The Deer Hunting Quiz

By: Olivia Cantor
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
The Deer Hunting Quiz
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Hunting deer is not for the faint of heart nor the inexperienced hunter. There is a lot of  preparation needed to execute a good hunt. Do you think you've got what it takes? Do you know what kinds of equipment or tools are the most effective? And most important of all, do you really know what animal you're actually hunting? Yes, that can get quite confusing, especially for beginners!

A good hunter knows how to estimate the animal that he or she will be hunting for. So part of that estimation is knowing just how the behavior of the animal changes from time to time. Get to know your target, first and foremost. Do you know how they behave when alone? Do you know how they move when stimulated? Can you sense if they can sense you? What do you think they will do if they sensed you? Can they actually throw you off their paths so that they can get away from you? Harsh and tough questions of life, for sure, but if you really want to be serious about pursuing hunting, especially deer hunting, then it's best to get ready and deal with such questions beforehand -- and prepare for the answers before going to the field.

So, do you think you already have what it takes to be a good deer hunter? Let's see about that with this quick quiz, shall we? Fire away!

If you're hunting, it's a good idea to have a blind. What is a blind?
Place to eat
A hideout
Safety stash
Main camp
What's the difference between deer, moose, and elk?
Their environmental range
The feet of their offspring
The size
Aside from spotting deer or their tracks, what is another good way to hunt them?
Smelling their scent
Tasting the water in a watering hole
Feeling the soil in a possible path
Hearing their calls


If you're using a smartphone out in the wild, what's the necessary app to help you in hunting?
Simple game
What is a deer's favorite time of day?
Early afternoon
When the sun rises and sets
What is the basic purpose of having a "deer call?"
To make deer curious
To get them in heat
To make them angry
For friendlier terms between the hunter and the hunted


What new portable technology lets hunters gain a larger view of their hunting area?
Infrared guns
Recording microphones
Mini-satellite dish
Wireless cameras
When it's off-season, what's a good idea if you have a set hunting area?
Improve your health
Get a better gun
Map it
Practice your deer call
Deer bedding areas can come in many kinds. What resources are usually near it?
Food and water
Thick bush
Open Fields
Breeding grounds


If you're not using a rifle, what's the other main weapon that deer hunters usually use?
Drugged meat
Bear traps
What is the unexpected deer sense that hunters should watch out for when it comes to deer?
Touching or vibration
What insect should a hunter have a repellent for?


What do deer hunters use as decoys?
Padded human clothes
Stuffed dogs
Deer mannequins
What is the environmental reason why deer can only be hunted in certain seasons?
The hunters are picky
Wildlife unspoken rule of thumb
Forest fire management
Population control
When you're hunting male deer or bucks, these chemicals are what you need. What are they?
Deer urine
Female deer pheromones
Deer waste
Male alpha pheromones


It's a hunter's term, but what do deer "shed” every year?
If your hunting ground has a good set of food sources, how do you know which one will be the best for deer?
Lots of acorns
Near open fields
Near forests
Close to resting spots
If you're making your property deer-friendly, what are the first things you should provide?
Covered areas
Food drops
Salt licks
Irrigated pools


What's the worst season to hunt deer?
Why is it important to bring trail mix food whenever you hunt?
It can be a long wait.
Not noisy
Fits in your pocket
It's healthier than beef jerky
Why is it important to wait a bit before a deer is shot?
To give respect to the deer
To prevent it from biting back
To watch out for other predators
You might be surprised by a sudden run


When you're in a windy area, what's the best way to prevent deer from smelling you?
Stay downwind
Don't move
Stay upwind
Lie down fast
Why do deer love salt licks?
It's their "hyper” drug
It tastes different, and they are curious
It makes them hungry again
Minerals their bodies need
What is the natural character of deer in general, which makes them hard to hunt?
They live high up in the mountains
They hate daylight
They are very picky eaters
They're fidgety


What shape makes deer tracks look so lovely?
Why do hunters sometimes come home with a lot of deadwood during the off-season?
Good to have firewood for the year
Prevents dear from tripping and being injured
Cleans up the hunting area
Makes for good hunting hiding holes
Aside from being quiet, why are bows and arrows useful for deer hunters?
It gives that "Hunger Games” feeling
No lead poisoning from bullets
Arrows can be reused
It's lighter to carry around


What do you do if you accidentally snap a twig while walking?
Don't move
Shoot where you think the deer is
When setting up your tent, what ensures that it won't scare away deer?
Be very quiet
Set up away from the hunting area
Make sure it doesn't smell like a tent with gadgets
Don't use mosquito spray around it
How do hunters avoid getting shot by others?
They identify themselves before they shoot
They wear loud colors
They use an identifying whistle
They have radio transmitters


Why do some hunters love stocking up on deer urine?
Good for marking territory
It helps with hide preservation
It makes bucks randy
It can mark off a base camp
How do bucks or male deer tell other bucks that they have their own territory?
They spray urine on trails
They leave hoof marks
They leave droppings
Rub their horns on trees
Why is it a bad idea to leave carcasses near watering holes?
It might spoil the watering hole
It looks ugly
Other predators might come in
It prevents hunters from concentrating


It's not mentioned much, but can dogs be used in hunting deer?
Depends on the season
It depends on the type of dog
Only if they're neutered
They have to be licensed
Why is it a good idea to hike around your hunting area even when it's not hunting season?
It's great for exercise
You can hide emergency stashes
You'll get to know the deer in the area
You can get away from urban stress