What Do You Know About the Treaty of Versailles?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Do You Know About the Treaty of Versailles?
Image: Wiki Commons by William Orpen

About This Quiz

The Treaty of Versailles signaled the end of the World War I. If you already know that pivotal fact, go on to prove that you know all the intriguing details behind one of the most controversial peace treaties in the history of the world. Our history challenge answers the what, where and why of the Versailles Treaty all in one cool quiz.

There are pertinent facts you'll need to prepare you for your info journey. Know that some political historians have cited the 1919 Versailles Treaty as an example of poor international diplomacy. We explain the all shocking reasons why inside this quiz. Architects of the final treaty document deliberately put full pressure on Germany to pay for all that went awry because of World War I, the bloodiest war ever. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson devised the peace treaty in his Fourteen Points plan, which he fashioned as an instrument for world peace. Many provisions from Wilson's plan were drafted into the Versailles Treaty, but there was one major difference between the two world peace schemes. Wilson never intended to go so hard on Germany, which was one of four Central Powers that the Allied Powers-the United States, Britain, France and Russia-defeated. As the major player of the Central Powers, Germany was made to pay for everything.

Witness the devastating deal Germany was served as a result of the Versailles Treaty. Scroll on, history awaits you!

WW1 biplane
igs942/E+/Getty Images
The Treaty of Versailles marked the end of which major conflict?
World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
World War I
Palace of Versailles
Pixabay by skeeze
Where was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
Palace of Versailles
Empire State Building
The University of Chicago
Radio City Music Hall
World map
Wiki Commons by Ishvara7 at English Wikipedia
Can you name the country that was forced to agree to pay war reparations at the end of World War I?


Flag of the United Nations
Wiki Commons by United Nations
What failed group was the predecessor to the United Nations?
World Health Organization
League of Nations
World Trade Organization
Evening News
Wiki Commons by Evening News
Choose the date that the treaty was signed.
May 20, 1917
June 28, 1919
July 13, 1912
October 5, 1912
German soldiers march in Paris
Wiki Commons by Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-L05487
Although Germany conceded to treaty terms and agreed not to invade France again, when did Germany renege on the invasion stipulation after the 1919 treaty?
Feb. 8, 1912
July 10, 1952
June 22, 1940
Oct. 30, 1969


Hitler during a meeting
Wiki Commons by Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-B24543
It is widely believed that harsh sanctions imposed on Germany as specified in the Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of which controversial German leader?
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Martin Luther
Angela Merkel
Adolf Hitler addressing the Reichstag
Wiki Commons by Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-14439
Who said: "Support me, and I will right the wrongs of the Versailles Treaty"?
Adolf Hitler
Shinzo Abe
Zhu Yihai
Benito Mussolini
US political leaders at arms conference
Wiki Commons by Underwood & Underwood/Corbis
What Senate committee did Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge head?
Forestry and Natural Resources
Energy and Water Development
Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection
Foreign Relations Committee


Wilsons Fourteen Points - European Baby Show
Wiki Commons by Burt Randolph Thomas, The Detroit News in Review of Reviews, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 570
Name the peace policy in which U.S. President Woodrow Wilson crafted key concepts of the Versailles Treaty.
Fourteen Points
Twelve Concepts
One World Plan
Versailles Eleven
Demonstration against the treaty in front of the Reichstag
Wiki Commons by Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz
On which date did the terms of the Versailles Treaty go into effect?
March 10, 1921
June 2, 1925
June 10, 1920
Aug. 16, 1945
Georges Clemenceau
Wiki Commons by Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-2004-1110-502
What head of state represented France at the Paris Peace Conference in early 1919?
Georges Clemenceau
Napoleon Bonaparte
Philippe Petain
Charles Martel


British Air Section at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference
Wiki Commons by photographer not identified. British Government
At the 1919 Versailles Conference, which nation, besides France, sought to impose harsh penalties on Germany?
United States
Flag of Yugoslavia
Wiki Commons by Fibonacci
The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes eventually became ________.
Dominican Republic
Central Powers Poster 3
Wiki Commons by Propaganda posters with unknown authors
Of all four Central Powers nations, how much blame for World War I did the Versailles Treaty assign Germany?


