Emergency Vehicles: Can You Identify More Than 30?

By: Jonnathan Chadwick
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Emergency Vehicles: Can You Identify More Than 30?
Image: Marco_Piunti / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

A minor injury can turn into a dire emergency simply based on location. If you're sitting on your couch with a swollen ankle, you'll probably be fine. Just elevate it, ice it, heat it and do whatever you need to relax. If you're in the middle of a remote hike with a swollen ankle, however, you're not going to be fine. There's nothing like having to hop down a rocky, three-mile hike to really appreciate the ingenuity of emergency vehicles around the world.

If you live a life of travel and adventure, you've undoubtedly found yourself in a location where you thought to yourself, "If I get hurt here, nobody will reach me." The good news is, that's not true. If you've seen some of the emergency response vehicles in this world, you'd know that no place is out of reach. Whether you're snowbound in the Swiss Alps or lost in an underwater cave system, there is an emergency vehicle that can reach you.

It's almost impossible to go a day without seeing at least one police car, ambulance or fire truck, but after that, how many emergency vehicles do you usually see? Do you even know how many different types of police cars, fire trucks and ambulances exist? There's a lot, and old police cars, ambulances and fire trucks get converted into other emergency vehicles. Let's see if you've seen them all. Can you name more than 30 of these emergency vehicles?

1 Police car
mathieukor / E+ / Getty Images
In America, these cars are usually made by Ford. In Dubai, they're made by Lamborghini. What are they?
Traffic control
Fire truck
Police car
By Ibagli, from Wikimedia Commons
It's usually faster to call one of these roaming hospitals than driving to the hospital yourself. What vehicle is this?
Fire truck
Rescue truck
Police car
3 Fire truck
Vladimir Pcholkin / Photographer's Choice RF / Getty Images
Do you know this red truck equipped with ladder and hose?
Police car
Fire truck
Rescue truck


Police motorcycle
By Livioandronico2013, from Wikimedia Commons
This is the perfect vehicle for weaving through traffic in an emergency. What is it?
Traffic control bike
Police motorcycle
Fire bike
Riot control vehicle
5 Kaman K-MAX
Wiki Commons by George Melendez
Do you know this helicopter that can lift more than it weighs?
Bell UH-1 Iroquois
Kaman K-MAX
Sikorsky R-4
Bell 212
6 Park ranger SUV
Wiki Commons by Daniel Schwen
You might see this truck patrolling your local state park. What is it called?
Rescue vehicle
Oil cleanup truck
Park ranger SUV
Rehab truck


7 Air ambulance
imaginewithme / E+ / Getty Images
What do you call a helicopter outfitted with emergency medical supplies, equipment and personnel?
Air tanker
Air ambulance
Air rescue plane
8 747 Supertanker
Wiki Commons by Alan Wilson
Can you name the largest aerial firefighter in the world?
747 Supertanker
CH-47 Chinook
DC-10 Airtanker
Sikorsky Blackhawk
FogStock/Dave Schelske / FogStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What's the name of this vehicle that emergency personnel might use when conducting a mountain rescue?
BearCat G3


32 Snowmobile
Thinkstock / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Do you know this vehicle that is used for snowy emergency services?
12 Titusville_Police_K9_Unit
Wiki Commons by Blackspooky
What's the name of this truck used to transport police dogs?
Prisoner transport bus
Police K-9 Vehicle
Oshkosh Striker
Canine bus
SWAT vehicle
By srd515 (Flickr: LAPD funeral), via Wikimedia Commons
Do you know the name of this heavy duty police vehicle?
SWAT truck
IAV Stryker
Riot control truck
Oshkosh Striker


14 Heavy rescue vehicle
Wiki Commons by Vehext at English Wikipedia
What's the name of this specialty emergency vehicle equipped with things like electrical generators and the Jaws of Life?
Heavy rescue vehicle
CH-47 Chinook
MH-65 Dolphin
Oshkosh Striker
15 Snowcat
Wiki Commons by Xnatedawgx
Can you name this truck equipped with snowmobile tracks?
Snow sled
Snow rescue vehicle
ATV snowmobile
16 Hazmat truck
Wiki Commons by Angelo Tsirekas
What's the name of this vehicle used to clean up hazardous materials?
Hazmat truck
Heavy rescue truck
Oshkosh Striker
Oil cleanup truck


17 Mil MI-26
Wiki Commons by Dmitry Terekhov from Odintsovo, Russian Federation
This is the largest helicopter in the world. What is it called?
Mil MI-26
HC-130 Hercules
Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk
CH-47 Chinook
18 Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk
Wiki Commons by FotoSleuth
If you were trapped in the middle of a storm in the ocean, this is the vehicle you'd want to see coming to the rescue. What is it?
Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk
Kazan Ansat
Bell 212
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
ziarul unirea / YouTube
Can you name this Army vehicle that is used for bomb disposal?
Lenco BearCat
Oshkosh Striker
IAV Stryker


