Can You Identify These Military Weapons From WWII?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Identify These Military Weapons From WWII?
Image: Wiki Commons by Gaius Cornelius

About This Quiz

World War II was all about the modernization of artillery. Get to know the lethal innovations that changed the way nations would battle things out on the world stage going forward. This Second World War military challenge lists an arsenal of international weapons favorites put to use during the epic battles.

The United States and Russia grew stronger militarily as a result of the munitions innovations that emerged during World War II. These nations were so adept at mastering the art of artillery that a decades-long arms race ensued after the Second World War. All of the top-of-the-line war arms technology that was left in the wake of World War II generated some serious anxiety during the Cold War, which ended in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, Japan, who boasted a rather sound ordnance stash before World War II, didn't fare so well arms-wise after the war. Armored tanks with loads of armament scored huge points in numerous land battles. Interwar Japan had taken note of the tank's potential, but the Axis country's technology was no match for Allied tank power. The United States upgraded their tanks and other war weaponry at an astounding rate during WWII, borrowing and improving upon Axis machinery. And the U.S. dominated the market when it came to rifles and machine guns that sent Axis warriors running when they ripped.

Knock out the names of premiere World War II artillery in one sizable scroll of your digital display!

1 M1_Garand_Rifle
Wiki Commons by RenseNBM
This rifle was first issued in 1936. Can you identify this World War II weapon?
Flammenwerfer 35
M1 Garand Rifle
Brandt Mle 27/31 81mm Mortar
Maxim M1910 Machine Gun
2 MG42_Sideview
Wiki Commons by NotLessOrEqual
What Second World War weapon was nicknamed "Hitler's Saw"?
Shin-Gunto Sword
Breda M37 Machine Gun
Arisake Type 99
3 Beretta_m1934
Wiki Commons by Urban Redactor
The "King of Rock and Roll" had one of these in his estate. Do you guess the correct name?
40mm Knee Mortar
Beretta Model M1934
Welrod Pistol
ZB 26 Light Machine Gun


4 Grenade_m24pm
Wiki Commons by TwoOneTwo
Choose the most common German type of explosive for World War II.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
Type 100 Submachine Gun
Nambu Type 14
ZB37 Machine Gun
5 M1911_A1_pistol
Wiki Commons by M62
American soldiers often used the ________ during the war.
Type 11 Light Machine Gun
MP40 Submachine Gun
Thompson Submachine Gun
6 PTRD Anti-Tank Gun
Wiki Commons by Alex long
The same Russian defense firm produced the Goryunov 7.62-millimeter heavy machine gun (SG-43). Try to select the name of another war weapon the firm devised.
M2 Browning Machine Gun
M1919 Browning Machine Gun
PTRD Anti-Tank Gun
M2 Flamethrower


7 Sturmgewehr_44
Wiki Commons by Stonda~commonswiki (talk | contribs)
Just about every nation used a modern version of the highly effective ________.
Lee-Enfield Rifle
M1917 Browning Machine Gun
Walther PPK
StG 44
8 Goryunov-SG43-batey-haosef-1
Wiki Commons by Bukvoed
Do you notice the option that best suits this medium machine gun?
Mauser C96 Pistol
M3 Submachine Gun
Beretta Model 38
9 MK2 Hand_grenade_002
Wiki Commons by FieldMarine (talk | contribs)
Are you confident that you understand this contraption that was produced during the final months of World War I?
Arisake Type 99
Mk 2 "Pineapple Grenade"


10 Nagant_Revolver
Wiki Commons by Mascamon at Luxembourgish Wikipedia
The weapon that you see had been in service for close to a half-century before World War II. What name do you give it?
M-1895 Nagant Revolver
40mm Knee Mortar
Walther PPK
Type 100 Submachine Gun
11 Soldier_with_Bazooka_M1
Wiki Commons by U.S. Army Signal Corps photograph
To General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the ________ was one of several crucial "tools of victory"?
MP40 Submachine Gun
Flammenwerfer 35
Vickers Machine Gun
12 Karabiner_98k
Wiki Commons by Antique Military Rifles
How do you identify this Mauser, the main German assault tool of World War II?
Browning Automatic Rifle
M2 Flamethrower
Karabiner 98k Rifle
Tokarev SVT-40 Rifle


13 Panzerschreck Anti-Tank Rocket
Wiki Commons by Andrew Bossi
The United States 82nd Airborne Division preferred a captured ________ to its own M1A1 bazooka?
M18.28 Submachine Gun
M2 Flamethrower
Lee-Enfield Rifle
Panzerschreck Anti-Tank Rocket
14 Japanese_Type_92_Heavy_Machine_Gun
Wiki Commons by Nemo5576 (talk | contribs)
World War II Allies perceived this machine gun as highly competitive. Do you determine the exact name?
Webley Mk VI Revolver
Type 92 Machine Gun
Springfield M1903A4 Sniper Rifle
15 TT_33_Pistol
Wiki Commons by Soviet_TT_M1933_automatic_pistol.jpg: Joe Mabel
Pick the name of the lethal gadget that Fedor Tokarev designed?
TT Pistol
Beretta Model 38
Pps-43 Submachine Gun
Walther PPK


16 SKS_carbine
Wiki Commons by Antique Military Rifles
This device wasn't used very much in Russia, where it was produced. Name the military weapon that later gained notoriety in the United States?
SKS Carbine
Welrod Pistol
Degtyaryov Machine Gun
17 PIAT_cropped
Wiki Commons by Ranger Steve
Do you remember the ordnance that releases a huge blast?
Nagant Revolver
PIAT Anti-Tank Weapon
Type 99 Light Machine Gun
ZB 26 Light Machine Gun
18 PPSh-41_from_soviet
Wiki Commons by Lposka
After the Second World War, the weapon shown here was used regularly by the Viet Minh during the French war in Indochina. Name the assault tool?
Nambu Type 14
PPSh-41 Submachine Gun
Type 11 Light Machine Gun
Walther PPK


