Can We Guess What Kind of Man You Are Looking For?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess What Kind of Man You Are Looking For?
Image: Robert Daly/OJO Images/gettyimages

About This Quiz

Can we guess who your dream guy is? Is it someone who is tough, smart, nice or funny? In other words, which of these personality traits matters the most to you? In this quiz, we're asking you 30 questions about your dream man to see what you really look for in a relationship! 

Are you ready to find out once and for all? Take this quiz now to see who you'll be matched with! There are many guys out there with very different physical and personality traits. Some people look for a guy who is physically strong and fit, with gorgeous looks. Others don't care so much about looks, but seek someone who is kind and empathetic in nature. Some people also look for someone with both a charming personality and great looks! No matter what you seek in a guy, know that there is always someone who is a perfect match for you!

In this quiz, we'll take an in-depth look at what you want in a relationship, and how you want your dream guy to be. What physical and personality traits matter the most to you? We're about to find out with this quiz! Let's see if you want a tough, smart, nice or funny guy!

What do you look for in a relationship?
Someone who treats me kindly
Someone who is intelligent
Someone who can make me laugh
Someone who is independent
Would you prefer to be taken care of?
Only when I'm sick
I have no preference.
No, I can take care of myself.
Yes, I want a guy that gives me security.
Which matters more to you: looks or personality?
Both matter equally to me.
A funny personality


Do you think that opposites attract?
Yes, but it's pretty rare.
I think it depends how different the two people are.
No, because it never works out.
Yes, absolutely!
Would you want your dream guy to be strong and muscular?
Maybe some muscles would be nice!
I'm indifferent about it.
No, I prefer the opposite, actually.
Yes, of course!
Which of these traits would you want your dream man to have?
Empathetic and attentive
Thoughtful and tactful
Outgoing and playful
I don't want him to have any of these traits.


Are you the emotional type?
Yes, and I want a man who is emotional as well.
Not really
I rarely get emotional, but I'd like a guy who can make me laugh through it.
Sometimes, which is why I want a man who can comfort me.
It's Saturday night. What would you and your dream man do for fun?
Dinner and a movie
Cuddle and talk about life
Go to a comedy club
Stay home and play video games
Would you want your dream guy to have any piercings?
I prefer no piercings.
As long as it's not excessive, I don't mind a few piercings.
Facial piercings are fine with me, but not body piercings.
Sure, I don't mind any kind of piercings.


How would you feel if you made more money than your dream guy?
I think that'd be great!
I wouldn't really care.
I'd probably joke with him about it.
That would make me feel uneasy.
Who's doing the cooking: you or your dream man?
We can cook together!
We'll both switch off on cooking duties.
I prefer to do the cooking.
I'd like my dream man to cook for me.
Your birthday is coming up. What do you want your dream man to give you?
A birthday card with a sweet message written in it
Anything that is handmade
Tickets to a show or a concert
An expensive purse or clothing item


What is your dream man's sense of style?
Whatever he wants to wear
Cool and comfortable
How would you feel if your dream guy painted his nails?
I think that's fine, but only a light or clear color.
Maybe just the toenails
I'd want him to paint mine too!
No way
If your dream guy lied to you, do you think you could forgive him?
He would never lie to me, so this wouldn't be an issue.
It depends on how severe the lie was.
Probably not
Yes, because everyone makes mistakes.


Are you a "glass half full" kind of person?
Most of the time I am.
I'm more of a realistic thinker than an optimistic one.
No, I'm a "glass half empty" kind of person.
Would your dream guy be a popular person?
No, not really
Not overly popular, but he'd have some good friends
Probably, because he can make everyone laugh
Yes, everyone would love his good looks!
What is the most attractive quality in a man is...?
His kind eyes.
His creative thinking.
His smile and laughter.
His muscles.


How would you want your dream guy to handle a bully?
By politely talking to them.
By reasoning with them using logic.
By ignoring them.
By using his fists.
What causes you the most stress in life?
My friends/family.
My job.
My uncertainty of what I want to do in life.
My living situation.
Do you prefer someone more tough or sensitive?
I prefer someone who is sensitive and sweet.
I like a mix of both!
I want someone who is sensitive, but who can also take care of themselves.
I like a strong, tough guy.


Your dream man's occupation is a...?
How tall is your dream man?
About the same height as me.
Height doesn't matter to me.
Shorter than me.
Taller than me.
Is your dream guy scared of taking risks?
Yes, and it'd be adorable.
It depends on the risk.
Probably, but he would try to find the humor in the situation.
No, he'd be the first one to take risks!


How would you handle an argument with your dream guy?
I'd try to talk with him about it.
I wouldn't speak to him for a while.
I would probably laugh it off with him.
I would probably yell at him to express my anger.
Would your dream guy be a competitive person?
No, not really.
Yes, very much so.
Only if it's something he's really passionate about.
Yes, but he wouldn't show it.
How would you want your dream man to show you he loves you?
By saying "I love you."
By showing it through actions.
By showing some sensitive emotions around me.
By cuddling and holding me.


Do you have any secrets that you wouldn't tell your dream guy about?
Nope, I don't have any secrets.
It depends how much I trust him.
I have a few embarrassing secrets that I'd probably share.
Yes, and I wouldn't tell him any of my secrets.
Would you want your dream guy to look like you?
I think a few physical similarities would be cute.
No, because I want to look better than him.
Yes, because that'd be kind of funny.
No, I want him to look better than me.
What vehicle would your dream guy drive you around in?
A regular car.
The vehicle doesn't matter to me.
A jeep.
A motorcycle.


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