On a Scale of 1-10, How Deep Is Your Love?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
On a Scale of 1-10, How Deep Is Your Love?
Image: SHutterstock

About This Quiz

Love is a beautiful thing. If you're in love there's nothing that life can throw at you that you can't handle. Your food tastes better, your job isn't quite so stressful. Every morning is a chance for another perfect day, as long as your true love is by your side. 

But what is true love anyway? Just about all of us have had a crush or someone that we felt really passionate about in our lives. It seems incredible at first, but then soon the feelings fade away, or maybe you even get dumped by the person that you thought you were going to love forever.  You wonder what went wrong and maybe even feel crushed, but then, sooner or later, you feel the same way about someone else. So that wasn't true love, or was it?

Real love is a combination of a lot of things, and if you feel it truly, madly, deeply, then you know it. At least most of you do. For the rest of you, we've devised a quiz that will let you know just how deep your love is on a scale of 1-10. Just for the record, if you get anything less than a 5 you just might want to keep it to yourself.

There is a thin line between love and hate. Do you sometimes feel super in love with this person even when you're mad at them?
I don't see how that's possible.
Maybe for a second, but usually I just feel mad.
Sometimes I do.
Sure, all the time
When you see yourself as an old person, is your love always by your side?
Sometimes I picture myself alone.
Sometimes I picture myself with someone else.
Pretty much always
Of course
You're at a wedding reception and your love is an awful dancer, would you still go out on the floor with them?
No way
I would if it would be awkward not to.
I would do a few dances with them.
Sure, I would dance with them all night.


You haven't seen this person in days as you've been on a business trip, how do you feel when you first see them?
I feel good.
I feel really good.
I feel happy.
I get butterflies.
Your lover seems to be flirting with your friend, how do you feel?
Angry, what a jerk
Glad that they're getting along
How often do you worry about them dumping you?
Not much, I would be fine.
I worry sometimes.
I worry all the time.
Not much, we won't split up.


Does it bother you when they snore or fidget at night?
Yes, it drives me crazy.
It does some.
I can deal with it.
Not at all
They had to go away on a short trip for work, how do you feel when they're gone?
Happy, I need some me time.
I don't care either way.
I miss them a little.
I miss them a lot.
Your best friend tells you they can't stand your lover, how do you handle it?
Dump my lover
Dump my best friend
Try and make them get along
Who cares? I don't need everyone in my life to get along.


You just found out that they're just a little bit crazy in a certain way, what do you do?
Encourage them to go to a counselor
Do my best to support them
Who cares? I am a little crazy, too.
They have stopped working out and gained a little weight over time, how do you handle it?
Start dropping hints about how they need to go to the gym
Pretend it doesn't bother me
It doesn't bother me much.
It doesn't bother me at all.
Do you feel totally comfortable in front of them without any clothes on?
Yikes. No.
No, but I fake it.
I am getting there.


Would you ever cheat on them in any circumstance?
I might.
I would be afraid I would get caught.
No, that is wrong.
No, I only want them.
Do you get any FOMO when you think of being with them forever?
I have to admit that I do.
I do, but I try to fight it.
A little, but that is normal.
They just got another job in a city where you know no one, would you move there with them?
No, but I would visit often.
Yes, but I would worry about things.
Of course


You're out for coffee and one of your friends just said something negative about them, what do you do?
Ignore it
Laugh awkwardly
Call my friend out and confront them.
You can go on a trip anywhere in the world for free for a month, who do you take?
Mother or father
Sister or brother
My lover
You're on a road trip in a car, how long can you go without talking?
A few minutes
A half an hour
An hour


You have a hard life decision to make, do you ask their opinion?
No, I make my own choices.
No, but I don't mind if they share theirs.
Yes, but I don't know if I would take it.
Of course, their opinion means everything to me.
It's Christmas and they're away, how do you feel?
I miss them a little.
I miss them a lot.
I miss them tons.
Are there any true dealbreakers when it comes to this person as far as being in a long-term relationship?
Sure, there are a lot of them.
There are a few.
There is one or two.
Not that I can think of


Are they like a secret agent? Do you feel like there are a lot of things about them that you don't know?
I think there are all sorts of things.
There probably are.
Maybe a few
No, I think I know them really well.
How soon after you two started hanging out did you change your Facebook status to "in a relationship"?
I still haven't.
It took a long time.
It took a bit of time.
I changed it right away.
When you two are together in the bedroom, how comfortable do you feel?
I feel pretty awkward.
More comfortable all the time
Pretty comfortable
Totally comfortable


It's 3 in the morning and you just got a call that they need a ride, what do you do?
Tell them to call an Uber
You do it, but you complain.
You do it, but inside you're irritated.
You do it without question.
Do you two share any sort of bank account?
No, are you crazy?
No, but we might soon.
Yes, but it makes me nervous.
Sure we do.
It's morning and they haven't showered, do you give them a hug?
Yuck. No.
Maybe a quick one
Sure, I probably stink, too.
Of course, that doesn't bother me at all.


You just got a promotion, who is the first person you want to tell?
One of my coworkers
One of my friends
Someone in my family
My Love
You're eating out, do you mind if they try your food?
Yes, that makes me aggro.
Yes, but I don't let them know.
Maybe a little
Of course not
Would you do something that you absolutely despise to make them feel good?
No way
I don't think so.
I might, but I would still hate it.
For sure
