Which Wiccan Deity Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Wiccan Deity Are You?
Image: D-Keine / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The Wiccan gods and goddesses are a lot more numerous than one would think. To the casual observer, there are two main deities in the Wiccan pantheon: the Horned God and the Triple Goddess. While these are both indeed Wiccan deities, they are by no means the end all and be all.

Wicca isn't a rigid pagan religion, and it allows adherents to worship gods from just about every other religion, although these come down to pagan religions, for the most part. While it can be debated just how monotheistic the "monotheistic" religions really are, the Wiccan pantheon is decidedly mixed, with Norse gods rubbing elbows with the gods and goddesses of the Hindu, Greek, Roman, Voodoo, and other, more obscure religions. Picking your patron god or goddess is seen as a deeply personal rite of passage because there are so many to choose from.

But which of these deities are you? Which one of them is the embodiment of the total of your experiences, strengths, attitudes, and foibles? We've consulted the runes, and with a quick quiz designed to pinpoint your personality characteristics, we can name the Wiccan deity that summarizes who you are! Ready to give it a try?

Are you up for a good fight?
I love nothing more.
No, thanks. I don't dirty my hands.
If I'm in the mood.
A battle is a pointless waste, most of the time.
Are you a good negotiator?
That's my specialty.
Under the right circumstances
I can usually handle such obstacles.
How introspective are you?
I never look inside.
I know myself fairly well.
I have total self-knowledge.
I may not know everything about myself, but I have a modicum of wisdom anyway.


How organized are you at home?
Totally disorganized
Neat, but not that organized
Organized, but not neat
I'm neat and organized.
How do you deal with confrontations in the workplace?
I blow my top.
I find a way to back-stab the person I'm in conflict with.
I look at the problem from multiple perspectives.
I find the path of least resistance.
What sort of romantic partners do you attract?
Wounded types
Goody goodies who want to slum it
People with mommy issues. And sister issues. And grandmother issues.
People who can't sort themselves out.


How easily do you empathize with strangers?
I might have a personality disorder, because I don't.
Well enough to play them like a fiddle.
I do well, so long as they are of my gender.
I don't always succeed, but I always try hard.
How are you affected by crisis situations?
I dig in and act.
I find a way to take advantage.
I try to take care of the people first.
I instantly find a way to get through the trouble spot.
How convincing are you?
I need to cheat to be convincing.
I'd make a great insurance salesman.
I can be, under specific circumstances.
I'm convincing when I need to be.


How trustworthy are you?
Very. I'm an open book.
I'm totally untrustworthy, but still somehow trusted.
I'll be your confidant.
I can always be trusted to do the unexpected.
How mercurial is your personality?
I'm very much one way, and it's "maximum attack 110% of the time."
I'm on an even keel.
I'm constantly changing; very protean.
The world changes in relation to me, but I remain the same.
How often do others turn to you when they've totally messed up?
Sometimes, but some of the time they turn to me just because they are afraid of messing up.


How binary is your view of the world?
Well, it's either binary, or it isn't, right?
It's all shades of gray.
Certain things, like gender roles, are totally binary to me.
Not everything is one way or another, and it isn't useful to impose such a worldview.
How do you define evil?
Anyone who isn't with me.
Evil is a myth.
The world is inherently evil.
Evil exists where there is privation.
How is your relationship with your family?
We are fiercely loyal to each other.
We communicate often.
I spend all my time with them.
We are distant.


Are there any stories about you that aren't true?
No, they're all true.
A few... oh, who am I kidding? They're all true.
Some yes. They are very hurtful.
There are so many stories about me, I can't keep track of them all.
Which of these clothing items appeals the most?
A hoodie
A suit
A skirt
A robe
Where do your professional strengths lie?
Seizing opportunities
Cutting deals
Managing the team


Do you view life as a zero sum game?
How else would I view it?!
Yes, of course. I get what's mine!
No, it needn't be that way!
No, that view is an illusion.
What is your favorite thing about art?
How it inspires action.
How it holds value.
How it pulls people together.
How it illuminates a point of view to others.
How do you celebrate personal successes?
By diving into the next project
With a drink
With a party!
No celebration is needed.


Which of the following drinks sounds like something you'd order?
Scotch. Neat.
Rum with a pinch of gunpowder
How do you handle defeat?
I don't! Grrrrr!
I redouble my efforts the next time.
I lick my wounds in private.
I learn from my mistakes and move on.
How do you plan for your future?
Why bother?
I have a lot of investments.
I just live in the moment and try to save money when I can.
Time is an illusion.


How easy is it to be in a relationship with you?
If you like everything that I like, it's easy!
It's impossible.
Very easy. I'm accommodating.
While I am emotionally available, sometimes I come across as a bit aloof.
How good is your word?
I follow through when I feel like it.
It's always good. I follow my promises to the letter.
I will always do what I promise, if I can.
About as good as anyone's, one supposes.
How athletic are you?
Very! I'm so ripped!
I'm trim, but I don't bother with fitness.
I'm not in the best shape.
I'm not athletic at all.


Which game appeals the most?
Are you "religious" or "spiritual"?
I'm totally spiritual, but not religious.
I'm very religious, but not spiritual.
I'm a bit more spiritual than religious.
I'm a bit more religious than spiritual.
Do you worry about the dark side of the occult?
Not often. Maybe I should.
I am the dark side.
All the time!
I do not worry, because fear is just information. Worry is a neurosis.
