About This Quiz
Ever really thought about what it means to be smart? Like, is it legit just learning stuff in school and being able to repeat it later on? Is it experiencing things in real life, going to new places, doing new things and just getting more about how the world works? Is it algebra? There are probably a lot of different ways to be smart. A good thing to remember, though, is that no one knows everything. No one can. So there's no shame it not knowing stuff. But be honest, it's kind of cool to know you're the smartest person in a room, right? Or to flex on some people with some knowledge you have that they don't? There's no shame in that! Better to show off knowledge than stuff that doesn't really mean anything anyway. So you have to wonder, are you the smartest person on Snapchat?
Now, not knowing everyone on Snapchat means it's a tough question to answer, but if you're looking to prove your stuff, you're in luck! We've got the perfect quiz for you to flex on. If you think you're in the upper deck of Snapcahat genius, give it a try and see where you stand!
Churros are a little bit of deliciousness in the form of fried pastry dough, often with sugar sprinkled on them, and if you're feeling super saucy, you can dip them in something like chocolate. Nice.
Clue was actually made way back in 1949, and it's mostly only known as Clue in North America. In the U.K., they called it "Cluedo" because, you know, why wouldn't they call it Cluedo?
C-3PO has the honor of being the very first character to speak in "Star Wars: A New Hope." His line is "Did you hear that? They've shut down the main reactor." Classic Threepio.
According to one survey in early 2019, people were spending an average of 142 minutes, or 2 hours and 22 minutes, on social media. Keep in mind that's an average, so it factors in grandparents and whatnot. For age 16-24, it's actually over 3 hours a day.
Weiner dogs are better known as dachshunds; they just got the weiner nickname thanks to the fact that they're long, skinny dogs. They were originally bred as little hunting dogs and trained to flush out things like badgers and rabbits.
Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, uses the power of the Infinity Stones to first save the universe and then finally get himself some well deserved R&R by going back in time to live his life with Peggy Carter.
White Castle and their tiny hamburgers are about as old as old gets. The restaurant dates all the way back to 1921 when it started its first real restaurant selling hamburgers for a nickel. Things obviously got out of hand from there, and today we have dozens of burger joints.
The label of a bottle of sriracha features a big chicken because sriracha goes well with chicken? You may be surprised to learn that no one can tell you where sriracha comes from. There are several competing stories about who invented it, and they're not even all from the same country.
It's either surprising or 100% not surprising that older people take internet security more seriously. People aged 18 to 24 are the most likely to keep reusing the same passwords. The least likely are people age 50 to 64.
Your phone does not belong in the toilet, and even if it's water-resistant, it's probably not fully waterproof. The worst thing you can do is try to charge it; that'll fry everything. Ignoring it because it looks like it works could also be bad because there's probably water in there. Also, rice does nothing. Don't believe the hype! You need that professionally vacuum dried or, at the very least, something better than rice.
Seth Rogen lends his voice to the live-action "Lion King" remake as Pumbaa the warthog. His buddy Timon the meerkat is voiced by comedian Billy Eichner, who you might know from "American Horror Story" or as librarian Mr. Amrbose on "Bob's Burgers."
As weird as it seems the biggest animal in history didn't exist 65 million years ago with the dinosaurs, it lives right here right now. Blue whales are the largest creatures in history and can be about 100 feet long and over 170 tons. That's big.
Michael Jordan has made more money than any other athlete in the world, and it's a pretty unbelievable number. So far, Jordan has pulled in $1.85 billion. That's intense, right? Tiger Woods is breathing down his neck with $1.7 billion.
Cheetahs can hit speeds of about 70 mph in a pinch, but they can't do it for very long. Usually, they run at speeds around 40 mph, though, because they're not trying to impress anyone.
We live in the Milky Way Galaxy, which gets its name from the fact that, if you get a good look at it on a clear night away from any city lights, the millions and millions of stars look like a big splash of milk across the night sky.
