Prove How Well You Know Australian Slang!

By: Hania Syed
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Prove How Well You Know Australian Slang!
Image: AzmanL/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Aussies are known for our cheeky banter and laidback attitudes, which also shows in our colourful and often abbreviated language choices. On top of this, we often speak quickly and pronounce things very differently to other English speakers. Some slang may be regional and vary from state to state, while some are universally understood by all Australians. 

Slang comes up every single day in Australia, from social to even some professional settings. After all, Australians are pretty casual people, and some office banter is definitely common! This means you've gotta get a solid grasp on Australian slang to make friends, crack jokes and also avoid any potentially awkward situations. Speaking too formally will just make you seem like a right prude!

And of course, you'll already know that a lot of the Australian slang mentioned in pop culture is simply not how the average Aussie speaks. 'Crikey' isn't as common of an expression as some people might think, and we don't put shrimps on the barbie (they're called prawns over here!) And how many people really say G'day or call women sheilas?

So if you're a true blue Aussie looking to flex your slang skills, this quiz is perfect for you. 

1 - knackered
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
What does it mean when someone says they are feeling knackered?
Really hungry
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Being knackered means you're exhausted! It's a casual term that can be used in a variety of settings. Aussies also like to say they're stuffed when they're tired (although this can also mean they are feeling very full).

2 - cozzies
Carol Yepes/Moment/Getty Images
You see someone wearing cozzies. Where are they going?
The beach
A costume party
A barbeque
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Cozzies refer to a swimming costume, with the term mostly being used in New South Wales. Other states refer to this as bathers, swimmers or even togs. These terms are used more frequently for women's swimming costumes.

3 - hard yakka
praetorianphoto/E+/Getty Images
If someone complains that something is hard yakka, what can you expect it to be?
Tough to chew
Difficult work
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Hard yakka refers to hard work and is also the name of a workwear brand in Australia. It's more of a casual term, typically used among friends or workmates. The term is also used by our Kiwi neighbours.


4 - bludger
Sir Francis Canker Photography/Moment/Getty Images
You might hear someone complain about a 'bludger', but what does this term mean?
Someone who is lazy
A weapon
A coastal feature
A marsupial
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Often used in reference to dole bludgers, a bludger is someone who doesn't carry their own weight and is lazy. We've all known a hanger-on or two, haven't we?

5 - McDonald's
Pixabay by Quartzla
What do Australians lovingly refer to McDonald's as?
Mickey D's
Old Macdonald's
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Australians are known for abbreviating everything, and Macca's certainly is no exception! You'll also hear Aussies say they're going on a Macca's run, which means visiting McDonald's, usually through the drive thru.

6 - bogan
David Aubrey/Corbis/Getty Images
What kind of Australian icon is known as a bogan?
A type of frog
A sandwich
An uncultured person
Someone who loves tobogganing
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

'Bogan' is a term to describe an uncultured, lower-class person. Bear in mind that this can be a friendly, joking term, or an offensive one depending on the context, so use with care!


7 - chockers
Alina555/E+/Getty Images
You find out that an event is chockers. What is it?
Relating to chocolate
Relating to chickens
Completely full
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When something is full or very busy, Australians say it's chockers. For example, the shopping centre at Christmas time tends to be completely chockers! Aussies might also say a place or event was chock-a-block.

8 - bloody oath
filadendron/E+/Getty Images
If someone exclaims 'bloody oath', what are they expressing to you?
They're making a promise to you.
They're angry at you.
They are asking for a drink.
They are expressing their agreement with you.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If someone says "bloody oath" to you, it means they agree with you strongly. This term can be used lightheartedly even when discussing something serious but should not be used in a professional setting.

9 - budgie smugglers
Cesar Okada/E+/Getty Images
If you hear the term budgie smugglers, what is being referred to?
Criminals who smuggle birds
A backpack
A swimming bottom
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Proudly donned by former Australian PM Tony Abbott, budgie smugglers are a tight Speedo or swimming bottom for men. They have become a bit of a joke, being known as an untrendy item to wear.


10 - hoon
stock_colors/E+/Getty Images
There's a hoon in your neighbourhood. What are you faced with?
A type of noisy bird
Someone who is lots of fun to be around
Someone who drives dangerously for the thrill
An unpopular politican
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Hoons are known to race each other in suburban Australia or do burnouts, doughnuts and other similar manoeuvres. You might also hear these dangerous drivers referred to as 'hoonigans.'

