What % Irish Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What % Irish Are You?
Image: levers2007/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

What percent Irish are you? Are you 100% Irish, 25% Irish, 50% Irish or 75% Irish? The only way to really find out is by taking this quiz, which will determine just how Irish you really are. We'll ask you everything about Irish foods, drinks, sports, manners and more! If you think you've got some Irish blood in you, then this quiz should be a piece of Irish apple cake! Ready? Take this quiz now for some traditional Irish fun! 

Irish people are generally perceived as very kind, outgoing and well-mannered individuals who like to drink. Of course, this isn't the case for all Irish people, as many Irish people prefer tea over liquor any day! 

Irish folks are also known for how well they can tell stories, as they love to express their imagination with lots of vivid descriptions and movements. But hey, you can still be Irish even if you're not a great storyteller. As long as you have an appreciation for classic Irish foods and drinks, you'll always be a little bit Irish to us! 

But enough talk about Irish culture - it's time to see how Irish you are with this quiz! Ready? Let's find out what percent Irish you are right now!

Do you play any instruments?
Yes, and I'm quite the singer!
Yes, but I can't sing that well.
Yes, but not very well!
No, I don't.
What kinds of stories do you like to tell?
Fantasy stories
Exaggerated stories about my friends
Stories about my past
I don't like telling stories.
Do you normally win arguments?
For the most part, yes
I'm always right, even when others don't think so.
Sometimes I do.
No, not often


How do you show affection to others?
By greeting them with a pint of beer!
With a kiss on the cheek
By hugging them
With a pat on the back
How often do you party?
All day, every day!
On the weekends
Once in a while
Almost never
Can you count the number of freckles you have on your face?
I have too many to count!
Between 20 and 40
Between 10 and 20
I don't have any freckles.


What is the color of your hair?
Do you have an Irish accent?
Yes I do!
I have a slight Irish accent.
No, but I can do a convincing Irish accent.
No, not at all
Does every meal you eat require a side of potatoes?
Maybe not for every meal, but I do like potatoes!
I don't mind an occasional side of potatoes.
No, I don't like potatoes.


On an average day, how do you generally feel?
Happy to be alive!
Content with life
Angry with the world
Kind of depressed
Does everyone in your family have an Irish first name?
Yes, and we're proud of it!
Only one to three of us do.
Only I have an Irish name.
Nope, nobody has an Irish name in my family.
How often do you use swear words when you speak?
All the time!
Only when I get really mad


Do you think you can dance well?
Of course!
Only when I've been drinking
Only if my friends are with me!
No, not at all
How often do you write poetry?
A few times a week
When I write cards for my loved ones
Only when I'm feeling sad
Almost never
Are you more reserved or outgoing in nature?
I'm a little too outgoing.
I'm shy, but I'm more outgoing when I drink.
I'm a bit of both, depending on who I'm around.
I'm much more shy and reserved.


You can hear someone gossip about your best friend. What do you do?
Start an argument with them
Politely talk to them about their behavior
Ignore them
Show them kindness by buying them a beer
What do you drink when you feel stressed out?
Lots and lots of alcohol
Do you have a big or small family?
I have a really big family!
It's about average.
It's small, but not too small.
I have a pretty small family.


How would you describe your manners?
Very polite!
Somewhat polite, but it depends on who I'm speaking to.
My manners depend on my mood.
I think I have great manners, but I don't show them too much.
Are you really good with directions?
Yes, I can always find my way without a map!
Only if I have a map with me
Only if I have some friends around to help me
No, not at all
What is your main wardrobe color?


What is your favorite holiday of the year?
Saint Patrick's Day!
My birthday
How many times do you say "bye" when you're leaving someone's home?
Too many to count!
About four or five
About two or three
I just say one "bye."
How would you say "potato chips"?
I would say the brand name.
Just "chips"
Potato chips!


What do you use to keep your house warm during chilly evenings?
The stove
The fireplace
I just wrap myself in a blanket.
The heater in my home
Do you celebrate Saint Stephen's Day?
Of course, every year!
Only if my friends are celebrating it
Some years I do, but other years, I don't.
What's that?
What is your favorite sport to watch?


Indulge in a classic Irish dish!
Irish stew
It's not a real Irish dinner without which of these breads?
Soda bread
Potato bread
Regular white bread