Thanos's big, awful plan to kill half the universe was actually a bid to impress Death, who, in the comics, was a woman, or at least appeared as one. In an ironic twist, Death snubbed Thanos because she was in love with someone else you may recognize - Deadpool.
Netflix says that about 148 million people subscribe to their service. If you include people running free trials, it's over 150 million. Weirdly, with all those people paying to subscribe, the company is still massively in debt. Like billions in debt. Go figure.
Around 1.1 million students participate in track and field at the high school level. Football actually has fewer people playing it overall, but that's partly because track and field is open to everyone, and there aren't a lot of girls' football teams out there.
If the average school day is just under 7 hours and you spend 180 days per year at school, by the time you're done high school, you will have been there for just about 16,000 hours. That's about 1.8 years of your life.
The movie "IT," based on the novel by Stephen King, pretty much laid waste to the box office when it came out and managed to gross $700 million, which is pretty crazy since it also had an R rating.
You may not be able to figure out why anyone goes there aside from being able to say they were there, but Times Square in New York is the biggest tourist spot in the country. As of a few years back, there were about 42 million people a year going there to take selfies.
Stan comes from the Eminem song cleverly titled "Stan." It's a super confusing word to anyone over the age of 40 who missed "Stan" when it came out and probably thinks you're saying "stand." (It's also rumored to stand for "stalker fan.")
Google has info on everything and according to them, in 2017, people were taking 93 million selfies a day. Except that's not 100% true because that's Google data about Android users, so it's not counting everyone not using Android. So take a guess what the total number truly is.
A kumquat is a type of citrus that looks a lot like a little orange. They come from Asia originally, but you can find them all over the world these days. They grow kind of slowly on little bushes, though, so that's why they're not as popular as oranges.
Sometimes you just can't mess with old-school gaming. "Tetris" is hands down the best-selling game of all time. "Minecraft" is in second place with 176 million or so, but "Tetris" is miles ahead with over 500 million.
Winning a Grammy must be a big deal unless you're Alison Krauss, who probably doesn't know where to put them anymore. Krauss, a bluegrass and country singer, has won 27 of them, just ahead of Stevie Wonder's 25 and Beyonce's 23.
Mushroom ketchup used to be a pretty big deal back in the day in both the U.K. and in the early days of America. You can still find mushroom ketchup if you want, though it's not nearly as popular as it used to be.
Mad-Eye Moody was replaced by a shady Death Eater named Barty Crouch Jr., who was a follower of Voldemort and of course wanted to do shady dark wizard stuff to make Harry Potter's life more difficult.
Jawed Karim is one of the co-founders of Youtube, and he posted the first video, which was only 18 seconds long, titled "Me at the Zoo." True to the name, it was him for 18 seconds at the San Diego Zoo.
Skateboarding was invented around the late 1940s or early 1950s. Rumor has it that skateboards were created when surfers attached rollerskate wheels to some boards so they'd have something to do when the sea was calm and there were no waves to surf.
Way back in 1996, Bolt.com launched as the first social media site that was a teen community where you could chat, share pics and (if you were patient enough) try to share video on your incredibly slow 1996 internet connection.
A googol is just a really big number, and yes, it was the inspiration for Google. The number is a one followed by 100 zeroes. There's an even bigger number called a googolplex that is a one followed by a googol's worth of zeroes.
So way back when they were working out the idea for "Bob's Burgers," the original plan was for them to be a family of cannibals. There's one episode of the show where they make a joke about this; it's the one where people think the burgers are made from the corpses at the funeral home next door.
Your standard hoop should be mounted 10 feet off the ground. That may not have been exactly how it was when the game was created by Canadian James Naismith back in 1891 when he was teaching physical education in Massachusettes, but they've made some refinements since then.
Despite the name, Hawaiian pizza was invented by a Canadian back in 1962. Even though the internet seems to mostly hate and a little bit love Hawaiian, the people of Australia seem to really dig it. It's the most popular pizza there. In fact, 15% of all pizza sold in Australia is Hawaiian.