11 - larrikin
Tempura/E+/Getty Images
If someone is a larrikin, what are they?
Fun and cheeky
Fond of birds
A strong swimmer
A liar
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Larrikin is an affectionate term for a boisterous, cheeky male. The term can be used in casual settings, referring to someone who has a disregard for political or social conventions but is still liked by all.

12 - she'll be right
alvarez/E+/Getty Images
Your boss says 'she'll be right' to you. What are they conveying to you?
That your mum is always right.
That everything will be okay.
That the woman you are talking about will be okay.
That the weather is going to be good that day.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

'She'll be right' is a casual way of saying everything will be okay, or expressing your lack of concern about something. It can be used dismissively if someone is being overly anxious about a particular event.


13 - sook
SensorSpot/E+/Getty Images
You hear someone complain about a sook. What are they talking about?
The local market
A game similar to soccer
A local reptile
Someone who sulks or whinges
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A sook is someone who is whinging or sulking in a childish manner. If someone ever calls you a sook, it might be a sign that you need to reflect on your attitude! The term is also used in New Zealand and parts of Canada.

14 - ta
Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Your colleague signs off an email with 'ta'. What do they mean?
Thank you
Thanks in advance
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

We told you Aussies love shortening everything! Ta simply means thank you. You might also hear Aussies say 'cheers', 'you legend' or 'you beauty' as other ways of expressing thanks.

15 - sparky
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
A new acquaintance tells you they are a sparky. What are they?
Very lively
Very athletic
An electrician
A collector of plush toys
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Aussies love to shorten the names of occupations too. Carpenters are chippies, bricklayers are brickies, garbage collectors are garbos and of course, electricians are known as sparkies.


16 - Bailed
Zero Creatives/Cultura/Getty Images
Your friend has just bailed. What have they done?
Cancelled plans
Paid bail for someone
Done a swift sporting move
Done a U-turn
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

To bail on something means to cancel plans. People hate it when you bail, so try to avoid this shady move whenever you can! Someone who bails often is also referred to as a flake in Australia.

17 - cobber
momcilog/E+/Getty Images
Someone introduces you to their cobber. Who are you meeting?
A shoemaker
Their relative
A good friend
A tradesperson
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Cobber is a casual term for a good friend. The term is typically used between men. It can also be used to address a stranger in a friendly way, but is used less frequently than the classic 'mate.'

18 - crikey
LordHenriVoton/E+/Getty Images
You hear your friend exclaim 'crikey!' How are they feeling?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Popularised on a global scale by wildlife warrior Steve Irwin, crikey is an exclamation of surprise or shock. It's not widely used these days, perhaps as a joke or among working class men.


19 - dunny
chuckcollier/E+/Getty Images
What part of the house is a dunny found in?
The bathroom
The bedroom
The living room
The garage
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Dunny is a casual term for the toilet. While dunnies are typically found in the toilet or bathroom, they can sometimes be outside in the form of an outhouse too. Aussies also refer to toilets as 'loos.'

20 - flat out like a lizard drinking
Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Moment/Getty Images
Your dad tells you he's flat out like a lizard drinking. How is he going?
He's thirsty.
He's very busy.
He's unwell.
He's sun tanning.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Aussies might complain about feeling flat out like a lizard drinking, meaning they're extremely busy and tired. This can also be shortened to simply being 'flat out,' which is a term heard much more commonly.

21 - galah
golero/E+/Getty Images
If you call a person a galah, what are you saying about them?
That they are pretty
That they are unique
That they are intelligent
That they are dumb
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Galahs are known for being a bit dim-witted, so it's certainly not a compliment to call someone a galah. The term can definitely be used jokingly or affectionately, however, with Aussies loving a bit of banter.


22 - banana bender
MB Photography/Moment/Getty Images
You meet a banana bender. What are they?
A vegan
A New Zealander
A zookeeper
A Queenslander
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Sunshine State (Queensland) is known for its production of bananas, representing 90% of all bananas grown in the country. The term is an affectionate, cheeky one but doesn't come up much in day to day conversation.

23 - daks
Visage/Stockbyte/Getty Images
You see someone wearing daks. What are they wearing?
A cricket cap
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Commonly used when referring to trackie dacks (track pants), these bottoms are a popular choice in winter. Whether worn as a complete tracksuit or just with a singlet, daks are an Aussie clothing staple.