20 Sled stretcher
Spectrum Healthcare (UK) Ltd / YouTube
If you get into a ski accident, you might travel down the mountain in this vehicle. What is it?
ATV sled
Sled stretcher
21 Riot control vehicle
Stocktrek Images / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images
What's the name of this armored truck used to manage rowdy crowds?
Oshkosh Striker
Riot control vehicle
IAV Stryker
22 prisoner transport vehicle
Acepilot2k7 / YouTube
Do you know this police vehicle that looks like a school bus for criminals?
IAV Stryker
Prisoner transport vehicle
Heavy rescue vehicle


23 Conair
Wiki Commons by Bryan
Can you name the largest prison transportation service in the world?
Australian Flying Convicts
American Convict Service
Con Air
Royal Criminal Transport
24 NYPD traffic cop car
Code3Paris / YouTube
The officer driving this car might give you a parking ticket when you're not looking. What vehicle is this?
Decoy car
Traffic control car
Unmarked cop car
25 neighborhood patrol car
PasadenaChannel / YouTube
You may see this vehicle patrolling a gated community. What is it?
Heavy rescue truck
University campus police
Neighborhood patrol car


26 Vacuum truck
Andyqwe / E+ / Getty Images
What's the name of this truck used to suck up sewage?
Vacuum truck
Oshkosh Striker
Heavy rescue truck
Fire truck
27 Bloodmobile_in_Fortuna
Wiki Commons by Ellin Beltz
Can you name this donation vehicle commonly found in busy public places?
IAV Stryker
Prisoner transport bus
Heavy rescue vehicle
28 EMS vehicle
FastLane Emergency Vehicles / YouTube
Do you know the name of this vehicle sometimes known as a "sprinter ambulance"?
Oshkosh Stryker
EMS vehicle
Campus ambulance


29 Unmarked police car
Wiki Commons by Tony Hisgett from Birmingham, UK
What's the name of this car that an undercover officer might drive around in?
Unmarked police car
Mall security car
Patrol car
Decoy car
30 Lifeboat
Andrew Merry / Moment / Getty Images
What's the name of these boats that are usually stocked on larger boats?
Life jacket
31 Defender-class boat
Wiki Commons by Coast Guard
What's the name of this boat used for search and rescue missions at sea?
Defender-class boat
MH-65 Dolphin
MH-60T Jayhawk
Zodiac boat


32 Rehab unit vehicle
Wiki Commons by Thomas R Machnitzki (thomas@machnitzki.com)
If you emerge from a radioactive site, you will likely hose down at one of these vehicles. What are they called?
IAV Stryker
Oshkosh Striker
Rehab unit vehicles
Heavy rescue vehicle
33 Paddywagon
Wiki Commons by Micov
If a dozen people are arrested all at the same time, they might get transported to jail in one of these vehicles, known as what?
Prisoner transport bus
Con Air
Unmarked car
34 Police_cart_vatican
Wiki Commons by Malcolm Murdoch
What's the name of this security vehicle seen on college campuses around the country?
Campus Segway
Unmarked cop car
Public safety cart
Campus squad car


35 Chicago_surveillance_vehicle
Wiki Commons by Seth Anderson
If a bunch of FBI agents are sitting in an electrician's van, it's likely being used as what type of vehicle?
Heavy rescue vehicle
Unmarked police car
Patrol vehicle
Surveillance vehicle
36 Motor Lifeboat
Wiki Commons by Mike Baird
This rescue boat is made for hurricane weather and can right itself in 10 seconds if it capsizes. What's it called?
Bell 212
Motor lifeboat
MH-60T Jayhawk
MH-65 Dolphin
37 Emergency Response Vehicle
Wiki Commons by Nilfanion
What's the name of this Red Cross vehicle?
Emergency Response Vehicle
Heavy rescue truck
Oshkosh Striker


38 EADS HC-144 Ocean Sentry
Wiki Commons by U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Bill Mesta
Do you know the name of this search and rescue aircraft used by the U.S. Coast Guard?
USCGC Polar Star
EADS HC-144 Ocean Sentry
HC-130 Hercules
39 Firefighting helicopter
Wiki Commons by U.S. Department of Agriculture
What do you call a chopper equipped with foam cannons and water buckets?
Firefighting helicopter
Heavy rescue vehicle
IAV Stryker
40 SE-3 Patroller
Wiki Commons by Poudou99
What's the name of this battery-powered patrol vehicle?
HC-130 Hercules
SE-3 Patroller
Kaman K-MAX


Folding Stretcher
What's the name of this bed you could find yourself lying on after a major accident?