About This Quiz
For us, there is nothing more interesting than your sparkling personality. When it's combined with the zodiac, we cannot pull ourselves away from the screen! After you tell us all about the things that make you who you are, we are sure we'll be able to figure out your exact astrological sign.Â
As we stargaze our way through this quiz, you are the brightest one in the sky. Once you let us know how bright you shine and how individual you are, we will cross reference your answers against our vast astrological database. Then, we'll locate the position in the sky that correlates with your birthdate.Â
Don't worry. We promise not to ask questions that are too obvious or too embarrassing. Sure, some of them might make you giggle, but that's all part of the fun. We are certain that examining your personality traits will reveal your zodiac sign, but you have to answer honestly to get an accurate reading.Â
While we cannot predict your future with this quiz, we can help you to get in touch with the astrological traits that dominate your life. Your sign plays more of an influence than you might think. Can we figure out what it is?Â