Be honest: Do You Attract Nice Guys or Bad Boys?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Be honest: Do You Attract Nice Guys or Bad Boys?
Image: EXTREME-PHOTOGRAPHER / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Do you know what sucks about dating? Not knowing who your type is. And in this romantic world, there's just so many people to choose from. You've got your wild party animals who live a spontaneous life and the nerds who read business books till 2 a.m. There's also the emotionally unavailable types, the guy with too much baggage and the person who's looking for an immediate relationship after their recent breakup. But all of these guys can be broken down into one of two categories: the nice guys and the bad boys.

On a surface level, the nice guys are everything that a person wants in a relationship. They'll shower you with compliments, buy you stuffed animals on Valentine's Day and say, "I love you" 100 times. On the other hand, the bad boy is more mysterious, assertive and unapologetic for his actions. He probably won't ever say the right thing, but he doesn't really care either (which somehow makes them more appealing). But on a deeper level, these two types of guys may have more layers to their personality than meets the eye. So if you want more insight on which kind of man is suitable for your personality, then it's time to take this dating quiz now!

Q 01 Motorcycle and leather jacket
Unsplash by Pelle Martin
Does your ideal man own a motorcycle and a leather jacket?
Nope to both
Not the motorcycle, they're far too dangerous.
Oh yeah ;)
Yes to the motorcycle
Q 02 Heartbreak
Photo by Cathy Scola / Moment / Getty Images
Are you usually the heartbreaker or the heartbroken in relationships?
It depends on the relationship.
I've been on both ends.
Q 03 Holding hands in public
Unsplash by Alberico Bartoccini
How do you feel about holding hands in public?
That sounds so romantic!
I don't really mind it.
Eww, gross!
I couldn't care less.


Q 04 Last relationship
Unsplash by Edward Cisneros
What was your last relationship like?
It was wonderful, I wish I could go back to it.
It was a tornado of a disaster.
It had some drama, but it's whatever.
It was definitely a learning experience.
Q 05 Valentines present
skynesher / E+ / Getty Images
What would your ideal man give you on Valentine's Day?
Bouquet of flowers
Box of chocolates
A short text message
Q 06 Strong men
Alexander Spatari / Moment / Getty Images
Are you more attracted to strong or sensitive men?
Sensitive, but also smart
I like my men strong and assertive.
I adore the sensitive types.


Q 07 Casually flirt
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you the type to casually flirt with multiple guys at a party?
I don't go to parties.
No, that seems wrong.
That's my specialty.
I only flirt with one person at a time.
Q 08 Bradley Cooper
Wiki Commons by John Bauld
Which of these male celebs is on your dating bucket list?
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jude Law
Kellan Lutz
Bradley Cooper
Q 09 Tattoos
Unsplash by Matheus Ferrero
Which of the following is a secret turn off for you?


Q 10 Crying
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What would you do if your significant other started crying during a sad movie?
I would cry with him.
I would comfort him with a hug.
Well, that's the end of this relationship.
I would put up a tough front, but secretly feel bad for them.
Q 11 Picnic in a park
martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images
What kind of perfect romantic date do you envision in your mind?
Dinner and a movie
Picnic in a park
Taking a spontaneous road trip to another major city
Q 12 Bookworm
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Who's your type out of the guys in this list?
Mr. Mysterious
Party animal
Tall, dark and handsome


Q 13 1 am friday night
gremlin / E+ / Getty Images
What would we find you doing at 1 a.m. on a Friday night?
Playing video games
Doing something stupid with my friends
Texting my crush
Q 14 Courting
Petri Oeschger / Moment / Getty Images
When it comes to relationships, do you like the initial "courting" phase?
Yes, it's full of rainbows and butterflies!
It's OK.
The what phase?
No, it's the most annoying part of dating.
Q 15 Difficult to open up
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Is it difficult for you to open up in a relationship?
Not at all
A tiny bit
I don't have any feelings or emotions to begin with.
Yes, very much so


Q 16 Give more
Aja Koska / E+ / Getty Images
In a relationship, romantic feelings aren't always balanced. Do you tend to give more or less love?
I always love the other more.
I try to balance out the love in a relationship.
No idea
I'm afraid of loving too much.
Q 17 Kind of relationship
Unsplash by Marc Schaefer
What kind of relationship are you looking for right now?
I'm looking for long-term commitment.
I'm already in a relationship.
I'm not looking for one.
An open and honest relationship
Q 18 Ex boyfriend
David G Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Have you ever thought that a past ex was "the one?"
Yes, without a doubt
I can't remember.
I think so.


Q 19 Zodiac signs
AleksandarNakic / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these Zodiac signs seems compatible to yours?
Q 20 Apologize too much
Yagi-Studio / E+ / Getty Images
How do you feel about guys who apologize too much?
I think it's very sweet.
This can get tiresome after awhile.
Isn't that annoying?
I guess it depends on the situation.
Q 21 Masculinity
Unsplash by Jakob Owens
Which are you more attracted to: masculinity or femininity?
Either one
Don't know, never thought about it.


Q 22 Online dating
urbazon / E+ / Getty Images
How often are you meeting someone new online?
Only when I'm single
I don't do online dating.
Practically everyday
Once in a great while
Q 23 Muscles
Unsplash by Bianca Berg
What's the first thing that you normally notice about a cute guy?
Q 24 Casual
Unsplash by Allef Vinicius
Ideally, you want to date someone who dresses in a __________ manner.


Q 25 Emoji
Miguel Navarro / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What kind of adorable emoji would you probably text to your dream man?
Q 26 Cry because jerk
martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images
How often do you cry because your crush is being a jerk to you?
Never, my crush isn't a jerk.
Once in a great while
All the time
I don't cry.
Q 27 Conversation
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
What's the main topic of conversation over a coffee date with a cute guy?
My interests
Their interests


Q 28 Stood up
electravk / Moment Open / Getty Images
What would you do if your date stood you up?
Patiently wait for another 30 minutes
Find someone else to date
Beg him to give me another chance
Text or call him
Q 29 Often I love you
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
How often would your ideal man call you to say "I love you?"
Every single day
Every other day
Pretty much never
Once or twice a week
Q 30 First Kiss
Anouk de Maar / Cultura / Getty Images
When should a first kiss occur between a new couple?
I don't know, just let the magic happen naturally!
On the second date
On the first date
On the third date
