Can You Identify All of These Firefighting Tools?

By: Jacqueline Samaroo
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Identify All of These Firefighting Tools?
Image: Davin G Photography / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's a five-alarm quiz! Grab your bunker gear, Deckie, we need you on this one!

Fighting fires in a residential area requires a very different approach and quite often a different set of tools from those used to take on wildland and oil fires. Firefighters have to know which tools to use where, while keeping themselves and everyone else safe.

Forcible entry is a big part of the firefighter's job, and there are several tools used by firefighters to help them get into a building in a hurry. Can you name any of them? How about the ones firefighters put together to make up a "set of irons?" If you know what those are, then this quiz is definitely one you have got to try!

Some firefighting tools are quite specialized and require in-depth training in order to use them safely and effectively. Others are ordinary equipment you might even find around your own home. Take that triangular block firefighters use in a pinch to shut off sprinkler heads. Do you know what we are hinting at? If you do, take the quiz and see what else is in store!

If you are a career firefighter, call firefighter or someone who simply admires the good work firefighters do, then you can definitely get on the "A-side" of this quiz. Get started!

BanksPhotos / E+ / Getty Images
Do you know what this basic piece of firefighting equipment is called?
air pressurized water fire extinguisher
fire hook
fire rake
door sprinkler wedge
Hemera Technologies / / Getty Images Plus
What is the name given to this versatile chunk of material?
brush fire broom
portable radio
door/sprinkler wedge
Indian tank
flare gun
Wiki Commons by Krispyap
Can you name the signaling device shown here?
adjustable hydrant wrench
self-contained breathing apparatus
fire hose
flare gun


igermz / E+ / Getty Images
What is the name of the demolition tool shown here?
Cooper hose jacket
fire swatter
fire shelter
Alexsey / E+ / Getty Images
Which multipurpose power tool is shown in this photo?
window punch
fire-resistant balaclava
roof ladder
handheld weather meter
Wiki Commons by Airman 1st Class William Johnson
Do you know the name of this climate-related gadget?
seatbelt cutter
fire shovel
Pulaski axe
handheld weather meter


heavy duty work gloves
DaleReardon / E+ / Getty Images
Can you name the protective gear shown in this image?
McLeod tool
heavy duty work gloves
bolt cutter
hydraulic cutter
fire hook
Wiki Commons by Derek Eiland
Which grabbing and pulling tool is shown here?
fire hook
drip torch
hose shutoff clamp
extension ladder
Thinkstock Images / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Do you recognize the climbing aid shown here?
hydraulic spreader
extension ladder
flathead axe
Halligan tool


Pulaski axe
Wiki Commons by C0nsumer
Can you identify this versatile chopping and digging tool?
roof ladder
hose shutoff clamp
fire hose
Pulaski ax
brush fire broom
Hugh Threlfall / Photodisc / Getty Images
What is the name of this simple but effective firefighting implement?
fire shovel
brush fire broom
fire rake
TNT tool
window punch
Howell Rescue Systems via YouTube
Do you know what this tool for breaking automobile glass is called?
window punch
Halligan tool
Indian tank


self-contained breathing apparatus
Bill Stormont / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Do you know the name of the respiratory gear shown here?
drip torch
flare gun
self-contained breathing apparatus
thermal imaging camera
McLeod tool
Starry Hilder via YouTube
Which common wildland firefighter hand tool is shown here?
portable radio
McLeod tool
handheld weather meter
hydraulic cutter
seatbelt cutter
Lebazele / E+ / Getty Images
Can you name this tool for slicing through restraints?
adjustable hydrant wrench
Cooper hose jacket
seatbelt cutter


air pressurized water fire extinguisher
Jupiterimages / / Getty Images Plus
Which commonly used firefighting tool is this?
pickhead ax
fire shelter
fire swatter
air pressurized water fire extinguisher
roof ladder
AlenaPaulus / E+ / Getty Images
Can you name this device used for climbing?
hydraulic spreader
roof ladder
door/sprinkler wedge
Qucyk via YouTube
Can you spot the name of the forcible entry tool shown here?
cable cutter
extension ladder
heavy duty work gloves


Indian tank
div3405 via YouTube
What is the name of this convenient water container?
flathead ax
bolt cutter
Indian tank
flathead axe
Dick Luria / Photodisc / Getty Images
Which common type of chopping tool is shown here?
flathead ax
hydraulic cutter
air pressurized water fire extinguisher
TNT tool
fire swatter
Wiki Commons by Magnus Mertens
Do you know the name of this fire extinguisher?
McLeod tool
Pulaski ax
hose shutoff clamp
fire swatter


drip torch
Wiki Commons by U.S. Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Region
Can you name this implement used to start fires?
window punch
drip torch
hydraulic spreader
cable cutter
adjustable hydrant wrench
Huntstock / Getty Images
Can you name this tool used to open water sources?
adjustable hydrant wrench
self-contained breathing apparatus
pickhead ax
fire-resistant balaclava
bolt cutter
DonNichols / E+ / Getty Images
Which helpful firefighting tool is shown in this image?
bolt cutter
Pulaski axe
fire hose
Stokes basket


Halligan tool
Wiki Commons by Marcel Rogge
What is the name of this implement used for forcible entry?
fire swatter
extension ladder extension ladder
Halligan tool
portable radio
fire shovel
Soug Berry / Photodisc / Getty Images
Do you know the name of this multipurpose wildland firefighting tool?
cable cutter
seatbelt cutter
fire shovel
heavy duty work gloves
fire shelter
Wiki Commons by Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington
What is the name of this protective covering?
brush fire broom
fire shelter
handheld weather meter


fire-resistant balaclava
Tactical Advantage-Training via YouTube
Can you name this piece of protective clothing?
fire-resistant balaclava
air pressurized water fire extinguisher
flare gun
adjustable hydrant wrench
pickhead axe
bluecinema / E+ / Getty Images
Do you know the name of the digging tool in this image?
thermal imaging camera
pickhead ax
window punch
hydraulic cutter
Wiki Commons by Daniel Schwen
Which common extrication tool is shown here?
Cooper hose jacket
hydraulic cutter
TNT tool
heavy duty work gloves


fire rake
Wranglerstar2 via YouTube
Which wildland fire fighting tool is shown in this picture?
door/sprinkler wedge
self-contained breathing apparatus
fire-resistant balaclava
fire rake
hose shutoff clamp
FireEngineering via YouTube
Which name is given to this device used to stop water flow?
McLeod tool
hose shutoff clamp
portable radio
Mike Watson Images / moodboard / Getty Images Plus
Can you identify the communication device shown in this picture?
Stokes basket
seatbelt cutter
extension ladder
portable radio


fire hose
Flying Colours Ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you know the name of this common firefighting tool?
brush fire broom
fire hose
Halligan tool
pickhead axe
TNT tool
Wiki Commons by Derek Eiland
Which combination tool is shown here?
bolt cutter
roof ladder
Stokes basket
TNT tool
hydraulic spreader
Elena Eliachevitch / Moment Open / Getty Images
What is the name of this rescue tool?
hydraulic spreader


Stokes basket
Wiki Commons
What is the name of this device for carrying away injured people?
handheld weather meter
flathead axe
Stokes basket
fire rake
cable cutter
copyright Dan Reynolds Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Do you recognize this handy firefighting tool?
flare gun
cable cutter
fire shelter
Indian tank
thermal imaging camera
Rammstainar / Pixabay
What is the name of the viewing device in this picture?
door/sprinkler wedge
fire hook
drip torch
thermal imaging camera
