden boar
Alsvin, one of the Sun chariot horses
If your sister was blessed with the arrival of a baby girl, what would you suggest she name the child?
Idunn, who is the goddess of spring
Vor, which means the careful one
Signy, which means new victory
Eisa, for her mischievious future
Which of these Viking crafts would you make your trade?
Cloth weaving


Which navigation tool would you want if you were sailing to a far off land, to raid and pillage?
A lodestone
An astrolabe
A knotted rope
A sextant
Vikings owe a lot of their success to their ship building skills. How do you feel about sailing?
I get a little seasick, but anything to get me to the next battle.
I'm all for adventure in any form.
I'll stay home and tend to land matters.
Yeah, I'd rather just fly.
What gift would you ask the gods and goddesses to bestow upon you?
The vision of an eagle
The gift of flight
The ability to heal myself and others
The ability to shapeshift and disguise myself


Which of these other pantheons do you feel connected to as well?
The Mesopotamian gods
The Hawaiian deities
The Japanese gods
The Greek Pantheon
If Odin told you that Ragnarok was imminent, but made you keep it a secret, what would you do?
I won't tell anyone, but I might check my weapon stock, just in case.
If I promised Odin I wouldn't tell anyone, then I will keep my word.
I would tell the person I care most about.
Tell everyone and get the heck out of there.
What Viking beverage quenches your thirst best?
Tea. Always tea
Fruit wine
Barley-based ale


Which realm would you rather have command of?
What is the last sight you wish to see before the Valkyrie fly you away to Valhalla?
The largest mountain I've conquered
My dear children and spouse
The home I grew up in
I'm not sure. Maybe a field of puppies. Maybe my enemies on a silver platter.
How often do you lash out at the people who frustrate you?
Almost never
It's uncommon, but it happens.
Isn't that how everyone handles frustration? I know it's how I do it!


If Freya invited you out to party with the gods the night before your wedding, would you join her?
I'm good. I don't need no party goddess ruining my big day.
Well, it depends on the party, doesn't it?
Heck yeah, I'm up for a good night, no matter the consequences.
I trust that goddess about as far as I can throw her. So no.
How good a judge of character are you?
If I'm honest, not great.
No one knows people better than me.
I have my moments.
I'm a terrible judge of character.
When a bard comes into town, which skills do you most appreciate from them?
Their painting ability
Their beautiful musical talents
Their poetry and storytelling
Their absolutely hilarious jokes


What is the virtue, held by the Vikings, that you most admire?
Their fortitude
Their discipline
Their loyalty
Their willingness to glorify what is essentially theft and murder
Do you think the Norse gods get a raw deal since they all know what will happen to them at Ragnarok?
No, because they're okay with it.
No, because it is what they are meant for.
No, because in the meantime, they have a lot of power.
Yes! It sucks!
What great thing would you like to be said about you in the epic poem of your life?
I'd like to be called a great, and cunning, warrior.
I'd prefer tales be told of my wit and cleverness.
I'd like to be called the life of the party.
I'd like my mischievious acts to be absolutely legendary.
