Image: Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
About This Quiz
In the fall of 2005, the "Twilight" book was released. Being the first in the series, it was met with less than desirable reviews and it took a long time for it to gain a cult following. Once it did, though, it seemed to happen overnight. Given that there are four books and five movies (the last book was broken up into two movies) there are a lot of details to remember! There are the obvious things like Edward and his family members are vegetarian vampires and Bella is a human who moves back to Forks to live with her father. Oh yeah, she and Edward fall in love and he turns her into a vampire. Those are the basics.
But we couldn't simply ask you the most obvious questions! That would be doing a disservice. We've dug deep into the "Twilight" movies and picked out some of the things that only the most avid reader and watcher would remember. Maybe you'll also learn some things you never knew! If you find yourself sitting on the bank of a river contemplating life and where you belong, pull up this quiz and remind yourself that at least you're not a high schooler who fell in love with a vampire that no one really wants you to be with!
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Which member of the Cullen family attacks Bella on her 18th birthday?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Jasper gets overwhelmed by his blood lust after Bella cuts her finger while opening one of her birthday gifts. Edward and Emmett come to her rescue and hold Jasper back and hold him so he can't advance on her.
They chose the name Renesmee as a tribute to both of their moms. Bella's mom's name is Renee and Edward's mother's name is Esme. Renesmee also happens to be the one Jacob imprinted on.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Which character suddenly changed actresses after the first two movies?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In the first two films, Victoria was played by Rachelle Lefevre, but for "Eclipse," the character was played by Bryce Dallas Howard. They look very similar, so some people might not even have noticed.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
According to Jacob, what are the traditional enemies of tribal werewolves?
Cold ones
Song birds
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"Cold ones" is another term for vampires, the one enemy of tribal werewolves. This creates quite the problem between Edward, Bella and Jacob. Jacob will never believe Bella could be safe with Edward, and vice versa.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Why did Bella move from Phoenix to Forks?
She got kicked out of school.
So her mother could move around with her new husband
That's how the custody agreement worked.
Her mother died.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Bella's stepdad traveled a lot because he was a baseball player, and Bella could tell that her mom was unhappy having to stay home with her. Bella makes the decision to live with her father so her mom could have the freedom to move around with her new husband.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Can you remember the name of Edward's sister, who was turned into a vampire after she was assaulted and left for dead?
Erin Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Emily Hadden
Alice Cooper
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
She had a dark history and after her fiancé did some pretty horrible things to her, she was left for dead. Carlisle Cullen found her and the only way to keep her "alive" was to turn her into a vampire.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Do you remember what happens to Edward's skin in the sun?
It burns.
It sparkles.
It wrinkles.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
After they are turned into vampires, it is said in the books that their skin turns into a solid material similar to diamonds. The matter in the makeup of the skin is what sparkles in the sun.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Where did James lure Bella?
The Cullens' house
Her mom's house
Her dad's house
Ballet studio
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
James made Bella believe that he had taken her mom and Bella had to come find them if she ever wanted to see her again. Once at the ballet studio where he was allegedly keeping Bella's mom, James attacked her.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Bella's middle name is Marie. Who is that after?
Her grandmother
Her aunt
No one
Her mom's best friend
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Her grandmother on her maternal side was Maria Higginbotham. She appears to Bella in "New Moon" and plays a big part in Bella's choice to become a vampire. She died when Bella was around 11 years old.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment /Sunswept Entertainment
Who was turned into a vampire after being mauled by a bear?
Emmett Cullen
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Rosalie rescued him as he was being mauled to death by a black bear. She wasn't the one to turn him, though. Rosalie requested that Carlisle do the deed because he wouldn't lose control, and Emmett and Rosalie eventually fell in love.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What's the significance of the golden onion?
It's on the Forks police building.
There isn't any meaning to it.
The winner of vampire baseball gets it.
It's the biology class award.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Bella and Edward win the golden onion in biology class for winning a contest involving studying the onion root cells of mitosis. They correctly guessed the stages of mitosis, to be exact.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Where did Bella originally live?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Bella moved from her mom's house in Phoenix, Arizona, to her father's house in Forks, Washington, when she was 17. Bella was actually born in Forks, where her father is the police chief and returned after her mother remarried.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment /Sunswept Entertainment
Who were the Volturi?
Vampire baseball team
Wood vampires
Vampire law enforcers
Sister coven to Cullens
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Saying that the Volturi are the vampire law enforcers is such a simplistic way of putting it, though. They are as close to a royal family as vampires get, and they can also cause extreme unpleasantness for other vampires. Let's just say they like the hunt.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
How long have Jacob and Bella known each other?
They met when she was moving into her dad's house.
A couple of days
Since her first day of Forks High
Since they were kids
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Bella was born in Forks, Washington, so she had friends there from when she was younger. She and Jacob were really close friends, and would even make mud pies together when they would hang out.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Which Forks High School student below had a crush on Bella?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Mike Newton was one of the most popular kids at Forks High and was beside himself when Bella started at his school. He famously said to Bella, "He looks at you like you're something to eat," referring to Edward. Oh, if he only knew.
If you remember evil James, you remember that he bit Bella with the intention of drinking her blood. Where did he bite her?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
James was the kind of vampire who feasted on human blood. Once he had a scent in his nose, he would follow it until he found his desired victim. He desired Bella so much he lured her away in order to attack her.
She said the idea for "Twilight" came to her in a dream about a girl and a vampire who loved each other, but his thirst for blood almost ruined it. Her writings on the dream eventually turned into chapter 13 of the first book.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What beach does Bella visit with Jacob and her friends in the first movie?
La Push
La Jolla
Forks Beach
Lake Beach
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
They actually just ran into each other on the beach in La Push, as opposed to going together. The beach is on the Native American reservation that Jacob and his family live on, so he was at the beach frequently.