19 Einstossflammenwerfer 46
Wiki Commons by War department
Guess the materiel that weighed roughly 42 pounds?
Mauser C96 Pistol
M3 Submachine Gun
Einstossflammenwerfer 46
Beretta Model 38
20 Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle
Wiki Commons by User:Bukvoed
How well do you remember the weapon that war historians believe was likely leftover from Italy's colonization of Libya between the First and Second World Wars?
Mauser C96 Pistol
Walther PPK
Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle
Mosin-Nagant 91/30
21 Mg_34
Wiki Commons by Franco Atirador
Germany designed the _______ for the sake of "blitzkrieg," its preeminent tactical assault theory during wartime?
Shin-Gunto Sword
M3 Submachine Gun
Arisake Type 99


22 Walther P38 Pistol
Wiki Commons by Askild Antonsen
Among the options, do you notice this Nazi German innovation?
Walther P38 Pistol
Mauser C96 Pistol
M1917 Browning Machine Gun
23 FP-45_Liberator
Wiki Commons by Rama
Determine the U.S.-born device, whose wordless cartoon operating instructions are just as much a collector's item as the weapon itself?
Gewehr 43
Ptrs-41 Anti-Tank Rifle
Mosin-Nagant 91/30
24 STEN_gun_with_bayonete
Wiki Commons by Ryo Chijiiwa from Serenity Valley, CA, USA
World War II soldiers agreed that the ________ was simple to maintain?
Sten Submachine Gun
40mm Knee Mortar
Carcano Rifle
Type 100 Submachine Gun


25 Type93torpedo
Wiki Commons by Der Messer (talk | contribs)
Is Imperial Japan's "secret weapon" obvious to you?
Nagant Revolver
Type 93 torpedo
Type 99 Light Machine Gun
26 Thompson Submachine Gun
Wiki Commons by National Park Service
Are you sure that you can offer the label of the World War II contraption that sent German troops running upon hearing its signature sound?
Beretta M1934
Vickers Machine Gun
Thompson Submachine Gun
Flammenwerfer 35
27 M3 Grease Gun
Wiki Commons by Jeff Kubina, filtered Nemo5576
Try to quickly choose this lethal option that was regarded as "ugly" compared to the Thompson it succeeded?
M3 Grease Gun
MP40 Submachine Gun
Gewehr 43
Walther PPK


28 FG42 Rifle
Wiki Commons by Rama
Do you recognize the title for this innovation that accepted the 7.92x57 millimeter service cartridge?
Beretta Model 38
Pps-43 Submachine Gun
FG42 Rifle
Arisake Type 99
29 Bren1
Wiki Commons by National Film Board of Canada
Which artillery fired single shots sparingly?
Mauser C96 Pistol
Bren Gun
TT Pistol
30 KA-BAR Knife
Wiki Commons by Auckland War Memorial Museum
Try to guess the utility and fighting knife produced by Union Cutlery Company during World War II?
KA-BAR Knife
Nambu Type 94 Gun
ZB37 Machine Gun


31 Molotov_cocktail_5
Wiki Commons by kundl
The _______ is a bomb made by pouring highly flammable gasoline into bottles?
Molotov Cocktail
Carcano Rifle
Type 100 Submachine Gun
Nambu Type 14
32 Lewis Machine Gun
Wiki Commons by Rama
We'll be impressed if you recognize one of the most identifiable military munitions of all times?
Walther PPK
Mauser C96 Pistol
Lewis Machine Gun
33 Springfield M1903 Rifle
Wiki Commons by Nemo5576 (talk | contribs)
It was the main sniping rifle of World War II. Quickly pick the exact title?
Arisake Type 99
Welrod Pistol
Nagant Revolver
Springfield M1903 Rifle


34 Vickers K Gun
Wiki Commons by Bukvoed
Have you seen the gas-operated ________ before now?
Beretta Model 38
Shin-Gunto Sword
Vickers K Gun
40mm Knee Mortar
35 M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
Wiki Commons by joelogon / Joe Loong, cropped and retouched by user:Atirador.
See if you can choose the lethal tool that was adopted late in World War I and used often during World War II?
Degtyaryov Machine Gun
Mauser C96 Pistol
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
Beretta Model 38
36 M45 Quadmount
Wiki Commons by Pa3ems
Do you recognize this cannonry with an electrically powered turret?
M45 Quadmount
Welrod Pistol
PIAT Anti-Tank Weapon
Beretta Model 38


37 DShK
Wiki Commons by MAPN
Choose the title for his heavy machine gun?
ZB 26 Light Machine Gun
Walther PPK
M3 Submachine Gun
38 Webley_mk_VI-IMG_6509-white
Wiki Commons by Rama
Can you identify this service revolver from World War II?
Webley Mk VI
M1917 Browning Machine Gun
Mosin-Nagant 91/30
M2 Flamethrower
39 Winchester_1897
Wiki Commons by Asams10 at English Wikipedia
This type of Second World War gun has been called a crucial tool in the "Arsenal of Democracy." What official name do you give it?
Beretta Model 38
Lee-Enfield Rifle
Winchester 1897/97
Maxim M1910 Machine Gun


40 1940_Tula_SVT40
Wiki Commons by Drake00
It's been said that the ________ was simpler to produce than previous Red Army semiautomatics?
Tokarev SVT-40
M3 Submachine Gun
Breda M37 Machine Gun
M2 Flamethrower