About This Quiz
Not every palace is the same. But something that is really similar is that all of the jobs required to keep a palace running in tip-top shape. No job is too small, and if one went away, the whole place might crumble. Okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic. But you get the idea. Did you know there's a job called "groom in waiting?" Sounds like a lot of pressure. But don't worry, that's not the kind of job you can apply for. You have to be born into that one. There are also totally normal jobs like social media manager and receptionist. Who knew, right?
With all of these options, it might be hard to know which palace job would be right for you. Do you belong upstairs or downstairs, outside or in, a servant or in the service? Knowing a little bit more about you will greatly increase your chances of getting the right job. Think of this quiz like your introductory interview before sitting down with the board. You want to impress them, but you don't want to lie. There's nothing worse than acting like you're qualified for a kitchen job when you burn toast on the regular. Take this quiz now to find out which palace job would be right for you!