About This Quiz
World War II was all about the modernization of artillery. Get to know the lethal innovations that changed the way nations would battle things out on the world stage going forward. This Second World War military challenge lists an arsenal of international weapons favorites put to use during the epic battles.
The United States and Russia grew stronger militarily as a result of the munitions innovations that emerged during World War II. These nations were so adept at mastering the art of artillery that a decades-long arms race ensued after the Second World War. All of the top-of-the-line war arms technology that was left in the wake of World War II generated some serious anxiety during the Cold War, which ended in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union.
Meanwhile, Japan, who boasted a rather sound ordnance stash before World War II, didn't fare so well arms-wise after the war. Armored tanks with loads of armament scored huge points in numerous land battles. Interwar Japan had taken note of the tank's potential, but the Axis country's technology was no match for Allied tank power. The United States upgraded their tanks and other war weaponry at an astounding rate during WWII, borrowing and improving upon Axis machinery. And the U.S. dominated the market when it came to rifles and machine guns that sent Axis warriors running when they ripped.
Knock out the names of premiere World War II artillery in one sizable scroll of your digital display!