New Jersey Lingo Quiz

By: Ashley Palkovics
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
New Jersey Lingo Quiz
Image: Mary A. Brown/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Have you ever made a trip to the renowned and infamous Jersey Shore? Whether you've made your way to Trenton, Far Hills or walked along the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, there's a lot to pick up on during a visit. For instance, the lingo! Sometimes the slang in this Northeastern state is a bit much to keep up with. Some may even consider it a language of its own. However, with practice and background information, anyone can become a true Jerseyan and get by just fine.

Before "Jersey Shore," "Real Housewives," and the other TV outlets that have put a spotlight on this state, there was plenty of culture being cultivated on the Shore. We want to test to see if you know your stuff on New Jersey terminology. From the slang of AC to the old sayings of the Barrens, there is a plethora of language to be learned from this state of the Union. We warn you, comparing the Garden State to the Big Apple will prove to be a big no-no in this quiz. Though Jerseyans do have several phrases to identify their neighbors in New York, many of their words are unique to them alone. Get ready to dive into the depths of Jersey and test your skills!

Couple visiting Times Square New York in autumn
martinedoucet/E+/Getty Images
Where are you going when you say you're visiting "The City"?
New York City
Ocean City
Furious male driver yelling, shaking fist through window
RapidEye/E+/Getty Images
This is considered very dangerous. What is the "Jersey Swoop"?
When you get a basketball in the hoop on the first try
When you fart loudly in public by accident
The increasing scale of detainees in NJ prisons
Merging all the way from the left lane to the right exit lane in one motion
Cheese Pie with Tomatoes
This Jersey food is VERY similar to regular pizza, save a few ingredients. What is it called?
Tomato pie
Bread triangles
Dough dips
Cheese slices


Three Foot Long Subs
LauriPatterson/E+/getty Images
This phrase is used in some restaurants, but is considered completely commonplace in Jersey. What is a "Hoagie"?
A bagel
A cereal bar
A sandwich
A nickname
Keith Lance/E+/Getty Images
As traffic has nicknames, so do ways to avoid it. What is a "Shunpike" according to a NJ resident?
A road to avoid the turnpike
A mountain to shun outside distractions
A derogatory term for another driver
Using someone else's car to go somewhere
Man pumping gas
Tom Merton/OJO Images/Getty Images
This can only be experienced in two states as of 2019. Where would you say "fill it regular" in Jersey?
Getting your oil changed
Getting a drink on the rocks
Getting your gas pumped
Getting your eyebrows waxed


Disco fries via YouTube
Every state has a food that they consider "their food." For NJ, it would be Disco Fries. What are they made out of?
Fries with glitter
Fries with ketchup and mustard
Fries with bacon and ketchup
Fries with cheese and gravy
Homemade lemon and orange sorbet
Jessica Shaver Photography/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What would someone from New Jersey refer to as "water ice"?
Ice cream
Italian Ice
Water with Ice
A drink with melted ice in it
New Jersey Pine Barrens
iShootPhotosLLC/E+/Getty Images
Did you know that residents even have nicknames for other residents? Where is a "Piney" from?
Pine Park
Pine Barrens
Christmas Pine Terminal
Pine Cove Grove


trainman1971 via YouTube
What does a "Jitney" refer to in the great state of NJ?
A type of taxi service in Atlantic City
The term for the local legal precinct
A dance popularized by Bruce Springsteen
A candy you can purchase at Wawa
Ice Cream Cones with Sprinkles
Jupiterimages/ Images Plus
If you're heading to get ice cream in NJ, what is another word for "sprinkles"?
Sugar Dust
ma-k/E+/Getty Images
Everyone needs some of this in their lives during the Christmas season. Which food name was coined in a New Jersey publication in the late 1700s?
Figgy pudding
Pigs in a blanket


Hot dogs frying in pan
Jennifer Smith/Moment Open/Getty Images
You can find these at carts located across the Jersey Shore. What kind of food is a "Ripper"?
Hot dog
Group of friends walking on beach, ready for picnic
Corey Jenkins/Image Source/Getty Images
The majority of New Jersey is shoreline, so of course, you'd need your own lingo for it. What phrase is used to say let's go "to the beach"?
Up the boardwalk
Hit the waves
Down the shore
With the tides
Bruce Springsteen - Western Stars
This influential artist is beloved in NJ moreso than anywhere else in the world. In Jersey, who is "The Boss"?
Elvis Presley
Robin Williams
Bruce Springsteen
Tom Holland


