What Do You Really Want in a Man?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Do You Really Want in a Man?
Image: Manuel Breva Colmeiro / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

You know how people refer to a proverbial "they" when talking in general statements? Like, who are they? Anyway, "they" say that you should find a partner who loves your family, treats you well, would make a good dad, etc. but is that the be-all and end-all? Who is to actually say what type of man is right for every type of person seeking a man? Maybe you don't want kids, so it doesn't matter to you if the man you are with wants kids or not? Maybe what it really comes down to is finding a man who has the same values as you and wants the same things out of life, whatever they may be.

Finding someone to spend time with, especially romantic time, is never easy. But putting so many requirements on it makes it even harder. Shouldn't it just be about a feeling you get when you're with that person and not how they look in photos or how desirable they are to other people? No shame whatsoever if that's how you choose a man, but it doesn't have to only be those things. So how will you know what you really want in a man? Take this quiz and we'll tell you!

How do you feel about a man who has no respect for authority?
Not for me
It won't last.
It's kind of a turn on.
Maybe there's a reason.
Do you want a man who says all the right things or who does all the right things?
Actions speak louder than words.
I'm a sucker for a good talker.
I want him to follow through with what he says.
I prefer the words.
If you're out with a man and he is rude to a waiter, is that a deal breaker for you?
I'd want to talk about it.
Not at all
I would try to understand the behavior.


Should the man you're with think of your needs before his own?
He should consider them equal.
Only if it comes naturally
That would be ideal.
How many times would you put up with your man lying to you before you kick him to the curb?
Depends what he lies about
Doesn't matter
Anything under five
Is it important to you that your man share in the same religion?
I'm not religious.
That's crucial.
Not that important
Doesn't have to be the same


When you bring up marriage and kids, how should your man react?
He should take part in the conversation.
I want to know his real thoughts on the subject.
I want him to bring it up first.
Your man might be around for the long haul, so how meaningful is it that he gets along with your family?
I couldn't stand it if he didn't.
I want my parents to like him.
They don't need to be best friends.
Even if he has to fake it, it's important.
If you're in an argument, do you want your man to fight for what he believes in or cave to your feelings?
Depends on what started the fight
Cave to my feelings
We just have to get it all out.
I need to know what he's feeling.


Would you ever date a guy who you went to high school with?
Definitely not
Never say never
I would actively avoid it.
If they grew up a little bit
Do you think you could stay with a man if he has cheated in a relationship before, even if not on you?
I would tread carefully.
I don't think I could.
Every relationship is different.
I'd try to know as much about the situation as I could.
How early into a relationship would you want to verbally express your love for each other?
As soon as we feel it
About six months in
There's no time frame for love.
I tend to say it pretty early on.


What's the number one thing you want a man to bring to the relationship?
Intense love
Would you want to know if your man was about to propose to you?
I'd want to have some input on the ring.
I love surprises.
No, but I'd want my family to know.
To show affection, would you rather your man perform acts of kindness or thrill you random hugs?
Acts of kindness
I prefer compliments.


If you felt like your man was hiding something from you, how hard would you want to pry before he opens up?
I shouldn't have to pry at all.
I'd try increasingly harder each day.
He's allowed to have secrets.
I would approach it gently.
Do you need your man to trust you blindly and vice versa?
At a certain point, it should be that way.
Not blindly, no.
Trust isn't linear.
There should be an assumption of trust.
Is it better when your man plans dates or just goes along with whatever you want to do?
It's nice not to have to make all the decisions all the time.
I'd want to be wooed.
It's usually up to me.
A healthy mix of both


How important is it that a man is able to apologize?
Apologies come in all forms.
It's extremely important.
I can tell when he's sorry.
If he couldn't, it would never work.
Imagine your man wanted to play video games for hours on end. Would you be OK with that?
Everyone needs alone time.
Why wouldn't I be?
I'd be annoyed.
Maybe not OK with hours
When it comes time to get married, how involved would you want your man in the planning?
We're a team.
As involved as he wants to be
Not too involved
It's our day, but I know what looks best.


Can a relationship built on physical attraction last?
I'm sure it can.
I hope so.
Probably not
What would you do if you felt like your man just didn't understand your feelings?
Walk him through it
I really don't know what I'd do.
If it becomes a habit, I'd drop him.
On a few occasions, it might be OK.
It's a little thing, but do you like when men walk on the street side of the sidewalk to protect you?
It's cute.
I expect it.
I can protect myself.
If he volunteers, but I don't want to have to ask.


What if you like someone, but don't feel that "spark" everyone talks about?
That's made up.
I think I'd question my feelings.
It would never work.
You make your own spark.
Imagine you're coming up on your first anniversary. Is it expected that the man plans something to do?
Usually, yes.
All I care about is being together.
Yes, and I expect jewelry.
I'm the planner.
In terms of physicality, what is usually your "type"?
Tall and tailored
Kind face, normal stature
I don't really have a type.
I'm all over the place, I guess.


Would it bother you if a man you're dating still talked to his exes?
I couldn't live with that.
It is possible to be friends with exes.
I wouldn't care until it turned into more than keeping in touch.
I understand a past relationship is hard to let go of.
What trait do you look for in someone to determine if they'd be a good father?
How nice they are
If they are already good with kids
If they're fun
Should a man carry the relationship financially?
It should be equal.
Depends on who makes more money
In a perfect world
That's so old fashioned.