24 - damper
martinedoucet/E+/Getty Images
You've just been offered a damper. What are you being given?
A bread made from soda and flour
A $5 note
A rain coat
A diaper
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Historically prepared by swagmen, drovers and other travellers, damper is an iconic Australian bread. The dish is mentioned in the classic ballid Waltzing Matilda, although you'll be hard-pressed to come across it in this day and age.


25 - milk bar
Diana Haronis Open/Getty Images
Why would someone go to a milk bar?
To get ice cream
To drop off their kids
To purchase convenience items
To buy cheese
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In Victoria, convenience stores are referred to as milk bars. Elsewhere in the country, they're known as corner stores or corner shops. The Americanism 'convenience store' is also becoming more common.

26 - chucked a uey
Fancy/Veer/Corbis/Corbis / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
You've just chucked a uey. What have you done?
Performed a U-turn
Thrown a boomerang
Played football
Had a tantrum
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Chucking a uey is a casual expression for performing a U-turn and is jokingly known as an ancient Australian proverb. This is especially easy in the capital city Canberra, which is known for its abundance of roundabouts!

27 - tucker
FatCamera/E+/Getty Images
You've just come across tucker. What have you encountered?
A truck driver
A farmer
A child
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Tucker is a general term for food, with some school canteens being called tuckshops. Bush tucker is also coming back into vogue, which refers to traditional Indigenous delicacies. Tuck in!


28 - durry
lovro77/E+/Getty Images
What is someone asking for if they ask you for a durry?
A dollar
A lift
A cigarette
Where the toilet is
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The term 'durry' usually refers to a roll-your-own cigarette. You might also hear people refer to it as a cig or a smoke, which may be consumed on your smoko (a smoke break) at work.

29 - The Coathanger
@ Didier Marti/Moment/Getty Images
Which Australian landmark is referred to as The Coathanger?
The Westgate Bridge
The Sydney Harbour Bridge
Crown Casino
DreamWorld amusement park
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Sydney Harbour Bridge is affectionately referred to as the Coathanger due to its appearance. Built in 1932, the bridge is now a popular tourist attraction that can even be summited.

30 - chook
martin-dm/E+/Getty Images
Your friend tells you they have a chook at home. What are they talking about?
A girl
A local delicacy
A criminal
A chicken
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You can call both a live chicken and a roast chicken a chook. In addition to Australia, New Zealanders also refer to chickens as chooks. In some places, you might also hear the term chookie.


31 - stickybeak
Digital Zoo/Photodisc/Getty Images
You've found yourself next to a stickybeak. What are you next to?
Nosy person
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

To have a stickybeak or to be a stickybeak means to be nosy and prying. It's not a flattering term at all, so you've gotta be careful how you use it and hope no one ever says it about you!

32 - bingle
FG Trade/E+/Getty Images
You've just had a bingle. What happened to you?
You won a bet.
You met Lara Bingle.
You were in a car accident.
You've been in a fight.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Unfortunately, a bingle doesn't refer to meeting Aussie model Lara Bingle. The term actually refers to a minor car accident. With Aussies loving a bit of tongue in cheek comedy, it's no surprise that we have a car insurance company called Bingle!

33 - Pat Malone
AzmanJaka/E+/Getty Images
Your mate tells you they are on their Pat Malone. What are they saying?
That they're from New South Wales
That they are good at football
That they're sad
That they're on their own
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Rhyming slang is adored by Australians, with this being one of the most common examples: "I'm all on my Pat Malone". This derives from a ballad about an ill-fated Irishman called Pat Malone.


34 - Harold Holt
baona/E+/Getty Images
You've just done a Harold Holt. What have you done?
Left unexpectedly
Exceeded people's expectations
Excelled at your job
Swam a really fast lap
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Former Australian Prime Minister Harold Hold went missing while swimming. With Aussies loving a bit of irreverence, doing a Harold Holt has come to mean leaving somewhere unexpectedly.

35 - chunders
digitalhallway/E+/Getty Images
Your friend chunders in front of you. What did they do?
Made a bet
Started a fight
Thrown up
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Referred to in the song "Down Under" by Men at Work, to chunder means to vomit. The term originates from the seafaring days when sailors would have to chunder out of the ship's porthole.

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