How Would Your Relationship with Joe from "You" End?

By: Alex Wittman
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Would Your Relationship with Joe from "You" End?
Image: Netflix

About This Quiz

Just when you thought you had the worst ex in the world, you binged the Netflix show "You." It put your situation into perspective, huh? If you're feeling down about dating, cheer yourself up with our quiz. In way less time than it takes to dispose of a dead body, find out how your relationship with Joe from "You" would end!

We know he's a murderer or whatever, but with Penn Badgley playing Joe Goldberg, we'll admit we've imagined what it would be like to have him as our boyfriend. Come on, a dude who actually reads? You can't blame us for dreaming! Alas, all good (read: creepy) things must come to an end. There are definitely more than a few possibilities for how a romance with Joe would finish.

Will Joe kill you? Will you kill Joe? Maybe (and this is a BIG maybe), you and Joe drive off into the sunset together to live happily ever after. In Los Angeles, that glass box of his is nicer than half the studio apartments! 

If you're anything like us, you couldn't help but picture yourself in Beck or Love's situation. Would you be able to handle Joe? There's only one way to find out. Now that you've binged "You," take our quiz to reveal how your relationship with Joe would end!

01_glass box
How would you handle being trapped in Joe's glass box?
I have no idea, and I don't want to think about it!
I'd make a weapon and fight Joe to the death.
I'd trick Joe into letting me out.
Being in the glass box doesn't really seem all that bad.
Have you ever Googled someone before going out with them?
No, is that a thing?
I've googled pretty much everyone I know.
Yes, especially if they're a total stranger.
No, I prefer surprises.
When your significant other makes a mistake, are you generally forgiving?
I guess I'm more forgiving than not.
Forgiveness really isn't in my nature.
That really depends on what the mistake is.
Of course; everyone makes mistakes!


Were you #TeamBeck or #TeamLove?
I was hoping he'd end up with Delilah or Karen Minty!
Seriously? I didn't want to see him with anyone!
05_Forty Quinn
If you had to choose one of the "You" characters to be your BFF, who would it be?
Annika Atwater (one of Beck's friends)
Forty Quinn
Peach Salinger
Gabe Miranda (one of Love's friends)
06_new guy
If a new guy moved in next door, which are you most likely to do?
Invite him over for coffee!
Wait for him to introduce himself to me
Honestly, I'd probably just ignore him.
Offer to show him around the neighborhood!


07_you social media
Tell us about your social media habits. How much do you share online?
I'm an open book!
Actually, I'm not really "on the socials."
I have my stuff set to private.
I share a lot but try to keep track of who is following me.
08_staring at you
If you saw a dude staring at you, how would you react?
I probably wouldn't even notice.
I'd ask him what his deal was.
I would leave as soon as possible.
I'd smile back at him since it's pretty obvious he's into me.
09_New York
Would you rather live in New York or Los Angeles?
New York
Los Angeles
I'd be fine with either.


10_Ellie Alves
Which of these characters from "You" is your favorite?
Peach Salinger
Love Quinn
Ellie Alves
Joe Goldberg
11_giant glass cage
If you found a giant glass cage in your significant other's storage unit, what would your move be?
I don't know; I'm sure they have a good reason for it!
I'd ask them what the deal was ... in a VERY public place.
I would break up with them immediately, no questions asked.
Giant glass cage? Sounds fun!
What was your first impression of Joe?
Nice, but it seemed like he was hiding something.
Total boyfriend material


13_Forty Quinn death
Which of these characters were you LEAST sad to see killed?
Guinevere Beck
Benji (Beck's ex)
Forty Quinn
Henderson (the comedian)
14_Joe's behavior
Before you found out about all the murder stuff, how did you feel about Joe's behavior?
I'm not sure; he did a good job concealing his weirdness.
Um, major red flag.
He never fooled me for a second.
I thought he was just really caring!
15_attractive about Joe
What (if anything) did you find attractive about Joe?
His smile
Gross! Nothing!
His eyes
His humor and wit


Have you read the books the show is based on?
I didn't even know there were books.
I want to but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Nope, sorry.
Yes, and (as always) the books are way better!
Do you know self-defense?
No, but maybe I should learn.
Yes, and I'm actually pretty skilled.
Just a few moves, but I think those are enough.
Does having a pepper spray keychain count?
18_season two
How long did it take you to watch season two of "You"?
To be honest, I still haven't watched it.
I watched it over the course of a weekend.
I binged it in a single night!
I've never even seen season one!


19_home security
Is home security a priority for you?
Nah, it's not like I have any enemies.
Ever since watching "You" it is!
I'm obsessed with my home security system.
Locking your doors is good, right?
What's the curtain/blinds situation at your house?
Oops, I don't have anything on my windows.
I keep them drawn pretty much all the time.
I open them in the day if only to keep an eye on the neighborhood.
I have them but forget to close them ... a lot.
Would you call yourself observant?
It's not my strong suit.
I make an effort to always be aware of my surroundings.
It may take me a minute, but I usually pick up on things.
I see what I want to see.


22_fake name
If you discovered that the person you were in a relationship with was using a fake name, what would you do?
I'd freak out and confront them.
I'd calmly ask why they felt the need to do that.
I would probably go to the police.
No big deal; there's nothing love can't conquer!
What do you think Moon Juice tastes like?
Dessert but better
Ew, like barf
Green juice
I think Moon Juice tastes different to everyone who drinks it!
It's important to Joe, so we've got to ask: do you like reading?
Eh, reading is boring.
It depends on the book.
I prefer audiobooks.
Yes, especially the classics!


25_Dr. Nicky
Is there any character you WISH Joe would have killed?
Dr. Nicky
Love Quinn
Candace Stone (the first time)
Dottie Quinn (Love's mom)
26_deceived you
Has someone you were dating ever deceived you?
No ... well, at least I don't think so.
No, they know better than to try anything.
Yes, and I broke up with them immediately.
Yes, but we got over it.
27_Through a dating app
If you were a character on "You," where would you and Joe have most likely crossed paths?
Through a dating app
At a health food store
Jogging in the neighboorhood
At a bookstore


28_Does a dating app count
Have you ever gone out on a date with someone you randomly met?
Yes, I love meeting people organically.
No, I prefer to meet people through friends.
Does a dating app count?
Yes, but I don't think it was entirely random.
29_true crime
Do you watch true crime documentaries?
No, that stuff gives me nightmares.
Sometimes I do, if there's nothing else on.
Yes, I'm obsessed.
Only the super popular ones to keep up with what everyone is talking about
30_prediction for season three
What's your prediction for season three of "You"?
Joe stalks his neighbor.
Joe crosses paths with another serial killer.
Joe gets caught.
Joe loves being a dad.
