Are You A Vampire Or A Werewolf?

By: David Copper
Estimated Completion Time
2 min
Are You A Vampire Or A Werewolf?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The war between vampires and werewolves has been going on for what now seems like a millennium. These supernatural creatures have been sworn enemies since their creation (if you go by what the "Underworld" movies say anyway) and have been going at it since then. 

More recent movies the "Twilight" saga restarted what we thought was a waning war, with people all around the world choosing a side (werewolf or vampire) - Team Jacob or Team Edward. Now you may have chosen one based on how cool you think the creature is, but what if you were wrong. What if you chose a werewolf when you were meant to be a blood-sucker? Or what if you chose a vampire when you were meant to be a lycanthrope? There's only one way to find out, and it's with this quiz!

Werewolves are humans that can shapeshift at the full moon, depending on which legend you believe. Some of them can shift at will, whenever they want to, while some of them are bound to change once a month. The great thing about werewolves, apart from their hunting abilities and sense of smell, is that they return to being 100% human after their shifts.

Vampires on the other hand always have to drink blood. In some legends, they can eat human food, walk in the sun (either with rings or sometimes they sparkle) and breathe. Whatever you believe, most vampires are beautiful, elegant, rich, and alluring. They can ensnare you, run extremely fast and sometimes even fly. 

Regardless of your preference, both of these creatures of the night are pretty badass. But which one are you, really? Take this quiz to find out!

What kind of dancing do you prefer?
Slow and romantic
Wild and crazy!
I love disco dancing!
Salsa dancing
Is makeup attractive?
It's lovely.
No, women should be natural.
I like it, but too much an be ugly.
Makeup should bring out a woman's beauty.
Your favorite movie genre?
Romantic drama
Romantic comedy


Your favorite color?
Your favorite US president?
Barak Obama
Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon
Your favorite US city?
New York City
Las Vegas
San Francisco


Could you have a career in politics?
I'd be a great president!
I have too many skeletons in my closet.
I find politics boring.
The voters would love me!
How do you like your food?
Slowly cooked
I prefer fast food!
It doesn't matter as long as it's tastefully cooked.
When I'm hungry it doesn't matter!
Do you keep clean?
Always! I'm a neat freak.
I just let myself go!
I'm usually clean, but I get a little lazy sometimes.
I usually don't care unless I have a date coming over.


Who do you most want to impress in life?
My drinking buddies
My romantic partners
My co-workers
What does your house look like?
It's a bit messy.
It's very orderly.
People admire my taste.
I don't pay much attention to it.
Do your friends know your secrets?
They don't.
I have no secrets. My friends know everything about me.
A few secrets slip out.
My only secrets are to protect my friends.


Your favorite music genre?
Punk rock
Your favorite actor?
Will Smith
Adam Sandler
Matt Damon
Bill Murray
Which of these do you prefer to read?
Romance novels
Comic Books
Literary novels
Horror novels


Your ideal car?
A Porsche
A Cadillac
A pickup truck
Do you exercise?
I box
I jog
I play football.
I play baseball.
How do you feel about kids?
They do not interest me at all.
I love kids!
I a


What were you like as a student?
I always got my homework done.
I didn't bother with homework.
I was okay.
Which of these careers would you hate the most?
Police officer
A college professor
A fast food worker
A foreign diplomat
How do you usually dress for a party?
I just throw on whatever.


What do you like least about the internet?
The lack of privacy
Too much politeness
How do you express your opinions?
Loud and proud!
In private
Your favorite fictional character?
James Bond
Snow White
The Wicked Which of the West


Your favorite holiday?
New Years Eve
Do you eat animals?
In moderation.
Could you ever have a job on a farm?
No, it's too dirty.
Yes, I'd love it!


Your favorite European country?
The UK
How would people describe you?
What matters most to you?
Getting love
Having fun
Being successful
Being myself


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