How Rory Gilmore Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Rory Gilmore Are You?
Image: Warner Bros.

About This Quiz

"Gilmore Girls" was a show that began on the WB network and soon became its flagship success. A lot of the appeal of it was that it depicted the complicated but always loving relationship between a mother and her teenage daughter. Women like Lorelai Gilmore are still vanishingly rare on our screens; that is, a woman who gets pregnant as a teen (a huge mistake by the standards of her society) and instead of being painted as a Jezebel or a write-off by the narrative, still gets to dictate the terms of her future and her life.

Women like her daughter Rory are equally rare. Rory is immensely complex; she's brilliant and studies hard, but she's also gentle and wants to please others. She has a lot of boyfriends throughout the show, and this is refreshingly depicted as a perfectly normal part of growing up. Rory also frets over academics and gets into petty squabbles, while never losing sight of her ultimate dream. She's authentic, three-dimensional and flawed.

While today TV has improved somewhat in the scope of the kinds of women who get to appear on it, Rory Gilmore still stands as an earlier inspirational figure, and part of a tipping point toward the better landscape we see now. That's why she's such a role model, and so many of us aspire to be like her. Of course, she's not the only model of successful womanhood, as the show itself points out in the form of Emily, Lorelai, Sookie and others, and not everyone has to be just like her. However, she's a pretty darn great example. Let's find out how similar you are!

Are you eager to please?
Yes, sometimes to a fault.
Generally, unless the person annoys me.
Depends entirely on who's getting pleased.
Nope. I only please myself.
Do you get on with your mother?
Yes, we fight but there is always unconditional love.
Mostly, yes
It's very complicated.
No, we don't speak.
How academic are you?
I am top of every class!
I'm fairly great at that, if I say so myself.
I'm OK.
I nearly flunked most classes, so ... zero?


At what age did you first kiss a boy?
Have you ever cheated on someone?
More than once, yes
Once, but it was only a kiss and we were super young.
No, but I've thought about it.
Do you have a BFF?
Yes, she's the best!
I did growing up.
I have a few.
Nope, I'm kind of a loner.


Have you ever had a frenemy?
Yes. Sigh.
I had someone who wanted to be one, but I wouldn't play.
No, but I've had enemies.
Not yet!
Did you always know what you wanted to be when you grew up?
Since birth, yes.
I had a couple of ideas but never more than that.
I went from idea to idea.
I still don't know!
Did you always get on with most grownups when you were a kid?
Yes, they always liked me.
Yes, unless they were stupid.
Yes, unless my mom hated them.


Can you eat twice your body weight in pizza and not gain an ounce?
Yep, it's like magic.
I used to be able to.
Not that I've noticed, no.
I gain weight looking at a pizza.
Excluding journalism, what is your dream job?
Hotel manager
Did you have a cotillion?
Yes, and it was nicer than I expected!
Yes, but I hated it.
No, but I wanted one.
No, thank God.


How is your relationship with your dad?
Super complicated, for good reasons
Mostly loving
Neutral but polite
We don't speak.
Do you speak your mind?
When I must
When I can find a nice way to say it
When I can't help it
Do people underestimate you?
Only because they think I'm too nice
Yes, they think I'm not as smart as I am.
Only rarely
No, quite the contrary


Do you ever get sick of being a good girl?
Once in a while, yes
No, I love it.
I'm not sick of it yet!
I never tried, so I wouldn't know.
How good a driver are you?
Quite good
I could be a stuntwoman if I wanted.
Do you know how to dance?
Yes, reluctantly
I'm OK, I guess.
I'm quite a good mover.
I am the best dancer ever!


Do you like most pop music?
I think it's all awful.
I dislike most of it.
I like most of it.
I love it all.
Were you cool at school?
Not in the traditional sense, but I was liked.
Not really
I was kinda cool.
Yeah, I was a rebel and everyone admired that!
Would you have ever gone to a snobby private school?
I did and I liked it!
Yes, but only if I had a scholarship.
Probably not
Ew, no


Do you feel weird about asking for help?
I hate it so much!
I'm getting better at it.
I like it actually.
It's fine - why would it not be?
How important is making a lot of money?
It's important to be solvent, but a "lot" isn't necessary.
I don't care about money.
It's quite important.
It's the only thing I care about.
Are you close with your grandparents?
I like them fine.
I love them!
They're kinda awful actually.
I never met them.


Who is your role model?
Christiane Amanpour
Diane Sawyer
Mary Tyler Moore
Kim Kardashian
Which is more important: street smarts or book smarts?
Book smarts, obviously
Mostly book smarts
Mostly street smarts
Street smarts for sure!
How do you feel about small town living?
I love it!
Depends on the town
I like it sometimes.
It's the worst.


Would you ever live at home during college?
Sure, why not?
Maybe, if the numbers made sense.
If I had to
Heck, no
How much do you want to travel the world?
I'm already doing it!
It's my life dream.
I'd like that.
No thanks, I'm scared.
Do you get on with your neighbors?
Yes, extremely well!
We're friendly.
We nod.
I hate them.
