Can You Identify All These Road Signs?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Identify All These Road Signs?
Image: Pixabay by Geralt

About This Quiz

The rules of the road, unlike many things in life, don't change very often. If you see a sign posting a speed limit, you need to keep your car within that limit (while the limit itself might change from place to place, the rule still stands). If you see a stop sign, you stop (contrary to popular belief, the ones with white borders are NOT optional, because they all have white borders). 

While road signs are standard throughout the country, you may find that your neck of the woods doesn't have the same signs that other regions might have. However, for some reason, when you see these new signs, you know exactly what to do. This is because the United States Department of Transportation does everything in its power to maintain consistency in how a sign is made so that people can quickly understand what to do when they see a sign that might look slightly different. 

Though road signs are an important part of road safety, there are some people out there who ignore them. If you are annoyed by people who do this, you probably have a decent understanding of the rules of the road (even if you don't always follow them), so you like to criticize those who don't follow said rules. Do you think you're an expert driver? If so, let's test your skills and see if you can identify these road signs and what they are for.

Left turn ahead
Pixabay by Clker-Free-Vector-Images
What does it mean when you see a sign that points to the left?
Left turn ahead
Someone is on your left
Left lane ends
Mile markers
Pixabay by Clker-Free-Vector-Images
Can you name these signs that you see on the side of highways?
Speed limit signs
Mile markers
Hospital services
Hurricane evacuation route
The left lane has to turn, the right lane can go straight or turn
NesneJkraM / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What does this intersection lane control sign tell you?
The left lane has to turn, the right lane can go straight or turn.
The left lane can't do a u-turn, but the right lane can.
The right lane can't do a u-turn, but the left lane can.
There is only one way to go.


Pixabay by Clker-Free-Vector-Images
If you see this blue sign on the highway, what is available at that exit?
A telephone
A hospital
Pixabay by Succo
Can you name the sign that is an upside down triangle?
Slow traffic ahead
No parking
Hazardous materials are prohibited
Blue_iq / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
What is this sign telling you?
You have to take a detour.
There is a hospital nearby.
There is a four-way stop ahead.
Hazardous materials are prohibited


Pixabay by CopyrightFreePictures
Ignoring this red octagon sign can cause of a lot of accidents. What should you do when you see it?
Speed up
Do a U-turn
There is a hiking trail nearby
Pixabay by Clker-Free-Vector-Images
Can you identify this sign that looks like two people walking?
There is a ski slope nearby.
There is a hiking trail nearby.
You have to walk to get to the gas station.
There is a winter recreation area nearby.
Do not enter
Pixabay by Clker-Free-Vector-Images
If you drive past this sign, you might be in trouble. What is it telling you?
Do not enter
Falling rock zone
Drivers driving the wrong way
No trucks allowed


There is a school crosswalk ahead
Kenhurst / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Do you know what this sign is telling you?
There is shopping ahead
There is a school crosswalk ahead.
There is a pedestrian crossing ahead.
There is a playground ahead.
No Parking
Bubaone / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
What is prohibited where you see this sign?
Compact cars
Sharp curve to the right
Tapui / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
You usually see these signs in a row along the road. What are they warning you of?
Sharp curve to the left
Shopping to the right
Sharp curve to the right
Shopping to the left


Signal ahead
Pixabay by ZacharyOliver
Can you identify this road sign that has a picture on it?
Stop ahead
Hospital ahead
Road narrows ahead
Signal ahead
An intersection in a curve
Mongkon N. Thongsai / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
When you see this sign, what should you prepare for?
A right curve
A sharp right curve
A merge in a curve
A hairpin curve
Truck rollover
Tapui / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What does this sign warn of?
Dancing trucks
Truck rollover
Truck turning
Wind advisory


Ollo / E+ / Getty Images
If you see this sign, what should you look out for?
Ferry service
Coolvectormaker / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
This sign shows you which service is ahead?
Boat service
Ferry service
Sightseeing service
Swimming area
Coolvectormaker / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What kind of fuel is this sign notifying drivers of?
Alternative fuel


Laundry facilities ahead
Coolvectormaker / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Which of these best describes this road sign?
Drinking water ahead
Hardware store ahead
Stoves for sale
Laundry facilities ahead
County rout marker
Pixabay by Clker-Free-Vector-Images
Do you know what these blue signs are for?
Mile marker
U.S. route marker
County route marker
Interstate route marker
Yield here to pedestrians
Wiki Commons by RTCNCA
This sign gives a complete command, what is it saying?
Follow the arrow to the people
Yield here to pedestrians
School crossing, yield here
Yield at the school crossing


Slippery when wet
Wiki Commons by Fry1989
Can you name this sign that Bon Jovi named an album after?
Slippery when wet
Bridge ices before roads
Steep incline
Hill ahead
Pixabay by OpenIcons
If you see this guy, what kind of fun can you have at the next stop?
Washing clothes
Tapui / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Many people love to see this sign when they're tired. What is it?
Litter Barrel


Railroad crossing
Douglas Sacha / Moment / Getty Images
What's ahead when you see this sign?
Pedestrian crossing
Railroad crossing
Snowmobile crossing
Fire station
Anders Clark / EyeEm / EyeEm / Getty Images
Can you tell what's close if you see this sign?
Fire station
Police station
Speed reduction
Stop sign
Luisrftc / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Do you know what the plus sign means?
Railroad crossing
Circular intersection


National forest
ChrisBoswell / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Where would you see these route markers?
Rest areas
County roads
National forest
Handicap crossing
Alperguzeler / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Do you know what this sign is reminding you about?
Handicap parking
Disabled parking
Handicap recreational area
Falling rocks
Jojoo64 / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
If you see this sign, what is ahead?


There are cameras at the intersection
Ecelop / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What does the "photo enforced" sign mean?
There are cameras at the intersection.
Railroad crossing ahead
No pictures allowed
Take pictures of everything.
Scibak / E+ / Getty Images
Can you tell us what's ahead when you see this sign?
Bike path
No hitchhiking
Tapui / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Do you know what this sign means?
No thumbs up
No Facebook
No dudes
No hitchhiking


The height of the bridge
Blue_iq / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
If you're about to drive under a bridge, what do these numbers tell you?
The width of the bridge
The height of the bridge
How much weight the bridge can hold
How many cars can go on the bridge at once
Trucks crossing the road
Clintscholz / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
When you see this sign, what should you watch out for?
Trucks crossing the road
Falling rocks
Everyone has to stop
Blackie / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
This little sign is usually under a stop sign. What does it mean?
Everyone has to stop
No one has to stop
Always stop
Look 4 ways before stopping


Slowing trucks on inclines
Tapui / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What is a "truck escape ramp" used for?
Letting trucks avoid police
Slowing trucks on inclines
Weigh stations
Finding trucks that are broken down
Falling rocks
Georgeclerk / E+ / Getty Images
Do you know what to look out for when you see this sign?
Falling rocks
Owen Smith / Image Source / Getty Images
What animals are liable to be in the road if you see this sign?


Nickylarson974 / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Do you know what the big "H" stands for on this sign?
Hot springs