Does Your Crush Like You Back?

By: Alex Wittman
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Does Your Crush Like You Back?
Image: Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you constantly wondering, ""Does my crush like me back?"" Join the club! We've all been there, pulling petals off flowers and scribbling in our diaries trying to decode our crush's feelings by their body language whether he/she is part of your good friends, mutual friends or even best friends. Seriously, why isn't there an app for this yet? We just want a Magic 8 Ball with AI capabilities to get some answers. Alexa, help a friend out - is my crush into me or not?

While scientists are out there curing cancer and planning Mars missions, they've left us hanging on this crucial question. So, it's up to you to figure out if your crush likes you back. But don't worry, we've got your back with this super accurate quiz that will give you some insight. Life's too short to waste time on someone who might ghost you, so take this quiz to see if your crush is worth pursuing.

Don't stress about the uncertainty of your crush's feelings - take our quiz and get some clarity. We've got your back with this scientific quiz to help you navigate the murky waters of crushes. Say goodbye to second-guessing and invest your time and energy wisely - find out if your special someone likes you back and make an informed decision on whether to pursue them or move on to greener pastures.

Romantic man and woman
South_agency / Getty Images
Some of the best romances are based in friendship. Which of the following best describes your fam level with your crush?
Some people might consider us BFFs.
We're chill and hang out with the same crew.
We know a lot of the same people but aren't really friends.
We're basically strangers.
If your crush were to up and ghost you, how would you react?
I'd seriously be so shook.
I would be pretty bummed.
Tbh, I wouldn't be all that surprised.
I'd be like bye Felicia.
Be honest, bruh. Does your crush know your last name?
Omg, of course.
I'm pretty sure I've heard them say it.
Is that actually important?
Lol no way.


This is big important. Does your crush ever flirt with you?
This is big important. Does your crush ever flirt with you?
Yes, and I totally get my flirt on right back.
Um, I think so. It's cute but also awkward AF.
OOF, it's basically impossible to tell for sure.
STAWP, that's seriously the only thing I want in life.
Imagine a troll said something rude AF about you on social media. How do you think your crush would react?
They would for sure come to my defense and tell the troll to STFU.
They might send me a DM to tell me not to worry about it.
Tbh, I don't they'd do anything.
My crush would probably be the troll.
When you and your crush disagree about something, how do they generally react?
They listen to my ideas to try to see the issue from my point of view.
They laugh it off and suggest we talk about something else.
They get way tilted and storm off.
They give me the silent treatment.


On a scale from one to four, how thirsty are you for your crush?
Two, but not in a desperate way (I think).
Three, but it would be more if I could figure them out.
One, I'm kind of whatever about them.
Four, they're seriously all I think about.
We high key have to ask this one. Is your crush already in a relationship?
Nope, they're single AF.
They've never said anything, but their friends say they're single.
Idk, it seems complicated.
Yes, and they post the cutest pics.
We know this is a big middle school mood, but does your crush ever tease you?
Often, and it's so freaking adorable.
Yes, but it can seem a little forced.
Sometimes, but it's sort of mean.
Only in my head.


Winning over their squad is vital. How do your crush's friends act when you're around?
They tease them a little but nothing too savage.
It's pretty chill, but I can't really tell if they like me.
It's kinda weird like I'm invading their space.
I've never hung out with my crush's friends.
If you and your crush are out in a group, how do they usually act?
They're by me the whole night.
We make some eye contact from across the room.
They might say hi, but we don't really interact much.
It's like I'm not even there (probably because I'm not).
Let's not throw too much shade, but how do you compare to your crush's ex?
I'm way nicer, way smarter and way cuter.
Idk, I guess we're sort of similar.
They seem to remember them really fondly.
Ugh, don't remind me that their ex is perfect.


When you and your crush make eye contact, what's the vibe?
Everything around us melts away.
It's chill, I think.
It's so fleeting idk if it really counts.
Weird flex but ok.
Young couple having romantic dinner at home. Eating pizza and drinking wine. Well dressed.
svetikd/Getty Images
Go check the receipts. How frequently do you and your crush talk?
We're basically never not texting.
We chat it up on the reg but not like every day or whatever.
One time they said hi to me.
OOF, we've never actually exchanged words.
If you and your crush are at the same party, how do they say goodbye before they dip?
Actually, we usually leave together.
They make sure to find me before peacing out.
They give a wave from across the room.
They straight up dipset, no goodbye.


Woman texting on phone
Tim Robberts / Getty Images
When you and your crush are chatting, which of the following are they most likely to say to you?
"What are you up to tonight?"
"Did you see the new episode of Game of Thrones?"
My crush doesn't really talk to me.
Okay, you budding comedian you. Have you ever made your crush laugh?
Duh, like, pretty much every time we talk.
They seem to think I'm pretty funny.
Idk if they were laughing or coughing.
Omg, I wish.
Opposites attract, but it's important to share similarities too. How much would you say you and your crush have in common?
We're basically twins.
From what I know about them, we're pretty compatible.
We like some of the same things but also have some major differences.
Idk if there have ever been two more different people.


You know you totally slay, but does your crush ever compliment you?
Pretty much every day.
I can't tell if it's a compliment or if they're just being nice.
No, but I wish they would.
They asked me what time it was once, does that count?
Couple on the Southbank of the Thames with the Houses of Parliament in the background
Nick Dolding / Getty Images
Let's get to the good stuff. Has your crush ever initiated physical contact with you?
We hug, like, all the time.
They usually touch my arm while we're talking.
Does a fist bump count?
Only in my dreams.
Your crush invites you to hang out. How do they ask if you're free?
They invite me in person.
They ask via text.
They throw out the invite to everyone in a group chat.
My crush doesn't invite me to hang out.


Imagine your crush goes away for the weekend like going to amusement park. Which of the following is most likely to be true?
Imported from activebeat
Imagine your crush goes away for the weekend like going to amusement park. Which of the following is most likely to be true?
They text me a lot to update me on their trip.
They send me a funny snap now and then.
They let me know they arrived safely, and that's all.
Radio silence.
The truth is in the gram. Has your crush ever double tapped one of your Instagram posts?
They're pretty much always one of my first likes.
From time to time.
Just once, but it might have been on accident.
Ugh, I just wish my crush would follow me back.
Tfw you have a super deep conversation with your crush. Have you two talked about love?
Yes, and we're totally looking for the same thing.
Yes, but it was in a really roundabout way.
Kind of, but we cut it short because it was weird AF.


When you picture your future, can you imagine your crush in it?
Most def, and I get the vibe they feel the same way.
I think so, but we'll have to see where life takes us.
It's fuzzy since they don't seem like they want a future with me.
I wish, but if I'm being honest, it's unlikely AF.
Now, let's break down your actual interactions. Has your crush ever invited you to hang out?
Yes, and it was perf.
Yes, but it was in a group.
No, but we've ended up in the same place before.
Ugh, if only I were so #blessed.
Social media can tell us a lot. Has your crush ever slid into your DMs?
They're always sending me funny memes and stuff.
That's actually how we started talking!
Nah, we're not really like that.
Does me sliding into their DMs count?!


Spill the tea, please. Have you ever caught your crush staring at you?
Yes, like, loads of times.
Once or twice. At least, I'm pretty sure they were staring at me.
No, not that I'd mind if they did.
I'm way too scared to stare at my crush to see if they're staring at me.
Give us some background information. How do you know your crush?
Tbh, we don't actually know each other.
This quiz aside, do you low key get the vibe from your crush that they're into you?
I think there's definitely something there.
Ah, I think so, but who really knows?!
Eh, maybe, but I'm leaning toward no.
Lol, yeah right.