Bountiful deli sandwich
Judy Unger/Photodisc/Getty Images
Jersey has a very well-known food truck culture, with one specific meal being particularly popular. What is it called?
Fried Oreos
Fat sandwich
Grease fries
Poppin pizza
Xinzheng/Moment/Getty Images
You can find these just about everywhere but they originated in the state of New Jersey. What is a "Jersey Barrier"?
The line between Jersey and New York?
The Hudson River
The concrete median on the road
The toll booths
Newark, New Jersey
DenisTangneyJr/E+/Getty Images
Nicknames for towns are typical things of every state. Where is "Brick City" located in Jersey?
Atlantic City


Man sitting on the beach
MStudioImages/E+/Getty Images
This type of person can be characterized by the cast of "Jersey Shore." What is a "Guido"?
A weak French man
An obnoxious New York man
A masculine Italian man
A rude southern man
Full Mailbox
ideabug/E+/Getty Images
How do you determine where someone lives when asking for specifics?
Their school mascot
Their province name
Their area code
Their exit ramp number
Atlantic City skyline with tourists on the beach
Driendl group/Photodisc/Getty Images
After living somewhere awhile, you eventually settle on abbreviated versions of the name to save time. Where is "AC", according to a New Jerseyan?
Aragon Court
Arlington City
Atlantic City
Atlantic Coast


Dragon in the moonlight
Vectorios2016/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What is the name of the mythical beast that allegedly terrorizes South Jersey?
The Concubine
The Devil
The Barren Man
The Snooki
Woman paying with credit card in grocery store
Ariel Skelley/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What is the go-to convenience store/gas station in the Jersey area?
Sunset on the Atlantic City Boardwalk
Busà Photography/Moment/Getty Images
Any beach you go to has one of these, but they're always so different. What is another word for the Atlantic City Boardwalk?
The Shoreline Stroll
There isn't one.
The Boards
The Walk


Friends toasting each other with beers on beach
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
We may think of it as a name, but this has much more context up in Jersey. What is a "Benny"?
A derogatory term for people from New York who visit
A type of streetcar in New Jersey
A beautiful woman
Obnoxious tourists
Crowd on beach
Photo by Scott Dunn/Moment/Getty Images
If you're not from Jersey, you've likely never heard this in your entire life. Who is a "shoobie"?
A person who wears their shoes without socks
A tourist
A rapper
A singer
Woman standing with arms outstretched on beach
Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Many people have these, but not all do. We're not sure if that's helpful, but what are you "bubbies" according to a New Jerseyan?
My large arms
My children
My breasts
My friends


Woman having fun
Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Consider this one less of an insult. What kind of female is a "Meatball" often in reference to?
A promiscuous lady
A short girl who likes to party
A girl who eats very sloppily
A round woman
Woman grimacing
SensorSpot/E+/Getty Images
Jerseyans are often known for their hot-blooded, Italian tempers that come with an array of judgment-induced nicknames. What is a "Grenade"?
An angry male
A beautiful woman
A small child crying
An ugly female
Turkey and Cheese Sandwich on a Ciabatta Bread
LauriPatterson/E+/getty Images
You can find this concoction of food items in many diners across the state. What is the nickname for the "Jersey Breakfast"?
Road Warrior
Heart Attack
Frozen Fondue
Triple Bypass


Couple in bathrobes kissing on bed
Dirk Lindner/Cultura/Getty Images
What's another word for being physically intimate with someone in Jersey?
stock_colors/E+/Getty Images
What do Jerseyan's call it when your buddy steals the affection of the person you're interested in?
Butting In
Young woman in bikini at beach
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
It's always good to know how to compliment someone. Which is a very popular phrase for looking good in New Jersey?
"Living La Vida Loca"
"Fresh to Death"
"Hot as Hell"
"Feeling Fine"


Man hugging woman's leg
Jae Rew/Photodisc/Getty Images
Every state has a code word for a Stage 5 clinger. What do you call a person who is being clingy in Jersey?
A backpack
A slinky
A ball & chain
A sloth
Round About
Pete Ark/Moment/Getty Images
No one likes these, but they're everywhere. What the Jersey phrase for a "traffic circle"?
Circle round
Turn around