Would You Fly for the Air Force, Navy or Marines?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Would You Fly for the Air Force, Navy or Marines?
Image: RichVintage / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Clearly, you have set your sights on a career as a military pilot. Now that you know what you want to do with the rest of your life, it's important to make sure that you take your flight skills to the right branch of the military. If you're meant to be a Navy Top Gun pilot, you wouldn't want to get stuck flying a cargo plane belonging to the Marines! 

Before you end up spreading your wings in the wrong branch, let's make sure you are heading to the right recruiting office. You are going to dedicate your entire life to your military career, and it's important to make the most of it by figuring out where you would excel. Once you answer our questions about your skills, ambitions and military leanings, we will let you know which branch is right for you. 

While every branch of the military has a specific set of requirements, the ability to fly for one of them is even more stringent. Let's test how much of the right stuff you have and pair you up with the perfect branch. Then, you can aim as high as you want with the confidence that you've found your perfect hanger! 

How many pushups could you drop and do?
At least 10
One or two
A few dozen
About 100
Do you have a problem with working night shift?
I prefer night shift.
I don't like it, but I'll do it.
It's not for me.
It's okay once in a while.
Which rank do you think you'll deserve someday?
Commander in Chief


What is the best thing about the Army?
The Army is full of good marksmanship.
The Army is really tough.
I don't know a lot about the Army.
They offer great support to other branches.
Which area of academics is your strongest?
Do you plan to retire from the military?
I haven't thought that far ahead.
That's the plan.
I hope I do.
I won't be enlisted that long.


How would you hold up during astronaut training?
It's too tough for me.
I would love to find out.
I think I could hack it.
It requires too much training.
Where would you least like to crash land a plane?
The mountains
The desert
The ocean
The city
Would you feel more comfortable giving orders or taking orders?
I can go both ways.
I prefer to give the orders.
I don't mind taking orders.
It depends on the person giving the orders.


Do you ever get motion sickness?
Sometimes in the car
On the ocean
During turbulence
Which of your qualities would make you a great Marine?
Why do you want to fly in the military?
It's good experience.
I want to serve my country.
It's been my lifelong dream.
It's a great way to pay for college.


If you worked at an airport, what would be your job?
Flight attendant
Air traffic controller
Gift shop owner
Which branch of the military is the smartest?
Air Force
Would you describe your workspace as tidy?
That's not the word I would use.
It's as neat as a pin.
It's a little cluttered.
It's a dumpster fire.


If you woke up on a deserted island, what would you do first?
Build a fire
Look for water
Set off a flare
Do you have the nerve to go on a hot air balloon ride?
Of course!
They are too dangerous for me.
I might go on a blimp.
I prefer large jets.
How would your current boss describe your attitude?


Which country's military base would you most like to spend time exploring?
How many times have you been hunting?
More than I can count
Once or twice
A handful of times
Which of these MREs would you have every day for a week?
Beef and macaroni
Chicken chunks
Black bean chili
Mac and cheese


Have you taken any practice ASVAB tests?
I didn't know there were practice tests.
I have taken a few.
I'm always studying.
I don't like taking tests.
Do you know a lot of veterans?
I have a family full of them.
I know a couple.
I don't know many.
I think I know more than most people.
What do you like to do when sitting around a campfire?
It's a good time to dry out.
I like to eat the day's catch.
Ghost stories are my favorite part.
I like to sing songs around the fire.


Which of these things do you fear the most?
Deep water
Could you become a combat medic?
That's far too stressful.
I'm not good with medical things.
I think it would be awesome.
No, but I respect them.
Which of these military films do you like most?
"Black Hawk Down"
"Top Gun"
"Saving Private Ryan"
"Apocalypse Now"


How would you keep yourself in shape for a military physical?
I would work out regularly.
I would watch my diet.
I would walk to work.
I wouldn't do anything until right before the physical.
When is the last time you were on a plane?
I've never been on a plane.
Last year for vacation
Many years ago
Which type of aircraft would you prefer to fly?
Passenger jet
Fighter jet
Cargo plane
Prop plane
