Are You as Funny as You Think You Are?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Are You as Funny as You Think You Are?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Everyone is funny in their own right. Whether you're overly observational and poke holes in the ordinary parts of everyday life, or you have a more surreal view of the world and aren't afraid to offer an absurd rant about it, everyone posses a funny bone. But how funny are you actually?

Are you the life of the party, constantly commanding the center of attention? Or are those laughs at you rather than with you? While everyone may be funny in their own way, not everyone knows how to use their great powers of humor. Worst, far too many overestimate how funny they are.

Now we're not saying everyone needs to be a standup comedian, we're just offering you an honest opinion so you never find yourself bombing in front of people you're trying to impress. Who knows, maybe we'll think you're flipping hilarious and give you the green light to tell whatever ridiculous joke you'd like. With great power comes great comedic stylings.

Take this quiz and find out if you are as funny as you think you are. This quiz might be the start of a hilarious new career path you never considered.

Who would you cite as an example of a funny man?
Robin Williams
Jordan Peele
Daniel Tosh, brah!
Barack Obama
Who would you cite as an example of a funny woman?
Wanda Sykes
Carrie Fisher
I can't think of any.
Dorothy Parker
You're stuck on an elevator with George Carlin, Richard Pryor, John Candy and Robin Williams. What do you do?
Why am I on an elevator with four dead guys?
Press the button for my floor.
Tell them all that story about the time I had dysentery.
Ask for autographs.


Do you think any topic is off-limits for comedy?
No - you can do any topic, you just have to be smart with controversial subjects and mock the powerful and the perpetrators, not the downtrodden and the victims.
I think so, if it is too upsetting.
That's what the thought police wants you to think.
Yes, it's not worth it.
Do you laugh a lot?
All the time.
Yes, but only with my inside voice.
Yes, often when people don't want me to.
Not much.
You have to put on a prop comedy show to get out of all your parking tickets. What's your go-to hilarious prop?
Your grandmother
A plunger
A rubber chicken
Tax software


Do you laugh at your own jokes?
I try not to!
Not really, I'm not funny.
Yeah, obviously.
Were you the class clown?
No, I wouldn't have dared.
I sure think so. There are some uptight bores who disagree.
Definitely not.
You can tell you nailed a joke based on the laugh it gets you. Which one of these laughs is the one you want?
You know that sound some people make that makes you wonder if they're dying? That sound.
I hear a lot of snorting for some reason.
Usually, I get a lot of "heh."
Laughter wastes precious oxygen.


In a contest to last the longest without laughing while the other players make silly faces, where would you place?
I would win. My deadpan is badass and I'm super funny.
I'd lose. I laugh easily.
I would come third.
I would win: I can be very serious.
Have you ever started telling a story to four people and realized there was only one left at the end?
A few times, it makes me so nervous.
It keeps happening. I don't know why.
I don't tell a lot of stories.
A horse walks into a bar. What are you asking him?
If he has an ID. Underage horse drinking is a serious problem these days.
Wait, I know this one. Orange you glad I didn't say banana? No, that's not it.
Why the long face?? Get it? He's a horse!
Why would I ask a question of a horse?


Are you a good listener?
I'm working on it.
I try to be.
Listening is for wusses.
Very, yes.
Have you ever performed stand-up?
A few times.
I wouldn't dare! I'm happy to just get a laugh at dinner.
Yeah, I was awesome.
Goodness no!
A true master of the comedic arts can pick the funniest place name from this list.
Lake Titicaca
Punkeydoodles Corners, Ontario
Sandwich, Illinois


Have you ever taken an improv class?
A few, yes.
No, that's for comedians.
Yeah and I rocked it, all the guys said so.
No, that sounds really not fun.
What about a comedy writing class?
A few, yes.
One, it was scary.
Of course and I was awesome.
How come people say food that's gone bad tastes funny?
You ever taste a comedian? Same thing.
Well, puking is kind of funny.
Does that mean that funny food tastes bad? Hi-yo!!
It's just a colloquialism.


What are two elements of a good joke?
Surprise, fear, and a fanatical devotion to the Pope! Seriously though: rule of three, and timing. And surprise.
A twist and timing.
My bros like it, and I like it.
I think if you ask that question then you already killed the joke.
Do you know any jokes in which the main character is a woman, but the punchline isn't anything to do with her womanhood: that is, she's only incidentally female?
Yes, I know loads. That's a weird question.
Wow, I never thought about that before. I do, but only a few, now I think about it.
If a character's gender isn't relevant to the story then why would you make it a woman, that's just dumb.
No, and I just realized that I've almost never heard such a joke either. Huh.
How many times a day do you make someone else laugh?
More than four.
If I'm with my bros, loads. If I'm with other people, none.
One or none.


Are you funny on the page, but feel your delivery lets you down?
I can handle both.
That might be true, yes.
My delivery makes me even funnier.
Neither is great.
Have you ever been in an environment where you made all the most powerful people in the room laugh at the least powerful person?
Yes, and I felt awful afterwards.
Not on purpose.
Yes, it was great.
Have you ever made all the least powerful people laugh at the powerful person?
Yes, often, and I felt amazing afterwards.
Yes, a couple of times. It was terrifying.
No. Why would I care if the least important person thinks I'm cool?
No, I don't think I have.


Do you get away with talking back more than most because of your wit?
Constantly. It's like my superpower.
Ooh, is that a thing?
No, people are so prudish.
I haven't tried.
Are you easily bored?
Not really.
I can be.
Has anyone ever told you to seriously, just stop, dude?
From time to time. Sometimes I realize they are right, and then I do stop.
Once. I hated myself for days.
All the time. That's when you know it's working.
Goodness, no. How embarrassing.


Have you ever been accused of making someone's tummy hurt because they were laughing so hard at something you said?
Often. I was smug.
Once. I felt guilty.
No. That's not a thing.
No, I'm just not that funny.
How goofy are you?
A little.
I goof around but I'm not goofy. You gotta be a proper man.
I haven't a goofy bone in my body.
What is a place that you would never make a joke?
Almost no place, to be honest, but I'd think very hard if I were at a funeral home or a storm shelter or something, about whether a little gallows humor was appropriate.
A funeral, a crisis situation, the office...
Everywhere is a comedy club to me!
The office.