He loves the taste so much that his family has come to call him "mountain lion" when they're out hunting. Being vegetarian in the vampire world means that you get sustenance from animal blood as opposed to human.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Do you remember the name of Jacob's tribe?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Jacob once told Bella that those in his tribe, the Quileutes, descended straight from wolves and they are considered brothers to the animal. It's against Quileute law to kill them, and they also shapeshift into them.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What is the Denali Coven?
Meat-eating vampires
Cullen enemies
One of the Cullens' allies
British version of the Cullens
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Denali coven was one of two known vegetarian vampire clans, the other being the Cullens. They were huge allies with each other, even considering each other some sort of extended family.
He became a major in the Confederate Army and shortly after, a vampire named Maria turned him. He had a rough go of it right after and got sick of the meat-eating lifestyle, so eventually joined the peaceful, vegetarian Cullen family.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Which song does Edward play for Bella on the piano?
""Tiny Dancer"
"Clare de Lune"
"Bella's Lullaby"
The wedding march
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In the movie, the song "Bella's Lullaby" was composed by Edward himself, especially for Bella. It becomes their anthem, in a way, and he finds himself humming it whenever Bella is sleeping or needs comforting.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What kind of vampire was James?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
As a tracker, James gets the scent of a human he wants to eat, and then tracks them down until he finds them. He did find Bella and was caught in a struggle with her before biting her wrist. It didn't go further than that, thankfully.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
When there was a blood type experiment in school, what happened?
Edward attacks Bella.
Nothing important
Bella almost fainted.
People discover Edward has no blood.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Bella didn't do so well with blood, which is hilarious knowing her future. During the blood type experiment, she said she already knew her blood type and asked if she could be excused. It was clear she was feeling faint, so she was taken to the nurse.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
When was Edward turned into a vampire?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
He was turned by Carlisle Cullen to prevent him from dying from the Spanish influenza epidemic that was happening in Chicago. Edward's mother actually made the request that he be turned, and Carlisle obliged.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Where are the students when Edward sees Bella for the first time?
Biology class
The parking lot
The movie theater
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
All the Cullens are sitting at one table looking way too cool for school when Edward looks over to where Bella is sitting and really sees her for the first time. Even through his Ray-Bans, you can tell he likes what he sees.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What were human Edward's parents' names?
Henry and Caroline
Harry and Sheila
Edward and Elizabeth
Andrew and Lauren
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
He was the only child of Edward and Elizabeth Masen. His father was a successful lawyer while his mother dedicated her life to her husband and son. They both died from the Spanish influenza, which Edward (the son) was rescued from.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
When Edward takes Bella to prom, what's the theme?
Monte Carlo
Haunted mansion
A night in Paris
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Monte Carlo is a common theme for proms, given the outlandish nature of the decor and the outfits people can wear. It's one of the classiest places, so having it as the prom theme automatically ups the feel of the event.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment /Sunswept Entertainment
Where was Carlisle, the patriarch of the Cullen family, born?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In the 1640s in London, Carlise Cullen was born. He was the son of a pastor who would hunt vampires, werewolves and witches as an attempt to rid the world of the evil and sin they brought upon it.
Even when she was human she would have predictions. That's ultimately what got her locked up in a mental institution. She was turned into a vampire after she had a vision of tracker, James, coming for her.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Which truck does Bella drive?
Red Chevy
Blue Ford
Green Chevy
Rusted Ford
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
When Bella decided to move in with her father, Charlie, in Forks, he bought Billy Black's truck for her to use. It was an old truck and maybe not in the best condition, but Bella felt like it was the best car she could possibly have.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Which special power does Jasper possess?
Mind control
Psychic abilities
Controlling moods
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
What a fantastic power to have! Jasper can not only sense the moods of those around him, but he can then change the mood to be more appropriate or to cheer people up if people are in pain.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What time of day is the safest, according to Edward?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
It makes sense that it's the name of the book because Edward tells Bella that twilight is the safest time of day for vampires who do not prey on humans. He also says that it's the saddest because it means the end of another day.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What is the mascot of Forks High School?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Forks High School is the home of the Spartans, at least according to a big sign outside of the high school. It would be hilarious, though, if the mascot was wolves or something, given that Jacob and his family all shapeshift into them.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
Where does Edward take Bella after she is attacked in Port Angeles?
La Bella Italia
Olive Garden
Casa Italiana
Angelo's Place
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Bella had plans to meet her friends Jessica and Angela there, so when Edward rescues Bella from the bad guys, he takes her right there without her even having to tell him that's where she was going.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
When was the first movie in the series, "Twilight," released?
October 2010
December 2007
August 2008
November 2008
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"Twilight," the first of four books in the series, was released on Oct. 5, 2005. When it first came out, the books weren't received with huge applause, but over time they became a cult hit. The first movie was released on Nov. 21, 2008.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
What are the names of Jacob's two older sisters?
Emily and Sarah
Sarah and Sasha
Renee and Emily
Rachel and Rebecca
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Rachel and Rebecca Black are the older sisters of Jacob and are also twins. They were born and raised on the reservation in La Push and they both had a really hard time dealing with the death of their mother.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
During which season does Emmett prefer to go hunting?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Since Emmett's favorite animal to hunt is the grizzly bear, he hunts when he knows they will be the most irritable, which is springtime. He finds them easier to catch and the hunt is much more satisfying.
Temple Hill Entertainment / Maverick Films / Imprint Entertainment / Sunswept Entertainment
How do Bella and her mom communicate?
They don't.
Phone calls
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Since her mother is always traveling with her baseball player husband, email is the best way to keep up with what's going on in their lives. Bella emails her detailing what she's learning in school and how her dad is doing, but nothing about her vampire friend.