Symbol of the League of Nations
Wiki Commons by Martin Grandjean
Identify at least one provision of the Versailles Treaty.
Hitler arrest
League of Nations
Japan surrender
India surrender
Balkan Wars
Wiki Commons by bulgarianhistory.org
Which of the following was one of the major triggers of World War I?
China agression
England imperialism
Pearl Harbor
Balkan disputes
President Woodrow Wilson asking Congress to declare war on Germany
Wiki Commons by The Library of Congress
When did the United States ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
June 6, 1918
The United States never approved the treaty.
June 28, 1920
Nov. 2, 1916


Henry Cabot Lodge
Wiki Commons by National Photo Company Collection
Who led the "Reservationists'" crusade regarding U.S. approval of the Versailles Treaty?
Sen. Doug Jones
Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge
Sen. Robert A. Taft
Sen. Robert Kennedy
President Wilson Delivering Historic War Message
Wiki Commons by The Library of Congress
We'll be impressed if you know the date when President Woodrow Wilson presented the Treaty of Versailles to the U.S. Senate.
Feb. 1, 1987
April 4, 1918
June 10, 1919
Jan. 29, 1817
Rhineland Map
Wiki Commons by QuartierLatin1968
Which of these is a territory that Germany was forced to forfeit in the Versailles treaty?


Americana Wilson Woodrow War Cabinet
Wiki Commons by Underwood & Underwood, N. Y.
Which world leader conceived the League of Nations concept?
Georges Clemenceau
Woodrow Wilson
Charles Darwin
Winston Churchill
Treaty of Versailles
Wiki Commons by Auckland War Memorial Museum
Do you know when the final version of the treaty was completed?
June 1914
January 1910
November 1925
May 1919
Flag of Weimar Republic
Wiki Commons by User:Mmxx
What was postwar Germany's official title?
Federal Republic of Germany
Czech Republic
Weimar Republic
Roman Empire


German WW1 Soldiers
Wiki Commons by Unknown German war photographer
From 1814 to the end of World War I, how many times had Germany invaded France?
The Gap in the Bridge
Wiki Commons by Leonard Raven-Hill
Do you know the nation that was not a member of the League of Nations?
South Africa
United States
Henry Cabot Lodge and group outside White House
Wiki Commons by Harris & Ewing, photographer
Identify the group of United States lawmakers who rejected the Treaty of Versailles outright.
Bulls Eyes


Former eastern territories of Germany
Wiki Commons by Ernio48
How much land was Germany required to forfeit as specified by the Versailles Treaty?
56,547 square miles
13,548 square miles
4,587 square miles
27,027 square miles
Central Powers Poster 2
Wiki Commons by Propaganda posters with unknown authors
What was the name of the World War I syndicate that the Allies defeated?
Axis Powers
Western Front
Eastern Front
Central Powers
Frelinghuysen Estate marker
Wiki Commons by Zeete
Tell us the name of the piece of U.S. legislation that ended the conflict between the United States and the Central Powers.
Mann-Elkins Resolution
Payne-Aldrich Resolution
Knox-Porter Resolution
Sherman-Frye Act


Samoa Flag
Wiki Commons by Vzb83
Which of these is a former colony of Germany?
Kuril Islands
International Labour Organization flag
Wiki Commons by © ILO photo
Choose the international group that the Treaty of Versailles set up.
World Bank
International Labour Organization
Food and Culture Organization
Amnesty International
President Wilson, with top hat and speech in hand
Wiki Commons by Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, PPOC, Library of Congress
How long was Woodrow Wilson's presentation to the U.S. Senate regarding ratification of the Versailles Treaty?
2 minutes
2 hours
17 minutes
40 minutes


German WW1 Soldiers
Wiki Commons by Simon Q from United Kingdom
Which is the amount of money Germany was required to pay in war reparations?
$16 million
$8 million
$30 billion
$22 billion
Monument of the May Fourth Movement
Wiki Commons by Another Believer
Territorial provisions of the Treaty of Versailles led to a number of major international events, including ________.
Greco-Persian Wars
Pax Romana
May Fourth Movement
Korean Partition