Discover Your Sextrology Sign!

By: Khadija Leon
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Discover Your Sextrology Sign!
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Sextrology, which has not yet been officially added to the dictionary, is a fused word coming from sex + astrology. It is a term used to describe how the stars and the sun influence a person's sex life, their romantic relationships and the things that give them pleasure. It also takes insight from astrology and it helps a person to figure out who they are most compatible with sexually.

Much like your zodiac or astrological sign has its own unique characteristics, the same rules apply when it comes to sextrology. Each of the twelve signs has unique characteristics and behaviors which pertain to the bedroom. Also like the zodiac signs, which are highly compatible with some signs and not at all with others, sextrology signs vary in compatibility. There are some people who you hop into bed with and immediately click, while there are others who make you regret your actions. 

Do you know what your sextrology sign is? Will it be the same as your zodiac sign, or will it leave you contemplating life as we know it? If you would like to find out what your sextrology sign is, there is only one way - by taking this quiz!

What is your zodiac sign?
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Do you believe in the one?
I believe in the ones.
I'm not sure.
How many partners have you had?
Over 50
1 - 20
20 - 50
I don't remember.


How long was your longest relationship?
A few weeks
5 or more years
1 to 5 years
About a year
How long does it take you to give up the goods?
Five dates is the general rule, right?
A few months
Whenever I feel ready
It could be today, it could be tomorrow.
Do you think you can be with one person for the rest of your life?
This person needs to be AMAZING!
Not right now


Are you a lights on or lights off person?
Lights on
Dimmed lights
Either one works for me
Lights off
Has anyone ever walked in on you while in action?
I don't think so.
Nope, never
A few times
More times than I would like
Have you ever done it in public?
I plead the fifth.
Who hasn't?
Only once


Which of these items do you not want your family members to see when they come over?
My whips
My lube
My handcuffs
My entire bedroom
Which of these body parts are you most attracted to?
What do you think is your most attractive feature?
My abs
My legs
My butt


What kind of kisses do you like most?
Earlobe kisses
Kisses on the forehead
Bite and nibble kisses
French kisses
What would your exes say about your bedroom behavior?
That I like it rough
That I'm sweet
That I'm hard to keep up with
I don't know and I don't care.
If you were told that there were 500 sex positions, how many of them do you think you have tried?
150 - 300
Less than 50
300 or more
50 - 150


Which section of the sex shop can you be found in?
Lubes and oils
If you were told to dress up for your partner, what would it be as?
A police officer
A cheerleader
A maid
A nurse
Which of these things sounds interesting?
Clamps and pumps
A swing
Chastity devices
Hot wax and ice cubes


How do you feel about being tied up?
How long am I going to be tied up?
It's not my thing.
Let's go for it!
I don't know about this one.
Would you ever allow someone else to join in on the fun?
Been there.
I don't know.
Why not?
Which of these places have you gotten it on?
At the movies
In an airport parking garage
In a bouncy castle
On a Ferris wheel


What time of day do you like it get it on?
Which of these people have you fantasized about?
A celebrity
My best friend
My boss
My neighbor
Which of these dating apps have you used to meet people?


Do you leave markings/scars on your partner?
I prefer to have the marks.
What do you do after the deed has been done?
Go home or send the person home
Go to sleep
Watch television
What have you been told that you need to change about yourself?
My personality
My appearance
My outlook on life


What do you wear to bed?
A nightgown/pajamas
An old t-shirt and some undies/boxers
A robe
Do you tell your girls/guys about your escapades?
Of course
Only my best friend
Which of these sin cities would you visit?
Las Vegas
Rio de Janiero
